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    Nano batteries with Tongxin

    I wouldn't leave it on the packs permenantly - even a small 10mah amp draw can draina 5000mah pack in 20 days.
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    Nano batteries with Tongxin

    Water is zero use for a lipo fire - you want 10kg of sand :-)
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    Nano batteries with Tongxin

    That's a good point - I'd never build something that uses lipos for someone else. In fact, I wouldn't build a bike for someone else full stop - tell them to do the research themselves and build it themselves or tell them to buy an off the shelf bike. Having built things like PC's for...
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    Nano batteries with Tongxin

    Sounds good. I did 9 miles on my pack and the cells went to 3.83v. Another 9 miles later and they only dropped to 3.73v. Look at some of the lipo discharge graphs - voltage drops fairly consistently for the first half of the capacity then it really levels out for the last half, so you barely...
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    Check out fibre lights as well to increase visibility.
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    Nano batteries with Tongxin

    Bear in mind though that the celllog draws 0.5A/h on it's own though, so it's not really suitable for monitoring on the bike permanently. Ok for the first few runs to get an idea of your range but you wouldn't want to keep it connected due to it's constant amp draw.
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    How does my controller know when to cut the assistance?

    NRG explained back emf better than I could even think of doing! My "then the controller will cease to provide current for the motor to spin" statementwas a bit of a band aid for explaining something I couldn't put into words.
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    How does my controller know when to cut the assistance?

    I wont try to explain back EMF (which you get even on sensorless motors - i.e. through the phase wires) but basically as a motor spins, it generates voltage. The faster it spins the more voltage it generates. When this generated voltage equals the input voltage (i.e. the voltage from the...
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    New build.

    My controller just expects a closed signal - a 5v signal grounded. If that signal is broken - i.e. the 5v no longer goes to ground then the controller stops putting out juice and wont start again until the cicuit closes again and it recves a new throttle input - i.e. the throttle is moved of...
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    New build.

    Correct - thumb trottle only for now - with the spring removed so it stays where it's set. I'll put the spring back in when I've wired up the cruise control and brake cut out. I've only got a 30amp 12v fuse inline atm so I can't have pulled more than about 8-10amps so far and that's with...
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    New build.

    Yeah, I always peddle to about 6mph before using the thottle and even then very gently - I move it a bit until the motor stops accelerating, then move it a bit more and wait again and so on until top speed, pedalling all the while. The idea for this bike is to peddle all the time (I'm sat...
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    New build.

    Did a "commute" simulation run tonight - going the same route to work but turning back half way - that's 9.19 miles in total. Did it full throttle, gentle pedaling and half of it was into a 20mph headwind! Also made sure I went up the only hill I have on my commute as well. Battery pack just...
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    Another battery question

    Firstly - I wouldn't buy lipo batteries from dealextreme and it's more expensive than a 6s5000mah pack from hobbyking ($44ish for Zippy or Turnigy brands - both much better rep than anything from deal extreme) but for 3300mah packs you'd need 6 packs to get 9.9Ah @ 44.4v (2s3p). Secondly -...
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    New build.

    Finished most it tonight. First thing to address was the fact that when the bag is tightly secured against the frame it distorted as it isn't that rigid, so what I've done is cut down some of this:- which is some carbon fiber sheet left over from my Westfield build. I've cut two...
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    New build.

    Batteries all charged and I'm happy to report all packs balance well @ 25.2v each :beer: Even with a paraboard though it's still a bit chaotic charging them! next job was to get the front wheel onto the bike - fitted tyre+innertube first, then speedo sensor magnet then bolted to the...
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    Nano batteries with Tongxin

    @dadplus2 - when you're putting on the new connectors only do one wire at a time - you don't want two bare wires from the battery pack to touch! have you got a good soldering iron? Have you done any soldering before?
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    New build.

    OK - so BMS battry cancelled my order - not enough parts to build my battery! grrr, why did it take amonth for them to tell me this. So ordered the following from Hobby King:- Turnigy A-6-10 200W Balance charger Turnigy T-20Pro Quality 16A Power Supply EC3 Battery Harness 14AWG for 2...
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    Nano batteries with Tongxin

    Assuming 20 watts per mile at 20mph it should be around 18 miles range throttle only, allowing for a max 80% discharge. I calculate your pack to give you 7miles range - that's just throttle though - obviously you'll get more than that if you peddle as well.
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    Nano batteries with Tongxin

    I Ordered:- Turnigy A-6-10 200W Balance charger Turnigy T-20Pro Quality 16A Power Supply EC3 Battery Harness 14AWG for 2 Packs in Series 2x EC3 Battery Harness 14AWG for 2 Packs in Parallel EC3 plugs (10pairs/set) Hobby King Battery Monitor 6S 4x ZIPPY Flightmax 5000mAh 6S1P 15C 4 Parallel...
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    Nano batteries with Tongxin

    My four 5000mah 6s lipos, charger, psu, paraboard and cables have landed in the UK :D Just have to wait for them to clear customs :(