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  1. A

    New battery already

    I do want to say that I don't really blame 50Cycles for any of this. they could have fixed some other issues I had in the past a bit quicker, but they've been pretty good. My motor completely stopped work a couple of weeks ago and they've now put a bran-new one on (extended warranty) which is...
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    New battery already

    Well that goes to show how often it wasn't working as I didn't get anywhere near that many miles. I'm currently showing 1500 or so, but the milometer thingy broke a while ago so that's only the mileage on the new one. I'd guess I've done about 3000 miles on it, which is still quite a distance!
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    Convince me to stay electric

    You're right it is cheap, but it's hard to convince those around me when they see large chunks of money coming out of the bank for what they consider to be a stupid thing. I think people can understand a fiver a day for public transport, after all everyone else does it, but £300 for a new...
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    Convince me to stay electric

    You're right, there are lots of positive things to be said for electric bikes, when they're working. But I have had quite a few months in the past year (I wish I'd kept track of how many) where my bike wasn't working, and now on top of that I need to shell out £300 for a new battery and two...
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    Convince me to stay electric

    I don't peddle so hard on the way to work to avoid getting sweaty, and I peddle as much as I can on the way home, I am pretty much always pedalling though. However in both directions I have it on full accelleration at all times (delimited). I have no way of telling how close to flat the...
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    Convince me to stay electric

    Yes, well that's a bigger argument. But from my point of view I'd love to live nearer work and therefore easily be able to cycle/walk to work. It would be good for the environment, I would save time etc, etc. Unfortunately it's impossible, I work in Central London and am currently living as...
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    Help - advice sought!

    I personally don't think the front motor on the Torq is all that heavy, or indeed changes the way I ride at all (except for jumping up kerbs). I cycle through Central London on very bumpy roads and I don't feel having the motor in the front wheel makes all that much difference. I have lifted...
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    Convince me to stay electric

    Thanks Frank, I think you're right, I'm going to have to buy the new battery (not looking forward to telling the wife tonight!). I also have to buy two chargers, one for home and one for work, so it'll be £300! I'll try your idea of bargaining with them (not good at that kind of thing though)...
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    Convince me to stay electric

    I'd like to, but I don't have anyone I can borrow one from. Does anyone know if there is a big difference between light expensive bikes and cheaper ones? I know I see guys in lycra flying past me on skinny bikes, but I don't know how much is due if to their muscles or the bike.
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    Convince me to stay electric

    Well I have to say 10 miles seems pretty easy on my Torq (when it's working). So is 10 miles quite a workout on a regular bike? That's my problem you see, I don't know uless I buy a regular bike just what the difference is. And pedalling only on the Torq is not the same as it weighs so much and...
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    Convince me to stay electric

    Okay, I have to make a decision now, do I scrap my eZee Torq and buy a regular bike, or do I spend £250 on a new battery (NiMH this time) and charger, and wait a couple of weeks for it to arrive. Obviously that would mean I've already wasted a fair chunk of money on the bike, but I don't want to...
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    New battery already

    I (rather stupidly I guess) bought the Lithium battery *because* it cost £100 more, assuming it was better. I suppose it is in some respects, but I think battery life is quite an important factor in these cases especially when a new battery is £250. I was thinking of trying a NiMH battery...
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    New battery already

    I like the idea of a section for battery experiences, as that really is an expensive part of the bike's upkeep. It sounds like I made a mistake buying the Lithium battery, and perhaps a section like that would have helped me to make an informed decision.
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    New battery already

    It appears after 18 months of commuting (and quite a few of those the bike wasn't working so make it 14 or 15 months) I already need a new battery. I have an eZee Torq with a Lithium battery, and a new one costs £250. I am seriously tempted to scrap the bike and buy an old-fashioned pedal one...
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    Local bike shop

    I haven't found it too difficult to get a shop to work on the 'normal' bicycle bits, but it would be nice to find a shop that could work on the electrical bits. My biggest problem has been finding a shop that can do work in a timely manner, they're all either booked up for weeks, or their...
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    Cleaning rubber off the floor

    I keep my bike in the living room and every now and then I accidentally turn on the motor when I'm getting ready to go to work or attempting to fix something. This has left a number of black marks on the floor, which appear to be rubber from the tyres. The floor is made out of a (I assume fake)...
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    eZee Torq: Motor cutting out

    Thanks, I was wondering why I hadn't heard anything! I'm off on holiday next week anyway (South of France, but not cycling unfortunately, hopefully I'll get round to that one day), so hopefully they'll be able to do something once I get back. I forget just how awful the underground is in...
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    eZee Torq: Motor cutting out

    An update for those of you kind enough to offer me suggestions. I re-limited my bike 10 minutes ago and took it out for a test ride. After about 5 minutes the motor got very loud (sounded almost like a train), there was a clunk (it felt like it came from the motor) and it stopped. The lights...
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    Hello! ..and what to select

    Well I have an Ezee Torq, and it's great when it's working, however it has had a few problems. These could be just due to my being unlucky, and also not to being as creative as flecc and the others. The front brakes have been a real pain, they continually rub against the wheel as the wheel...
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    battery developments

    This sounds like the batteries are interchangeable, can someone have a Troq for example and buy either a NiMh or a Li-ion without changing the bike in any way?