Of the sex abuse cases, 2% are of Pakistani origin, 83% are of white British origin.
So if you believe that Pakistani origin is a perverted ideology, what then is your opinion of the 83% ?
And why arent you highlighting that fact ?
So given 83% are ethnically white British, but the concentration is on Pakistani origin, completely ignoring the actual facts and statistics, then you are 100% correct and it is based wholly on racism.
Classic lefty bo llox.
By conflating the issues of these horrible egregious offences and all sexiual offences, Andbike hides teh reality that most of the sexual offences are by comparison much less serious than these horrific ones.
British Pakistanis are a minority group. The white British population is by far the majority and anyone with an OUNCE of decency and information KNOWS that the vast vast majority of these particularly horrible full contact, multiple rape and organised prostitution crimes against often kidnapped children, are committed by THEM.
Pakistanis are 2.7 % of the working age population. White British are 78% of the working age population.
In terms of the crime we are talking about - the rape of under aged girls by organised grooming gangs, the Pakistani and other muslim connection is huge.
Government figures hide the reality first of all for a long time, by not collecting ethnicity, and secondly by confusing the actual ethnic origin, categorising offenders as 'Asian'. There are not that many Chinese involved (none) or Sikhs, or Hindus for that matter. The offender are predominantly Pakistani, British Pakistanis, and Afghans ,with a tiny number of North Africans. This is a cultural blight rather than one of colour.
I am not in the least surprised at this cobblers about white men being the largest offender group. I KNEW it would be trotted out - I expected Flecc to be the one, but he only approved Andybike's remarks. Everything in the multi cultural garden is smelling or roses - in spite of the jails being filled with Pakistani men in vastly disproportionate numbers.
Every sexual offence is an outrage - no matter who committed it, but this class of offences in which young women report having been held drugged and drunk in houses and raped by countless men is VASTLY worse than the commonest offence of the white British (grotesque anyway) of downloading lewd images of young girls.
In Rochdale one in 280 of Pakistani males in the town was sentenced for this organised abuse type of offence. In Telford it was one in 126 of the Pakistani males in the town and Rotherham, it was 1 in 73. There are far more offenders who were never and will never be prosecuted because they were unknown to the victims
Their victims are in the several thousands, and Andy Bike seeks to diminish the obvious fact that a particular group is vastly predominating in its commission.
No surprise there then. The left will always try to hide the reality because they have to believe in the wonderful rainbow vision of the new Britain.
And take note of the numbers and the gruesome details and take note who is committing them and who is trying to sweep the horror under the carpet.
A friend of mine who worked at a girls high school in Newcastle tells me that gangs of young Pakistani men in taxis and cars were outside that girl's school every evening, attempting to lure young girls . Four or five cars full of men aged about 18 to 25, cat calling, and bantering with young white school girls every night. "Hello beautiful! Fancy a lift in my car?"
When challenged they claimed they were waiting for a sister or cousin. They were not. They were trying to get them to accept lifts home.
This was around 2004. They were there every evening. The police on being contacted said they could do nothing.
In Newcastle by 2017, it was reported that 112 offenders had been handed jail terms totalling nearly 500 years for abusing more than 270 victims.
Those who try to disguise the reality of this kind of monstrous offence engage in a shameful cover up themselves.