Local bike shop


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 7, 2007
Has anyone else has problems getting a local bike shop to work on their electric bike? I went into two today, the first suggested that I go to a nearby shop that specialised in electric bikes - so I did. Unfortunately the mechanic in the second shop said he only worked on bikes he had sold.

I want to get a handlebar, chain ring, and pedals changed. Surely something they could make a little bit of money on in parts and labour.

It looks like I may have to take the wheels off my Torq to fit it in my Clio to drive 300 miles to Loughborough - crazy.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
I should shop around a bit Lum, the parts in question are totally standard bike parts, anyone who can change them on any other bike can do so on a Torq. There are no great skills required to change those parts, the pedals being particularly easy, the right tools are needed but nothing expensive. Could you not do the job yourself? If you can take the wheels off then the chances are that you are capable of doing it all.:)
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Oct 25, 2006
This is a common problem Lum.

If you phone around over a wider area, I think you could find a dealer who'll do it for you. It's usually a younger one who'll be more open minded about it.

Some bigger outfits can also be willing to. For example, in my Croydon south home area, chatting with cycle trade people has revealed two outlets who are receptive, one a large mass market bike outlet with a very good cycle mechanic, the other a younger man who has a cycle business at Caterham. The latter is also willing to have a go at some of the electrics as well.

The rest are anti as usual.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 7, 2007
You are right I should do it myself. It was just a bit surprising to get turned back in a shop with me ready to part with my cash, never happened to me before. Especially as the second shop was a regular AtoB magazine advertiser. He is a nice bloke though.

Actually I was in his shop looking to buy a folder as well and he still wasn't interested - took me by complete surprise :)


Oct 26, 2006
I haven't found it too difficult to get a shop to work on the 'normal' bicycle bits, but it would be nice to find a shop that could work on the electrical bits. My biggest problem has been finding a shop that can do work in a timely manner, they're all either booked up for weeks, or their mechanic has quit and they're looking for a new one.

Maybe we could create a list of bike shops people have had good service from, that would be something I'd regularly use to see if I could find one near me?


Jul 22, 2007
recommended bike shop in Leeds

Bikology on Hyde Park corner, in Leeds
Have sorted out both my electric and 'normal' bicycles. Ususally I can drop it off in the morning and pick it up on my way home. Very good prices, and unlike their competition (recycle engineering) you don't worry that you are dealing with stolen goods!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex
and in Essex

......Maybe we could create a list of bike shops people have had good service from, that would be something I'd regularly use to see if I could find one near me?
Superb idea,

i can thoroughly recommend the Colchester Cycle Store, having had excellent service & help on normal cycles for over 20 years, and help on my spangly chink electric in the past year.

Colchester Cycle Stores

nice people, good prices and honest advice.
