Search results

  1. A

    Bike Insurance

    I just talked to the AA who provide my home insurance and it cost me £26 to include my bike up to April. They said electric bikes are no different from standard bikes as long as they are worth less than £1500. It's covered as long as it's indoors or locked to a permanent fitting when it's...
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    Sensible Improvements

    What kind of sensible (by 'sensible' I mean possible right now, i.e. not rocket powered bikes) improvements would you like to see on your electric bike: I have an eZee Torq and I'd like to see the following: 1. Switch on the handlebars to enable/disable speed limiter 2. Easily...
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    News: More details on Schwinn 2007 electric bike range

    I'm happy for you to post information, I wouldn't find it otherwise. The only thing I would say is when adding external links to provide enough information so that a search in the forum in the future will find the link (which you did). I have to say the bikes look good (except for the dutch...
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    Maximum commute range & extra battery?

    The Vectrix looks like an interesting idea, however one thing I would say is to be wary of the first version of any new technology, it's not until it's been out for a few years that all the bugs are ironed out. Also, as you said, it's not exactly cheap! Good luck with your decision making...
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    Cycling Etiquette

    Thanks, I'll give it a try and report back here if it helps.
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    Cycling Etiquette

    Oh I don't know I have those days where the next stage seems quite welcoming!
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    Cycling Etiquette

    Well I'd like to say thanks, as you have been very helpful in the past week! I hope more people buy these bikes so the support network can grow. I can fully understand your dislike of travel in London, I lived outside of the UK for the past 15 years, and couldn't believe just how busy it is on...
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    How many miles have you done overall?

    I'm not sure as my CatsEye thingy stops working. I've been unlucky, I've had the following problems so far: 1. Spoke broke on front wheel on two separate occasions 2. Rear wheel has had two punctures 3. Twist grip spring is broken 4. Speedometer works for a while and then stops 5. Motor...
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    Cycling Etiquette

    Thank once again for the info, and for the offer. If you're happy doing this kind of work, and would like to make some money on the side then I'd be happy to send my bike to you one day for the implementation of some of the ideas you're had on your website. But I'd hate to be a pain, so I'll...
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    Cycling Etiquette

    Thanks for the info. I unplug and replug every day as I have to to recharge my battery at work. Perhaps a good cleaning could help as it's pretty dirty after the last big downpour. I think you should start up a repair shop! You do seem to be good as this kind of thing.
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    Where do you live, commute, distance?

    Nice, 25 minutes for 9 miles. I'm assuming there's not too may traffic lights and traffic jams (unlike my commute unfortunately) and that you pedal on top of the motor?
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    Cyclist age

    Sorry, I'll stop posting soon I promise! I'm wondering how old electric bike owners are. My wife thinks they're all old/fat people who are too lazy to cycle a 'real' bike. So here's a poll (if I can work out how to create one).
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    Speed and other cyclists

    How do you feel your speed compares to other cyclists? Now I am de-limited I am faster than the majority of cyclists, but still get overtaken by the odd racing bike (I was amazed yesterday to be overtaken by a folding bike that was zooming along, I don't know how they can get those small...
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    Where do you live, commute, distance?

    Here's a few questions that are of interest to me, and hopefully to others. I've given my answers, how about you? Q. Where do you live? A. I live in Greenwich, London Q. Do you commute on your bike, if yes, where to? A. Five days a week to Islington Q. How far do you commute, each...
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    Electric Bike law and the Torq

    Yes, I'd be very interested in anyone's experiences on this and any parts they used. I'm not particulary handy myself, and although I'll get around to doing it one day I'll procrastinate out of fear of screwing it up.
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    Cycling Etiquette

    I don't out-accelerate the other cyclists until a few seconds after I've twisted my wrist, which leads me to wonder if I'm experiencing an unneccessary pause before the motor kicks in, sometimes the motor doesn't kick in at all until I apply the brakes and twist again. I think I'll have to take...
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    Cycling Etiquette

    Not an electric bike post, but I just wondered what everyone else thought. When I come to a traffic light I stop and queue up behind any other waiting cyclists, but there are many who will go straight to the front of any waiting queue regardless of whether they are slow or fast cyclists. I...
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    Electric Bike law and the Torq

    What I'd like to do is fit an easy to access switch, so I can de- and re-limit my bike with ease. That could be useful for two reasons. Firstly if stopped I could re-limit and hopefully this wouldn't be noticed, but more importantly in the Summer I am happy to go at the standard speed and pedal...
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    How many electric bikes do you see out on the roads?

    I've seen two others, one is often locked up outside my local supermarket, and I was once overtaken by someone who looked as if they had attached a motor to the back wheel. I have to say they don't seem particularly popular. People at work are always asking why I don't just get a nice...
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    Do you leave it locked outside at all?

    I want to go swimming in the morning before work, but this would involve leaving my bike locked outside the baths which is a bit scary (especially as it's in Central London). Does anyone do this kind of thing? How nervous are people of leaving their bike somewhere, i.e. outside the...