Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Oh my GOD!

I just heard an ex-girlfriend of mine on the radio from about 45 years ago!

She was really nice back then, but she has turned into a frenzied eco-loon and has joined Extinction Rebellion. She has been up in court and will be again. I looked her up on line and I am really surprised.

How did she turn into this horrible green party harpie? She used to be clever and beautiful 46 years ago. I am so disappointed.

I shouldn't really be surprised. She dumped me. That was an obvious massive failure of judgement. No wonder she went to the dark side and started protesting about capitalism and getting into trouble.

Phew. I had a narrow escape.
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Oct 25, 2006
How did she turn into this horrible green party harpie? She used to be clever and beautiful 46 years ago. I am so disappointed.
She probably always was the former under the beauty, our younger sex drive can be a powerful distorter of reality.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
She probably always was the former under the beauty, our younger sex drive can be a powerful distorter of reality.
Yes - there is that.

How things change. I'd have walked right past her in the street without recognising her. She became a criminal damage grannie! Who would have seen that coming?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2020
Watch this
GB news says it all.
Even if the case was a single instance GB news would still put out a documentary like that. Their entire reason for being is as an anti-Muslim far right propaganda channel. You simply cannot believe a word they say.
Do do know the GB bit stands for Gaslighting Britons

GB news only runs a couple of themes. Attack Labour, and attack immigration. Mainly due to who owns that channel. It is jointly owned by hedge fund manager Sir Paul Marshall, and investment firm Legatum

One might think they would today wish the young to have the maximum protection, yet the Vatican has the lowest age of consent for sex in the EU, at 12 years old.
Errrmmm, just googled that and it states " The majority of countries set their ages in the range of 14 to 16; only four countries, Cyprus (17), Ireland (17), Turkey (18), and the Vatican City (18), set an age of consent higher than 16. "
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
She dumped me.
How Italians Transgress: A Survey on Rough Sexual Behaviors in a Sample of Italians



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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
GB news says it all.
Even if the case was a single instance GB news would still put out a documentary like that. Their entire reason for being is as an anti-Muslim far right propaganda channel. You simply cannot believe a word they say.
Do do know the GB bit stands for Gaslighting Britons

GB news only runs a couple of themes. Attack Labour, and attack immigration. Mainly due to who owns that channel. It is jointly owned by hedge fund manager Sir Paul Marshall, and investment firm Legatum

Errrmmm, just googled that and it states " The majority of countries set their ages in the range of 14 to 16; only four countries, Cyprus (17), Ireland (17), Turkey (18), and the Vatican City (18), set an age of consent higher than 16. "
Of course no attempt to engage with the argument, or any kind of reality.

An entirely pointless thing to engage with you


Oct 25, 2006
Errrmmm, just googled that and it states " The majority of countries set their ages in the range of 14 to 16; only four countries, Cyprus (17), Ireland (17), Turkey (18), and the Vatican City (18), set an age of consent higher than 16. "
Thanks. I didn't know they'd finally given into the EU pressure that had been upon them for years. Apparently after all the abuse publicity they changed it from 12 to 18 in 2013, from the youngest to the oldest in the EU.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
My day just got worse and worse.

After discovering that my long lost girlfriend from 46 years ago has turned into a horrible eco-loon grandma, my laptop fell out of my bag onto the car park as I was unloading three bags and smashed the screen. A drop of about a meter onto a corner of the case didn't do it any good

Oh - no problem, says I - I have a good screen on the previous one with a non functioning keyboard after it got wet. I knew keeping the corpse of the old one would come in handy.

So after eating some food, I set about cannibalising the good screen out of the old laptop; removing the smashed screen from the newer one; fitting it, and then putting the whole thing back together.

All was going well.

It fired up, the screen looked pretty good, and I tested the keyboard before fastening the cases together. It worked as did the cannibalised screen, but once I put all the screws in, securing the case, pressing number '1' on the keyboard, caused a cascade of random numbers to appear.

I had it apart and together twice more before I realised that the slightly bent aluminium case is causing some error when I screw the damaged part snugly to the base.

I had thought that the ribbon cable for the keyboard had been dislodged on assembly, but it hasn't. I got it to work by leaving out one of the case screws so that there is a tiny gap at the right hand side of the keyboard base and the lower case part. If I put that screw in and pull the case neatly together the random number gremlin re-appears.

It is working now and I am using it, but I will probably have it apart again and investigate what the issue is. Even if I get it sorted, I am going to need a new one, because I can't be bothered to be fiddling about with this one now.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 19, 2023
As they make up their "data", their "cult beliefs" are of no interest, hehe :)
Lumberjack disproves hundreds of years of atmospheric Physics theory. Huge if true !

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 19, 2023
this rise of 1 degree c.
Although 2024 was 1.54 degree C +- 0.07 Deg C, the trend line is currently somewhere close to 1.3 Deg C



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
It's time that social media laws treat them like regular publishers. When they can be sued for content on their platform they'll pay attention to accuracies.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Lumberjack disproves hundreds of years of atmospheric Physics theory. Huge if true !

Some people are very wedded to a particular side of the debate. I am really not. I have come to certain opinions as a result of examining the data and I hold them ONLY until I am convinced that the data is pointing another way.

So I was interested to hear this individual argue his case, but I think he is wrong.

He opens his case with what is an obvious red-herring about the relationship of atmospheric pressure on different planets to their temperature. This has nothing to do with an observed change of one degree c in mean global temperature over a time period of 150 years or so. There is no data suggesting that the mean atmospheric pressure has gone up. I have no clue as to why he made that point. It is not relevant to the debate.

Then he goes into discussing various features of the data looking for evidence that something other than co2 increase has a causal effect on atmospheric warming. In doing so, he just ignores the simple laboratory experiment that any one of us can carry out. All you need do is set up a heat lamp next to a tank of air and measure the temperature of the interior for a measured time. You get the terminal temperature after the passage of time and note it down. Then you can fill that tank with other gasses than plain old air - co2 for instance, or methane gas, and repeat the experiment, taking care that each session begins at the same initial temperature. If you do this, you will soon be convinced that CO2 and methane retain more heat than does the ordinary air. This is a fact and there is no sense in denying it. You can do it. I have done it. It is true. It happens because different gasses contain different elements and they absorb light energy differently. This is how astronomers can look at planets through a telescope and know what gasses they are made up of, because when the planet passes in front of our sun, or in front of a star in another solar system. the spectroscopic absorption lines show up in the telescope data. Different gasses absorb light differently. There is no use arguing that fact. It is absolutely uncontroversially true.

He also rather foolishly gets involved in the idea that because the paleo-climate data and the ice core data show that temperature rise leads growth of carbon dioxide levels, there must be some sort of cover up. This is easily explained. We know from Milankovitch's work that ice ages and periods of warming and cooling happen according to regular patterns dictated by orbital changes of the planet around the sun, and changes of the inclination of the earth's poles which though separate effects, both change the amount of sunlight that falls on the planet. This obviously changes temperature. When the land and sea heat up, particularly the sea, carbon dioxide is released which was stored there by plants and sea animals over long periods of time. They also release methane. Huge amounts of both are dissolved in the sea and in sediments on the sea floor. Because of the property of water that it both heats and cools slowly, the release of co2 and methane gas lags behind the solar induced temperature rise, but once these gasses are released, they add to temperature rise and drive it further. This is called a positive feedback loop. You need to think about the huge mass of water that the oceans contain. If the earth heats up a bit, the sea heats up very much less quickly. When it heats up, it releases dissolved gasses. This is another easy classroom experiment by the way. It isn't some over fancy theory or the product of a dodgy climate model. It is plain ordinary physics.

So - I listened with interest to the podcast Peter, but I don't think he is right about anything of substance.

As you know I have often posted objections to the more radical and apocalyptic scenarios surrounding the climate debate. I don't think it is wise to jump on fire storms in California, or Australia as indicators that we are all going to be burned in our homes in the next few years. We are not. Those places have been arid, fire prone places for hundreds of years and in Australia's case many thousands of years. I think there is a great deal of climate panic going around, but I do think that nearly doubling the co2 content of the atmosphere is the cause of a small degree of temperature rise. We can certainly measure it. it is one degree centigrade rise in mean global temperature. It is presently going higher, but the graph is what is called, 'noisy' - meaning each year's temperature fluctuates. Some are high and some are low. The trend is upward though.

So for me, the question is two sided. How can we reduce our emissions sensibly, and secondly, how can we adapt our agriculture and industry and population growth in a warmer world.

For me POPULATION GROWTH is the big catastrophe. It drives competition for resources, mass migration, and exacerbates environmental damage. THAT is what we really must not ignore. How to deal with it is another question though. I have no clue as to a practical solution because some cultures seem intent on breeding like rabbits. I don't see them stopping in a hurry.


THIS is a spectacular mistake for all of us. Note this is not a distorting graph with a dodgy y axis. It comes from zero so you can see the undistorted rise in population.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
You know very well it doesn't. Science is conducted via peer reviewed research papers not polemics on YouTube.
The key word is "peer" in peer review or trial by peers. Who are the peers of the guy, who made that YouTube video? You seem to be saying that I'm not one of his peers. Is that correct?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 19, 2023
We can certainly measure it. it is one degree centigrade rise in mean global temperature.
No it's not, however many times you say it is, and that is a slightly more silly claim than those that say we have already exceeded 1.5 Deg C - at least they are slightly closer to the true value and we have had a year where it exceeded 1.5 Deg C recently.

Here is a graph of 5 year averages


Incidentally the equilibrium climate sensitivity for a doubling of CO2 is 3 Deg C (range 2.5 Deg C to 4.5 Deg C)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Apparently the LA wildfires were caused by a “direct energy weapon” attack designed to erode humanity and implement “15-minute cities”. The intent of such attacks is to erode national identities and eventually form a one-world government by destroying people’s livelihoods.
Have a look at this, then tell me what you think. He goes through all the presently available technology and science to see what direct energy weapons could do. If science is too difficult for you, you can skip to the last few minutes to get the conclusion.

Did you know that the Russians are boasting that 8 of the burnt homes worth a total of $90 million belong to Ukrainian generals. If it's not the Russians, I can imagine a few people that might want to start a fire just at the right time, just in the right place and just in the right conditions to wipe out that area of the USA, especially when you know that the local authorities have done everything they can to prepare for you, in the way of assuring success.
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Oct 25, 2006
For me POPULATION GROWTH is the big catastrophe.
Absolutely. Indeed I go as far as to say it is our only real problem

How to deal with it is another question though. I have no clue as to a practical solution because some cultures seem intent on breeding like rabbits. I don't see them stopping in a hurry.
Affluence is the secret. It's easily seen that as a people get more affluent and their living standards rise, their birth rate falls dramatically and the breeding like rabbits stops. Indeed the wealthier countries often have falling numbers, even importing to maintain their populations.

Trouble is that making the expanding countries affluent implies sharing the world's wealth more equitably, which the dominant right wing is fanatically opposed to, viz the USA.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Musk reckons he makes a billion dollars a day, 100 million dollars an hour. Is his work worth that much?