Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
I know of another case where cloud seeding is used. It is used in Austria and Bavaria to try to prevent large hail. The idea being you can make the rain / small hail fall before it gets to the middle of the storm where the hail grows as it is lifted then falls only to be lifted again and so on getting bigger every time. They have been doing it for years with very mixed results, so mixed that there is still little agreement in whether it is effective or not. Going by the number of shattered windscreens and written off vehicles I have seen I'm convinced it doesn't work.
my phone says it is raining out side but no rain then it says no rain and pissing it down im selling my air con unit as its getting colder les sun from solar this year as well, fkn retards still wont even let me clean them :rolleyes:

we should just blow up the moon just to see what happens ;)
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Trump said this on the economy: 'you just have to wing it'.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Trump said this on the economy: 'you just have to wing it'.
I can now see why you say the things you do after watching crap like that. I stopped after he analysed Trump's first two sentences. He's just playing with words. Trump said that inflation was double what was expected. He didn't say expected by whom. He was perfectly correct in that statement because some people expected it to be half what it was. This guy probably knew it was going to be bad, so he expected much higher. When it was only a bit less than he expected, he says it wasn't double, therefore Trump's a liar, and you swallow all that. Shame on you.

The point is that Trump worked wonders for the US auto industry jobs in his last term. He stopped factories moving offshore and gave incentives to move others back from abroad. The industry is now in total disarray since the Biden administration caused them to invest heavily in EVs, which are selling at massive losses and in ever declining numbers. All the Detroit auto workers and ex auto workers know that. No amount of twisting Trump's words will make them vote for Harris. She's going there tomorrow for a "Breakfast Club" meeting with her TV friends. She hasn't got the guts to meet the auto workers themselves. Even if she did, it would just be embarrassing for her when they continuously boo and heckle.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I didn't put words in his mouth. He said these things himself. I wonder sometimes if he watches his own speeches.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Brilliant series of discussions by Cindy Yu on the nature of China.

If you want to understand China historically, politically and culturally - give this a listen.

Easy on the ear, and even easier on the eye.



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
That guy's argument is nobody knows the level of CO2, or what was the level in the past. He clearly knows his audience. They don't want to be informed. It's much easier for his reasoning that his audience won't fack check him.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
That guy's argument is nobody knows the level of CO2, or what was the level in the past. He clearly knows his audience. They don't want to be informed. It's much easier for his reasoning that his audience won't fack check him.
That assertion about past levels of co2 is completely wrong, but it's no surprise that hill billy idiots deny the facts.

The fossil record of minute sea creatures called forams shows the changes exactly over millions of years and the changing levels correlate perfectly with known climate type, also available from the fossil record. It's literally carved in stone - or written at least.

Seawater acidity levels vary exactly with atmospheric co2 levels. More co2, more acidity and if you drill out fossil foram cores from the rock, you can measure the isotropic concentration of boron in the samples.

As a calibrating check, you can also drill out ice cores from ancient deposits such as those on Greenland, and or Antarctica and the bubbles in the ice contain the actual ancient atmosphere whose components can be measured.

These atmospheric content studies can easily be compared with the other fossil records to see what kinds of plants were growing, and what animals there were, so we know what the temperature levels were. If you find crocodile remains in Greenland and the Arctic Ocean floor, which you do, you know it was warmer in the past.

Trump's army of ignorant bigots, will, like him, say anything that comes into their heads (not a lot) to deny FACTS. They don't believe in anything that doesn't fit with their view of the world, and will cherry pick, outright lie and do anything to assert that their flat earther views are the correct ones.


Past high co2 levels (far above the present) were caused by huge upheavals of volcanic activity which affected large areas of the planet. The fossil record of these outpourings from under the earth are also there in the geology with massive, ancient lave flows like the Deccan Traps there under our feet.


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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
I can now see why you say the things you do after watching crap like that. I stopped after he analysed Trump's first two sentences.
This is the problem. If it doesn't fit your view - you stop listening or reading.

How does that fit with your patient persistence in sorting out mechanical and electrical problems. You don't operate like that in those spheres.

The podcast patiently went through a variety of Trumps ridiculous lies. That is what they were. Trump makes ludicrous claims continually, but you don't seem to notice, and when someone points them out, you openly declare that you stopped listening.

Watch it again. Trump makes it up as he goes along. Or maybe just don't and stay with the flat earth people if you like that better.

The causes of WORLD WIDE inflation are not Boris Johnson or Rishy Sunac, or Senile Joe Biden. They are OBVIOUS and they are world wide. Pandemic. War with Ukraine a major exporter of food and fertiliser.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Has anyone seen the comet?

Not my picture obviously... This is Arizona I think.

It is called Tsuchinshan–ATLAS, I think the Chinese may have spotted it first.

We went out last night to have a go and eventually found it, low down and in the west about an hour after sunset. There were bits of cloud which caused us to hang about in the pitch dark for longer than we would have needed to, but we were glad we saw it. It hasn't been here in the inner solar system for 80,000 years, which is around the time our species has existed, and it won't be back for another 80,000 years, so if you miss it - it's all up for you.

To be honest - these things can be a bit underwhelming. The recent aurora were exactly like that for me. I got up twice in the middle of the night and drove up the hill to get a good view of the northern sky, only to find no aurora on one occasion, and clouds and mist the next. Then - the other night - Thursday, I think, I saw the damned lights in my garden in Newcastle. Not the best view, but pretty good.

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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Not yet. I am in Southend atm. We have too much cloud in the last week.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Straight from the horse's mouth!
Boris Johnson: Tories allowed migration to soar because we couldn’t stack shelves.
The former prime minister defended the surge in migration from 184,000 in 2019 to a record peak of 764,000 in 2022 because businesses and government departments were “freaking out” due to a shortage of workers “to get things done”.

Do you believe him?


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
"Nearly 15 years ago, the government became seriously concerned with the gases being produced from throwing away household rubbish in landfill and their contribution to climate change. In response, it hiked the taxes UK councils paid for burying waste.

Facing massive bills, councils turned to energy-from-waste plants - a type of incinerator that produces electricity from burning rubbish. The number of incinerators surged - in the past five years the number in England alone has risen from 38 to 52. About 3.1% of the UK’s energy comes from waste incinerators."



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
The former prime minister defended the surge in migration from 184,000 in 2019 to a record peak of 764,000 in 2022 because businesses and government departments were “freaking out” due to a shortage of workers “to get things done”.

Do you believe him?
I do believe that businesses could not recruit enough workers. A huge number of people stopped working after the pandemic. The reason I think is that we made it far too easy to claim benefits.

It is an absolute fact that there was and is a labour shortage in this country.

What I condemn Boris and Sunac for, is that they did not do what they promised - cutting low skilled migration and deporting illegal arrivals. The vast rise in foreign born population is the principle reason we have such horrific housing costs. Eventually, even the Uber Eats riders will be in a house near you. This puts up the prices for everyone who is renting and everyone who is buying and it is perhaps the worst life challenge for ALL of our young people, be they white, black brown or shades in between. We MUSt get to grips with this and stop trying to solve the recruiting problem by allowing in almost the population of Birmingham in one year. This only makes things much worse in the end.

Of course, politicians are mostly not renowned for long-term thinking. When we are all living like rats in a barrel, some bright spark will turn around and ask how we got there.

The real population of the UK is around 80 million. That is what the water treatment people say - they know how much solid waste we are producing. It is also what the food retailers think. Relying on the census to calculate the figures is stupid. Illegal migrants don't fill in the census and the people who are putting them up, don't tell the truth.

People can not be opting out of work at the age of fifty, which is happening more and more. If they do, they need to be entirely cut off from benefits.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
"Nearly 15 years ago, the government became seriously concerned with the gases being produced from throwing away household rubbish in landfill and their contribution to climate change. In response, it hiked the taxes UK councils paid for burying waste.

Facing massive bills, councils turned to energy-from-waste plants - a type of incinerator that produces electricity from burning rubbish. The number of incinerators surged - in the past five years the number in England alone has risen from 38 to 52. About 3.1% of the UK’s energy comes from waste incinerators."

The usual stupid boll ox from the BBC climate whiners. I'm surprised not to see that scruffy beggar Rolatt's name on it.

WE MUST use fossil fuel buring when the wind doesn't blow and this week, there have been several days when all of our splendid wind farms (and they are splendid when the wind blows ) were producing only about ten or fifteen percent of our energy needs. When the wind don't blow we MUST generate somehow, so if we have millions of tonnes of irrecoverable plastic waste we should burn it. It is either that or burn more gas and more and more of that has to be expensively bought from abroad. How much do you want to pay for your electricity bill, and how much do you like sitting in the dark without heat or Internet?

The UK has halved its co2 output since 1990, but don't expect the BBC climate whiners to say much about that. Countries like Germany and others are increasing their output in the same period - paradoxically because the influence of green party loons caused them to shut their nuclear stations down and start burning filthy brown coal instead.... You just couldn't make it up. These people need to be drowned en-mass.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

Key figuresThe UK unemployment rate was 4.1%, and 1.44 million people aged 16+ were unemployed. Unemployment levels fell by around 60,000 over the last year, and the unemployment rate fell slightly.


there's not enough jobs to go around to dump everyone on benefits in to what you think off as a job centre has long gone they dont even advertise jobs anymore 2-3 computers and cant ring to local office as turned all that off this year.

there more conditionality centers now and target the week and stupid and sanction them to death, dont bother with me tho cos i will kick there ass and get them sacked.
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