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    Alien kit conversion

    Are you sure your forks aren't 100mm wide? My carbon fibre forks on my Trek FX 7.5 are 100mm wide - I've fitted a Tongxin motor to my. If your forks aren't 100mm wide but 83mm instead, google for a Cute 85 motor or look at Q85 36V 250W Front Driving V-Brake E-Bike Kit - BMSBATTERY
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    Time to remove VAT from Bikes

    No - the majority of bikes are, and will continue to be, used for recreational purposes - even if commuting increased 10 fold. Tax evasions, including VAT avoidance, is one of the great banes currently facing our society. If we all want to benefit from a stable society (yes, I'm an outright...
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    Cycling Law Program on Radio

    :rolleyes: I think you'll find they already are. Section 60 of the highway code:- Section 59 deals with wearing a cycle helmet:- However "should" statements in the highway code are advisory and you cannot be prosecuted for not following them. "MUST" statements are mandatory.
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    New build.

    Didn't go to work on it today as it was raining this morning so I've just been out on it to see what it's like to ride with the lower amp limit - verdict - success! Still accelerates well but it's now much harder to induce clutch slip (owners of Tongxins on throttle will know what I mean) and...
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    First outing on a new oygen stylee-mate citye-mate very disappointed

    A few full stops, sentances, and paragraphs wouldn't go amiss either!
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    New build.

    Quick update on programming the controller. Just tried the open source XPD software - found that 17a phase current and 7a current limit give me the desired 12a max reading on the Watt Meter - just as NRG suggested it might - cheers :-) and showed a max watt pull of 545watts. Same top speed...
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    New build.

    Hi - it's a Lyen mini monster controller - I've set the phase current to 30 amps (the lowest it can go) and set the current limit to 12amps. I tried setting it also to 10amps but it still didn't change when on the road. Meh, I'll probably just leave it as it is and let it draw 16amps and use...
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    New build.

    Quick update. I now have 150 miles on the bike - 7 commutes and a few "play" outings. I have adapted the brake switch to my rear brake lever and expoxied it in place (will post photos later) - not connected up to the controller yet - I'll do a few miles on the road to ensure the epoxy is...
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    M5 Crash

    Wow that was quick - so a report has come out already blaming excessive speed for the crash? :rolleyes: Sod that! I'd personally like to see the motorway de-restricted after say 10pm and before 5am with variable speed limits between those times depending on traffic flow and weather/road...
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    M5 Crash

    Wow that was quick - so a report has come out already blaming excessive speed for the crash? :rolleyes:
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    Should we all have Bicycle Bells

    Parent and child - not mother and child. And they aren't there to give them less distance to walk, they are there to ensure you can get your kids in and out of the car without damaging cars either side with the car doors.
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    Ice warning?

    You don't need it on a bike. When your snot freezes, be careful!
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    Bent handlebar

    Replace it - don't repair it. Remember what happens to a paper clip when you bend it back and forths a few times? I would ride with a handlebar like that - it's been stressed and may even have micro fractures - it could fail at any point.
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    Panasonic 18 Ah battery?

    Oh, I'm certainlt not saying £100 of lipo is comparble to £525 worth of ready packaged battery - but does a hard case, single charge method, construction and import duty really add £425 of value?
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    Panasonic 18 Ah battery?

    Not really - it's only 25.2 v so 454 watts (25.2x18). I have a Lipo pack of 444 watts (44.4*10) that cost £100 and weighs 2.8kg.
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    Which mudguards for Wisper 905SE?
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    Torque arm

    I've got this on mine:- I also got some of these at the same time:-
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    Which mudguards for Wisper 905SE?

    Try As for the width - I dunno - how wide are your tyres?
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    Which mudguards for Wisper 905SE?

    These SKS mudguards don't rattle.