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    Help with spoke problem

    Thanks for the information. I know you've suggested it to me before. I did call a motor bike shop, an auto electrics place, and a general home electrics place, but as soon as I mentioned it's an electric bike they said 'Nah mate, we won't touch that', and left me generally feeling embarassed...
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    Help with spoke problem

    Wow, that sounds scary I hope you weren't injured at all? Unfortunately I just don't have the space or equipment (or perhaps the intelligence/confidence) to remove the front wheel and get it back on again, I really wish it was easier to do this. I've called bike shops and they don't want to...
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    Help with spoke problem

    Hi Jim, Nice to hear from you, and thanks for the reply. I'll email you tonight, but I just want to say thanks for the positive sounding message as it has been driving me crazy!
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    Help with spoke problem

    I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas to help me out of my annoying situation. My eZee Torq is great except for one issue, I continually break spokes on the front wheel. I have spent over £120 so far fixing the broken spokes when they come up, and it's not fun. I suspect the biggest...
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    Accessory and Apparel Recommendations

    Sorry not an answer to your question, but another question, hopefully someone else can help you out. Interesting, I'm cycling through central London every day and haven't noticed the exhaust fumes at all, but maybe I am just used to them. On what part of your journey do you get this...
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    Cycle to Work Scheme

    Yes I bought my Torq using this scheme, it was very easy I just filled in a form at work, bought the bike, showed them the recipt and now they take £100 from my salary every month until it's been paid back (minus the tax - which is the saving). They told me they don't want it at the end so even...
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    Cyclist age

    I'm a 38 year old octogenarian (at least my legs feel that way most days)
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    Wearing earphones while cycling

    I have to say I wouldn't be without my MP3 player on my commute to work, it really alleviates the boredom. I use those headphones that hook around the ears and then hang in front on your ears. They don't fall off, but are still small and practical. I don't think it makes too much difference...
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    Replacing spokes on eZee models

    Excellent, I am in need of new spokes right now
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    Bike Insurance

    It was an add-on (section 3) to my home contents insurance, and included anything outside of the house, so it covered more than just the bike. I am renting so I don;t have building insurance just minimal contents insurance.
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    Maximum commute range & extra battery?

    Good luck, even though I've complained about my bike on these forums (and I currently have yet another broken spoke), I love my Torq, it's so much nicer than the bus and tube for getting to work, even (so far) in the cold weather. I do have to ay that global warming seems to have helped as there...
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    What counts towards a charge cycle

    It's been stated somewhere on the forum that it;s perfectly fine to leave the battery plugged in to the charger as once it's charged it pretty much turns off (except to power the red and green lights), so it's not wasting electricity to leave it on all night.
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    What counts towards a charge cycle

    Well, I have spent the past few months not turning off the charger ever, and the green light is always on but my battery seems to be charged, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go a few hundred miles on one charge :) So while it may not look like it's charging, I think it must be. From now on I'll try...
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    What counts towards a charge cycle

    With all this talk about charging here's a question I've had for a while. When I plug in my eZee Torq li-ion charger to the battery the light on the charger stays green and the fan doesn't come on, it's not until I turn the charger off, pause a bit, then back on that the light goes orange and...
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    How often do you clean your bike ?

    I've had mine a few months and have cleaned it once so far. I suspect it's going to be a summer thing for me as I don;t want to go out in the cold and clean my bike.
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    eZee Torq owners: What range are you getting from your battery?

    You're probably right, but I'm not going to experiment to find out, hopefully the motor will kepp on running. However I may buy a standard backup bike in the future for those trips that don;t need a motor.
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    Sensible Improvements

    As posted elsewhere, my twist grip no longer springs back, this does have the benefit of meaning I do not have to hold it in place thus saving my hands, and being able to ride nohanded. The onlt down-side is when emergency braking I have to remember to twist it off as well as put on the brakes...
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    eZee Torq owners: What range are you getting from your battery?

    Does anyone else find it pretty hard to cycle once the battery is flat? Is it just because I'm so unfit, or the becuase the bike is so heavy, or the gears are not a good ratio. I find going up even a small hill on the easiest gear pretty hard once the battery has died. Of course this is not...
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    Batteries and cold weather (brrrr)

    Hmmmm, my battery went dead half-way to work this morning, and I'm 99% sure I charged it all last night. I was pedalling a little less than usual, and I do stick it on full-power right from the start, but it's the first time I haven't made it to work. Hopefully this is a one-off experience, and...
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    Cyclist age

    You're right! I'm stupid, you'd think I could count by now. I'm not sure if I can edit my poll, I'll see if I can find a way. Sorry.