Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
This is a lengthy document and I don't right now have enough time to read it all, but looking at it quickly, I don't get a sense of it showing the large scale of these organised abuse offences. It does point out the need for better data collection on ethnicity, but we know from prosecutions about that.

Using ctrl f to search the word Pakistani, it contains the word only ONCE in 198 pages and that is not at all in connection with abusers...........


Oct 25, 2006
It isn't the North in Particular Flecc. It is EVERYWHERE that has a sizeable Pakistani population from Oxford to Telford to Aylesbury, to Peterborough to Telford, to anywhere..... None of those places are 'in the north' as far as I am concerned.
They're all North of me!

Seriously though you are not being very bright. From the beginning, when it was predominantly Northern offence, we all knew, wherever we are in the country, what was going of because it was impossible to hide such a horrible subject and so many offences. Likewise we all knew its spread to many other locations, who the offenders were and who the victims were.

So ask yourself, since it is so impossible to hide the knowledge, the victims, the gangs or the evidence, despite the authorities best attempts, why haven't we got ANY reported evidence of the groomed victims, or groomed groups and offending gangs in London?

There's certainly been attempts, cases of trying to pick up girls by suspects fitting the profile and the girls seemingly always reporting them. They have all been given plenty of publicity in our London and local newspapers and police assigned to investigate each reported attempt, including in my own borough.

But still after all this time no victims of such actual assault, no groomed groups or gang evidence. That is impossible as we've seen clearly enough elsewhere, if it existed, we'd know since it's impossible to hide it all, especially in such a highly concentrated and integrated population as London's 10 millions.

There is no evidence whatsover because that offending doesn't exist in the widespread way it has done elsewhere.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
you should go on porn hub and type in BBC :oops:


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Only a few of the identifiable ones could be prosecuted.
how would you prosecute those who are not identifiable?

I'm not sure you have grasped the scale of the problem.
The size of the problem is in the UK, 115,000 cases of child sex abuses are reported every year and not prosecuted. Compare that to those who are old enough to drink alcohol and take drugs and climb into cars with dodgy men.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 19, 2023
This is a lengthy document and I don't right now have enough time to read it all, but looking at it quickly, I don't get a sense of it showing the large scale of these organised abuse offences. It does point out the need for better data collection on ethnicity, but we know from prosecutions about that.

Using ctrl f to search the word Pakistani, it contains the word only ONCE in 198 pages and that is not at all in connection with abusers...........
9. Some of the high-profile child sexual exploitation prosecutions have involved groups of South Asian males. There has been heated and often polarised debate about whether there is any link between ethnicity and group-based child sexual exploitation. Poor data collection on the ethnicity of perpetrators or victims fuels that debate and makes it difficult to identify whether there is any such link. It also hampers the ability of police and other services to provide culturally sensitive responses, interventions and support

There was another home office report here : Group-based Child Sexual Exploitation Characteristics of Offending
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Virtually written in code and the constant theme is that ethnicity of offenders is difficult to determine because of poor and inconsistent data collection by police and Home Office and confusion about the definitions of crimes and how they are charged. Not surprising when the public sector as a whole is very cautious about the charge of 'racism', even when cultural values around misogyny, patriarchy , and sexual repression jump off the page in any plain language report of what was happening.

The report - like the Jay one, also constantly mixes data concerning sexual crimes of a different character in with statistics of group based abuse which latter offences are by definition, grossly more serious because of the large numbers of men involved in the offences against individual victims. While all and any sexual abuse of a person, especially a child, is monstrous - the situation where a victim - a girl under 16 is kept drugged, drunk and confused and made to service a succession of misogynistic , and often violent abusers, is infinitely more foul than offences perpetrated by a single abuser. Much of the 'we can't draw any conclusions' hand-wringing of these reports, centres around the conflation of very different types of offence.

In the last paragraph above, I am not minimising the single abuser type of offence - it is of course appalling, but it is of a different and much less gross character than the offences of the type we have been discussing which has been characteristic of these Pakistani Grooming and Sexual Exploitation Gangs. These are one of a kind and the category has been seen in Rochdale, Oldham, Telford, Oxford, Newcastle upon Tyne and in many other places and the vast majority of the offenders were of the same ethnic and cultural background. There were a very small number of individuals - mainly women of white British background within some of these groups who acted as enablers and were brought to book in the trials.

Having read these reports Peter referenced, I am still of the opinion that these offical documents have tip toed around telling the plain truth, through overwhelming terror of disturbing the multi-cultural mantra of enrichment through diversity of cultural background. It is OBVIOUS just from looking at the newspaper photographs of the offenders that these most grotesque cases - far worse than the generality of reprehensible sexual offending typically involve criminal Pakistani males, also often involved in other criminality like drug dealing , violence and dishonesty. They operate in a subculture of vile misogyny, and hold values of contempt for white society and in particular for white girls and women. These men are a world apart from the respectable Muslim family down the street. They are Muslim by cultural heritage but not by belief and practice - they drink alcohol, take drugs, deal in drugs and violence and operate as if they had impunity from the law. They hold British society in absolute contempt.


Newcastle Syrian Grooming Gang leaders Sentenced in 2024.

A gang who groomed and raped a 13-year-old girl, using threats to kill and kidnap, have been handed jail terms.

The four attackers were aged between 15 and 21 when they abused the victim between August 2018 and April 2019, Newcastle Crown Court heard.

The girl said they "tortured" her, making childhood a "living nightmare".


Newcastle Grooming Gang sentenced 2017

Seventeen men and one woman have been found guilty of involvement in a sex grooming network in Newcastle upon Tyne that plied vulnerable women and girls with drink and drugs before assaulting them.

In a series of four trials at Newcastle crown court, juries found the men guilty of a catalogue of nearly 100 offences – including rape, human trafficking, conspiracy to incite prostitution and drug supply – between 2011 and 2014.

61684Rotherham Grooming gang sentenced in 2024 to a combined total of 107 years in jail for historic sex abuse crimes.

Calderdale Grooming gang sentenced in 2024.


Rotherham Grooming Gang sentenced in 2018. One of their victims told the police she had been raped by over a hundred men.

Twenty men have been found guilty of being part of a grooming gang that raped and abused girls as young as 11 in Huddersfield.

The men were convicted of more than 120 offences against 15 girls.

Victims were plied with drink and drugs and then "used and abused at will" in a seven-year "campaign of rape and abuse" between 2004 and 2011.

I could go on, and on, and on with this. WHO these people are is OBVIOUS.

These men are not ALL of the offenders. They are the minority who were able to be identified. This is a characteristic of all of the investigations. Only some of the guilty have been punished.

WHY DOES THE BRITISH STATE AND ITS APPARATCHIKS - professor Jay and the Home Office NOT admit openly who they are? They hide behind inconsistencies in the recording of statistics which have steadfastly avoided 'looking racist' by recording obvious feature which links this particular form of sexual crime.

Why does that utter (****) above who called me a racist for discussing this not admit that like the state, he'd rather we hide away from this horrible business.

When asked by Laura Kuensberg if she thought that not all cultures were equal, Kemi Badenock replied, 'Of course all cultures are not equal. Those which believe in child marriage and misogyny are not equal'. She went on to mention so called honour killings and other vices which afflict certain so called communities.

She was absolutely right!

On the question of 'communities' - I loath the term. I think of myself as belonging to one community - The British Community which comprises people of all kinds of diverse origin, but is united in espousing British Values, decency, respect for the law, neighbourliness, loyalty to the country and its values. Like many in this British Community, my genetic make up is mixed. It isn't what colour you are, or where your grandparents came from that matters, it is who you are now and what you bring to this land by way of service, loyalty and contribution.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Of the sex abuse cases, 2% are of Pakistani origin, 83% are of white British origin.

So if you believe that Pakistani origin is a perverted ideology, what then is your opinion of the 83% ?
And why arent you highlighting that fact ?

So given 83% are ethnically white British, but the concentration is on Pakistani origin, completely ignoring the actual facts and statistics, then you are 100% correct and it is based wholly on racism.
Yeah I'm a racist because I opened my eyes.....

Open yours. Look who has been sentenced -

Go on - look.



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Does one mean the Grauniad can see it in other countries but not under their noses?
Do they only investigative report what they're allowed to? :)
That article was published 13 years ago (Aug 2011), well before Baroness Jay's report.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 19, 2023
I think newspaper editors usually use the terminology "grooming gangs" when the offenders are a particular ethnicity (I'm not saying those cases aren't a problem - just pointing out the difficulty of analysing it properly without solid data ) - they call them paedophile rings or child sex rings in other cases

e.g. (using those google search terms)



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
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