No. I didn't know they had disbanded, and yes, i expect most of the riff raff i saw that day, and have seen kicking off elsewhere via the media, are still going about in the same way. The point is, opportunist jackals on the left like Brendan Cox, Rainer, Basu and the Guardian are very keen to paint anyone to the right of centre as a nazi. They specifically have slandered Farrage and Reform.In case you don't know, the EDL disbanded 10 years ago. Yes, most of them are still alive and probably have the same values, but what happened in Southport was nothing to do with them, and they all live in Luton, anyway.
In the information vaccum created by the suppression of information about who it was that murdered three children and attempted to murder ten others, speculation thrives. In stead of shutting down all information it would have been better to say more. We now have clarity. The attacker was a migrant from Rwanda, but for the Guardian and its foaming ar the mouth fans, farrage and Reform voters are the problem.