That is obviously untrue, you haven't lived long enough. It was a government who created the NHS and it was the extreme resistance of those who eventually had to staff it first that tried so hard to stop the NHS ever coming into being, or being successful. Indeed they lost no time in bringing it to its knees financially, resulting in all the rationing and charges we see to this day.
You, Jonathan and I have one thing in common, a preference for socialist social policies, but there the similarities end. I know that the debts we are building up won't be paid by us but by todays children and tomorrows grandchildren. Thats not socialism, that's selfishness of the Boris Johnson kind, me, me and sod everyone else.
The reason I'm so aware of that is that I've retained a sense of political and economic proportion that I'm afraid you and Jonathan have lost long ago, as your OTT anti Tory rants show. The truth is that the Tories will never in the foreseeable future get rid of the NHS, and that is for two reasons:
Firstly because that would be electoral suicide.
Secondly because so many Tories benefit so much from the NHS, due to most of them not being rich.
What the Tory party will continue to do is try to limit the NHS by encouraging the private sector to get the wealthy to share the huge financial burden of health provision. That's far from being a bad thing, it's a very good thing since it grows the size of the health sector overall, something I've benefited from four times in recent years.
My so called OTT rants are simply seeing what is really going on without any illusions, these Tory politicians are simply parasites on the public, when they are not killing them off with unhinged decisions.
Having money should not decide who lives through purchase of medical help or dies through being unable to afford to get it
As to this
" I know that the debts we are building up won't be paid by us but by todays children and tomorrows grandchildren."
And who are behind these huge debts?
Tory or neo Tory Governments of course
As to not being alive long enough, that made me smile

77 years is more than enough time to see though the mirage of capitalist and other right wing crank theories, or would a further eight years induce an Epiphany and magically confer the blessing of erudition on me, and my Blood run Blue?
Sounds reminiscent of Brexit promises, and of course no matter how big the debt becomes somehow we always find ways to make it worse, and I'm confident todays children and grandchildren will make an even bigger balls of it with the power of computers available for them to play with.
The irony is they will blame our generation even though in fact the fault is really with this archaic parliamentary structure where morally bankrupt blaggards become lords and as Mp's are referred to as "Right Honourable" when that's the very last thing you could ever call them, and can't call each other out as liars yet feel free to do so with every sentence uttered that has operated for years, not on a written constitution, but the "Pirate's Code"
There. a good old fashioned rant for you to savour