Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 19, 2023
There was a memo sent to all police chiefs from the Home Office telling them not to get involved, so at least the Home Office knew. That was the basis of the problem. The only question is why they sent it, and I can guarantee that it wasn't because they were afraid of being labelled racists.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
how would you prosecute those who are not identifiable?

The size of the problem is in the UK, 115,000 cases of child sex abuses are reported every year and not prosecuted. Compare that to those who are old enough to drink alcohol and take drugs and climb into cars with dodgy men.
In Telford, the police announced that they had 200 under investigation for that crime. I calculate from the census that there were around 1000 adult guys that met the profile, so that's one in 5. They shouldn't have far to look.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
In Telford, the police announced that they had 200 under investigation for that crime. I calculate from the census that there were around 1000 adult guys that met the profile, so that's one in 5. They shouldn't have far to look.
Why do you want to give them priority of police and court time? Even if the court put them in temporary detention prior to hearing, how many can be put in jail in Telford? I know of a case in Southend-On-Sea, the victim has to wait 10 years for justice. The guy got sent 500 miles away to serve his sentence. There are about a million similar victims in the uk waiting for justice. You can see why CPS wants low hanging fruits with 90%+ probability of conviction. Anyway, what started this row was who pays for the public enquiry in Oldham isn't it?
People want to vent their anger at public enquiries but how about the victims? While the enquiry goes on, the police stop more or less working on the individual cases until the public hearing is over. Then, both conservative and labour have still not done much for the last one, completed in 2022 at the cost of 200 mils. The only result out of this is the lawyers rake in millions in fees while the victims are kept waiting.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
I heard a discussion about this on the BBC - i think it was early this morning. It seems that the idea of the Home Office giving a steer to police that some young people - technically 'children', were making choices of their own to 'go with' older males, began with Nazir Afzal's remarks in a couple of interviews. There is no memo.

The campaigner Maggie Oliver also has repeated the idea of a Home Office Memo, but she says she had it from Afzal's interview, and she took it as authoritative, because of his position in the CPS. Afzal has done much to improve the prosecution rates. When he had the authority in the North West, he really increased the prosecution rates and re-opened cases which had been shelved for prosecution on the grounds that the young girls would not make good witnesses. He re-opened them and pursued them to conviction.

However - while BBC Verify have shown there was no such official memo from the Home Office -in reality, it makes no difference, if the custom and practice of the Crown Prosecution Service was to discount months of police work by shelving cases (as Maggie Oliver describes happening to one of her cases) because the victims were a bit rough and ready.

Why would anyone be surprised that police at ground zero, showed a reluctance to pursue cases to charge, when they knew the CPS would be unlikely to take the cases to court? One officer said to a victim's father, 'I hope this teaches her a lesson', after his daughter was admitted to hospital because of horrific internal injuries done to her in a gang rape that she suffered as part of long exploitation, by hideous Pakistani offenders.

The fact that the CPS between 2000 to about 2014, was so unwilling to prosecute these gang members, is for all practical purposes, the equivalent of having an official policy of non intervention.

Afzal changed that.

One thing to say about the official inquiries we have had - both the Jay one and the Home Office one that Peter linked to a couple of days ago, is that they persistently avoided noticing the heavy involvement of Pakistani criminal gangs. Jay in particular looked at evidence from police forces without any prosecutions for this particular boyfriend grooming prostitution model of cases now called grooming gangs. I believe itonly looked at two police areas which had this kind of offence prosecuted, inspite of the fact that this mode of pimping out girls to huge numbers of offenders was all over the country. THIS COST £200 MILLION! USELESS!

In the Home Office Inquiry, the word Pakistani only came up once I think and that was in connection with a Pakistani girl victim. I find it VERY HARD not to be convinced that the authorities have not been EXTREMELY reluctant to open the box and really take a hard look inside. It seems to me that they consider that anything is better than upsetting the multi cultural apple cart, no matter how rotten it is.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
In Telford, the police announced that they had 200 under investigation for that crime. I calculate from the census that there were around 1000 adult guys that met the profile, so that's one in 5. They shouldn't have far to look.
Telford had a particularly high number of victims - especially for the size of its population. The enquiry thought that a thousand girls had been victimised over 40 years and that the council had repeatedly ignored what was going on. In the Charlie Peters documentary, one of the Telford victims who had set aside her right to anonymity, seemed very credible and did not fit the profile of 'rough working class girls'. She had got involved with a young man as his girlfriend and once that was established the boyfriend model was shifted to her being drugged and mass abuse. It reminds me of the car loads of Pakistani young men congregating outside a Newcastle girls school that I know of where men of about 20, were shouting and cat calling at girls of about 13 inviting them to go for a ride - this around 2003 and the police refused the school's request to move them on. Later court cases revealed hundreds of victims and total sentences of over 500 years.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2019
They all knew exactly what was going on. One father had two thick ring-binders of meetings he had about his daughter with the police, social services and the council. His story is horrific. Nobody would co-operate.

There was a memo sent to all police chiefs from the Home Office telling them not to get involved, so at least the Home Office knew. That was the basis of the problem. The only question is why they sent it, and I can guarantee that it wasn't because they were afraid of being labelled racists.
Still believing all those crazy conspiracy theories I see. The story about a memo from the Home Office is totally unfounded.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
sales of evs are increasing at the rate of knots.
In your dreams, maybe. Percentage of EVs went up because they wouldn't let anybody have ICE cars in November and December, they they had to buy all the EVs themselves and dtick them in a field because nobody wants them. If you want one, you can get them with 7 miles on the clock (field and back) and one previous owner for 40% off list price.

The European car industry is in dire straights. Dealers are going bust on a daily basis and the factories are laying off thousands of workers - all because they invested heavily in EVs that nobody wants. They've had to put up the prices of ICE cars to try to cover some of the EV losses. That's put people off buying them too.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
In your dreams, maybe. Percentage of EVs went up because they wouldn't let anybody have ICE cars in November and December, they they had to buy all the EVs themselves and dtick them in a field because nobody wants them. If you want one, you can get them with 7 miles on the clock (field and back) and one previous owner for 40% off list price.

The European car industry is in dire straights. Dealers are going bust on a daily basis and the factories are laying off thousands of workers - all because they invested heavily in EVs that nobody wants. They've had to put up the prices of ICE cars to try to cover some of the EV losses. That's put people off buying them too.
Total sales ev+ice are static or growing very slowly for a few years now. If people buy evs then factories that build ice will have to reduce their workforce. Until now ice are cheaper to buy. It's the other way from 2025. Sales of evs will accelerate. Just look at MG5, Zeekr 007, BYD sea lion, Ford, gm, cupra etc they all bring out great bevs this year. Batteries have improved so much in value for money and safety that the old bets are heavily discounted, 25% TO 35% and may be even more. Ice don't improve so fast. The guy on electric viking just placed his order for a tesla model y range about 570kms for about 60,000 Australian dollars or about ,£30,000. How can ice compete with that?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
They have fires virtually every year but they usually are isolated fires, not whipped up by 60mph to 100mph Santa Ana wind. We have in France the mistral in winters, the problem with forest fires is very similar. Firemen and bombardier planes can't work as much as people anxiously want them to. They scoop water from reservoirs and lakes, rarely from the sea presumably because the sea may be choppy. Helicopters can't work in high wind.
Did you watch the video clips of the fires? Did you see how far smokes went out to the ocean?
The criticism seems to to me rash and politically motivated rather than justified by facts.
My sister lives in the area. I am still waiting for news.
That's wrong. It was climate change that caused the fires. It cut all the budgets, sacked all the strong male fireman, removed the waterpipes and caused 3 people to start the fires in three different locations simultaneously just when conditions were perfect to make the fires rip through the towns. All that just after the development plans were released with a vision of how the area could be made super eco-friendly if only there was some way to get rid off the existing structures. I told you climate change is bad and we need to cancel it.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Total sales ev+ice are static or growing very slowly for a few years now. If people buy evs then factories that build ice will have to reduce their workforce. Until now ice are cheaper to buy. It's the other way from 2025. Sales of evs will accelerate. Just look at MG5, Zeekr 007, BYD sea lion, Ford, gm, cupra etc they all bring out great bevs this year. Batteries have improved so much in value for money and safety that the old bets are heavily discounted, 25% TO 35% and may be even more. Ice don't improve so fast. The guy on electric viking just placed his order for a tesla model y range about 570kms for about 60,000 Australian dollars or about ,£30,000. How can ice compete with that?
Sorry, when you said rate of knots, I thought you meant the speed nautical miles per hour. Now I get it, you mean knots that tie you up. Yes, that makes more sense.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

why dont they just drop a nuke in the sea make a big wave and a killing that will put out all the fires and put all the rubbish back in to the sea when it goes back what a plan :p


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
why dont they just drop a nuke in the sea make a big wave and a killing that will put out all the fires and put all the rubbish back in to the sea when it goes back what a plan :p
You will need to create a 300m-600m high tsunami wave to kill the fires. Not easy.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
you need a really big bun then double the yield :cool:

she be doing 600m at 600mph should be enough ;)


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
Donut Lab Thinks Its Hollowed-Out Electric Motor Will Revolutionize the EV Industry
"Electric motors usually comprise a stator and a rotor, with the latter rotating inside the former. Donut Lab thinks this design is outdated, and a hollowed-out rotor can offer important advantages. The startup unveiled at CES that its donut-shaped motors can develop up to 845 horsepower for a total weight of 40 kg (88 lbs.)."

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
Donut Lab Thinks Its Hollowed-Out Electric Motor Will Revolutionize the EV Industry
"Electric motors usually comprise a stator and a rotor, with the latter rotating inside the former. Donut Lab thinks this design is outdated, and a hollowed-out rotor can offer important advantages. The startup unveiled at CES that its donut-shaped motors can develop up to 845 horsepower for a total weight of 40 kg (88 lbs.)."

Call us back when there is a matching lightweight battery :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Back in the 1970s, Geographers and Environmental Scientists used to tell the untutored about the difference between weather and climate. It was a feature of the ignorant to start bellowing on about changes of climate when we had a hot spell, or a dry spell, or a wet spell.

The people who knew, laughed at this foolishness.

Things have changed. Now we have that idiot Justin Rowlat who has the title, 'Climate Change Editor' at the BBC, and he is supported here by Woosh. Every time there is some non vanilla weather, they jump about shouting about climate change, when they really mean, 'weather'. If it is sunny in Britain for three days in a row, they get excited. Likewise when it rains for a few days, or there is a cloud burst, or a cold spell like now.

I should maybe be getting excited myself.

Here in Northumberland, it was minus 8 centigrade over night on Wednesday and I had a right faff de-icing the car. On Friday morning it was minus 9 and it is minus 5 right now.

Global warming is messing with everything - especially some people's minds. It turns them nuts, and they start imagining all kinds of apocalyptic scenarios of Earth turning into Venus and the end of life. The reality is that the global mean temperature has risen one degree centigrade since the mid 19th century. It was 14 degrees C and now it is 15 degrees c - That is the smoothed number. It has always fluctuated year by year. When people say it is 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, they are faking data because a single year's peak is not the AVERAGE. Average involves a number of years, not a single one.

California is a desert region. It has hot dry weather and strong winds which dry vegetation. It has been like that for hundreds of years. They build their homes out of flammable wood and have allowed dry brush to surround them. There have been no efforts to reduce the dry fuel load on the land. Like much of Australia, California has always had problems with fire. Better land management is needed and sensible building codes.

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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
we burn fossil fuels, we increase the temperature of the air at low attitude under the clouds and amount of water in the clouds. That is to be expected. What is more difficult to make the link is between those two things above with increase in kinetic energy of the air mass leading to stronger hurricanes, storms, tides and winds. The inevitable consequences are record breaking weather events.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Aborigines used controlled burning for thousands of years to control brush, prevent build up of fuel, and stop catastrophic fires from happening. Then so called ecological laws forbade it and New South Wales had catastrophic wild fires a few years ago.

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