I completely agree, and was simply trying to open the debate to another perspective. Please don't think I was seriously proposing that we have no laws at all with regard to transport, as I fully understand that they protect me as much as anyone else, and indeed without them I'd certainly fear to venture out on my bike.
The other day, I passed a school where a group of children were doing their cycling proficiency training, and I think I actually cheered, as I think such things are invaluable in providing a subconscious baseline for personal conduct. I in no way would wish for a society with a philosophy of 'everyone for themselves', quite the reverse in fact, I'd like to live somewhere where people have as much regard for others as they do for themselves. I suppose my point was that even with our level of regulation, this still seems to be rather lacking, and that in order to be truly safe on the roads we need a better mindset.