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    Battery end of life: What happens?

    Sorry if this has been asked before (and I suspect it must have been), but my serching turned up nothing, probably becuase i couldn;t think of what terms to search for. So pelase feel free to point me to any earlier posts there may be. My question is: What happens when the battery is getting...
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    eZee Torq: Motor cutting out

    Well cycling hard up hills seems to help (however my legs are killing me this morning). It may also explain why the motor cuts out less on the way home than on the way in to work, as I cycle harder on the way home. More worrying is that now when it cuts out I sometimes have to wait up to 10...
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    eZee Torq: Motor cutting out

    Sorry I just reread this and understand it on the third reading (duh, it is too early in the morning for me). Yes, I think that may well be the problem, perhaps I am drawing 30amps+ from the battery so it's cutting out, that does sound very plausible. Any ideas on what I should do if that's the...
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    eZee Torq: Motor cutting out

    Well when I first got the bike the fuse blew on my first steep hill, but that was because I hadn't read the bit about changing the 20amp fuse to a 30amp one (which was supplied), I did that and everything has been fine until now. Once the fuse blew however I couldn't use the motor at all whereas...
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    eZee Torq: Motor cutting out

    Thanks flecc. It is a Li-ion battery and it does seem to happen under load, strangely more on the way to work than on the way home. It turns off and there is a second or two pause before the lights come back on, always cycling from red to whatever level the battery is at. I've never had time to...
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    eZee Torq: Motor cutting out

    Interesting, thanks. I've spoken to 50Cycles and at first they thought it needed a new battery, I'm still waiting for them to get back to me after giving them further information. I will look at my terminals to see if they look strange at all, and copy your post to them.
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    eZee Torq: Motor cutting out

    I'm hoping someone out there can help me. My eZee Torq has developed an annoying problem, the motor will suddenly cut out, the lights will all turn off as if the key had been turned off, and then will come back on again. This can happen up to 20 times on my 10 mile journey to work, but usually...
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    My Torq has died

    Thanks guys, I suspect Flecc is correct there's some water somewhere. I have charged the battery with no problem (lucky it didn't cause any problems). I have the li-ion type of battery. I t seems to me there's no problems with the battery as it charged as normal, so it must be something else...
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    My Torq has died

    I was cycling home Monday night when my bike died, or at least the electric bits of it. All lights went off and I had to peddle all the way home, and it's not the best bike for straightforward peddling, I can tell you. I did try reseating the battery, and turning it on and off a few times...
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    Help...which bike?

    I have a Torq and currently commute 10 miles each way and I suspect there's not all that much left in the battery at the end, but that's with 100% on, limited pedalling (on the way in) and full speed ;), with a couple of small hills. I am planning to commute 20 miles each way in the future, and...
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    Locks and security

    Leave or take battery So if you're locking your bike at a station, outside work, or even outside a shopping centre do you take your battery with you or leave it attached to the bike? I'll be moving home soon, much further away from work, so I'll probably cycle to the station and leave my...
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    Oh dear, that doesn;t sound good, glad to hear you're still alive! I assume the bike is still under warranty so don't forget to contact the manufacturer before you get it fixed.
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    Tyre Sealant

    Twice I've had two punctures on the way to work, and both times I had a can of tyre sealant with me. The first time I sprayed it in and it got me to work, but was totally flat again in an hour or so. The second time I sprayed it in and then it sprayed out again, all over me, as the leak was in...
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    Please step forward, Is your bike legal ?

    Sorry to be a pain, but can you state what the laws are? I don't know anythign about weight limitations for example, or additional non-legal attachments.
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    Off topic - not electric but interesting all the same

    Interesting Looks interesting, I doubt I'd buy one as it's probably too noisy and too fast for the UK, but I'd like to try one :)
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    Throwing Things

    It's been one of those weeks. On the way home today someone threw something at me. It hit me in the chest quite hard, but luckily didn't cause me to fall off in front of a car. I stopped looked behind and saw a group of about six teens hanging around a bus stop. I thought about cycling on and...
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    Have you had a cycling accident?

    Not strictly an electric bike question but I'd still like to know. Yesterday I was zooming down the inside of a traffic jam when a young lady crossed from behind a van in front of me. I slammed on my brakes (which are not working as well as they should) and ran into her. She fell back into...
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    Where do you live, commute, distance?

    Sorry, just saw your message! I'm in the GMV (which I guess is East of the park), and I commute to around Farringdon station every day.
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    Help with spoke problem

    Just want to say thanks to those guys who offered ideas, any help is always appreciated. This is by far the most constructive and friendly forum I've ever seen, and the number of knowledgeable people here is great. :D
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    Help with spoke problem

    I have to say the Winter is a factor too, I don't know about everyone else but all I want to do is sleep in the Winter! I wonder if humans ever hibernated in their distant past, as I'm sure I still have the genes. Still I could have a go in my living room, let's see what happens with 50cycles.