Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I have posted several times about the concerns many have regarding medicines and brexit. This sort of report would appear to engender worry, even fear, though there might be nothing whatsoever to be worried about.

Pharmaceutical firms preparing no-deal Brexit ordered to sign NDAs
More than 60 partners working on no-deal plans across Whitehall are now prohibited from revealing details to the public
Pharmaceutical organisations working with Whitehall to maintain medicine supplies in the event of a no-deal Brexit have signed 26 “gagging orders” that bar them from revealing information to the public.

Figures show that 16 drug companies and 10 trade associations have been asked to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) which prevent them from revealing any information related to contingency plans drawn up with the Department of Health and Social Care.

It means that the government has now asked at least 60 partners working on no-deal preparations across Whitehall to sign such agreements, angering transparency campaigners and MPs.

Theresa May’s government has been accused of controlling the release of information about no-deal preparations to try to force Conservative MPs to back the prime minister’s Brexit agreement through parliament.
The prime minister has previously condemned the use of NDAs by employers. She told parliament in October that it was clear they were being used “unethically”.
I actually can understand that in times of dire emergency,that a Government must have the right ...and the duty , to limit information flow. Which is why there are things like official secrets acts . But as NDA is a commercial contract, not a criminal offence, and anyone braking one is only subject to being sued.
Now is the British Government suggesting that Brexit is as national emergency?. That is a far cry from what anyone voting for it three years ago would have understood.
Actually the increased demand by UK government is creating shortages here for medicines. The pharmaceutical industry is not capable of increasing production willy nilly. Processes are certified at specific production rates,aand scaling up production is a long term sequence.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Where do you get it from. Stpp making stuff up about me. I have never said anything about making neat or fancy deals... You are proving yourself to be utterly incapable of putting over an opinion without either insulting or personal slurs. Just stop it OG.
You mean stop this sort of thing?
#post 7687 Zlatan said:

OG ( not Dave sorry)
Well that's called self fullfilling you idiot. Call prople scum, thick,misinformed,racist, xenophobic, and that they need lessons in English and foreign languages etc etc and they will behave like it. But pilocks like you just never learn...just go on and on ad infinitum..7000 plus posts ? How many yours OG ? "
Fascinating and there are many more I can find in the same vein
You have felt free to insult all and sundry and pretend outrage when anyone else does the same.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
You mean stop this sort of thing?
#post 7687 Zlatan said:

OG ( not Dave sorry)
Well that's called self fullfilling you idiot. Call prople scum, thick,misinformed,racist, xenophobic, and that they need lessons in English and foreign languages etc etc and they will behave like it. But pilocks like you just never learn...just go on and on ad infinitum..7000 plus posts ? How many yours OG ? "
Fascinating and there are many more I can find in the same vein
Yes, you, ve been doing it for months. That was a list of your insults and it's 35000 posts ago. Rest of us have tried to moderate a bit. You, ve simply carried on in same old way.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
Yes, you, ve been doing it for months. That was a list of your insults and it's 35000 posts ago. Rest of us have tried to moderate a bit. You, ve simply carried on in same old way.

You can`t teach a Pig not to Grunt

Little wonder they were turfed out of Scotland!

We here can be eternally grateful they fled South instead of West :rolleyes:

I pity the neighbours...........that is if they haven`t fled now as well...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Yes, you, ve been doing it for months. That was a list of your insults and it's 35000 posts ago. Rest of us have tried to moderate a bit. You, ve simply carried on in same old way.
The post was typical of the lies you spread
I never called you racist or scum, thick,racist, xenophobic, and that they need lessons in English and foreign languages etc etc

Find a post where I actually called you anything other than "misinformed"
The rest of your rant was aimed at other people and you have included me in it as a gratuitous insult
It really is long overdue for you to drop this pretense of Virtue, which as your post shows proves you are a liar
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You can`t teach a Pig not to Grunt

Little wonder they were turfed out of Scotland!

We here can be eternally grateful they fled South instead of West :rolleyes:

I pity the neighbours...........that is if they haven`t fled now as well...
Hows the search for something to say on Brexit coming along?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
I actually can understand that in times of dire emergency,that a Government must have the right ...and the duty , to limit information flow. Which is why there are things like official secrets acts . But as NDA is a commercial contract, not a criminal offence, and anyone braking one is only subject to being sued.
Now is the British Government suggesting that Brexit is as national emergency?. That is a far cry from what anyone voting for it three years ago would have understood.
Actually the increased demand by UK government is creating shortages here for medicines. The pharmaceutical industry is not capable of increasing production willy nilly. Processes are certified at specific production rates,aand scaling up production is a long term sequence.
Agreed through and through. I am aware of some pharmaceutical products that are scheduled to be manufactured only at certain times, possibly just once a year. If they get the quantity wrong, or the product is not up to spec., we see shortages for months.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Seen on twittter, JK Rowling:

And lo, unto her did appear a host of Corbyn defenders, who did descend upon her mentions, and she was not sore afraid, because she was used to it. And the host did sing with one voice, ‘ungodly woman, thou foolest us not. We know the true reason thou despisest Saint Jeremy.’
And she did say unto them ‘share thy hot take.’ And with righteous wrath they did declare, ‘thou fearest Saint Jeremy, friend of the poor, because he shall take from thee in taxation much more even than Herod, and so thou attackest the meek and honest saviour of this land.’ And she did reply, ‘I shall not call ye dimwits, for it is the season of goodwill, but tis not Saint Jeremy who shall tax me, nay, not even if he enters the house of Number Ten, for my tax rates are set by Queen Nicola, in whose kingdom I do abide, and unto her I do pay
my full portion, seeking neither to flee to Monaco nor to hide my gold in far flung lands, like St Jacob, Patron Saint of Filthy Hypocrites.’ ‘Speak not of hypocrites!’ cried the host, ‘for thou dost claim to care about the poor yet doth rail against their champion, St Jeremy!
And she did answer, ‘How shall the poor fare under Brexit, which thy Saint hath always in his secret heart desired, yet he hath not admitted what was in his heart, lest fewer attend his next Sermon on the Glastonbury B Stage.’ And they did answer, ‘Saint Jeremy will achieve
a miracle, and he shall bring forth a Jobs First Brexit and all the land shall rejoice.’ And she did answer, ‘*******.’ But she bethought her of the season of goodwill, and repenting of her ire she did speak further. ‘I have, for all my life, voted Labour, yet now I cannot.
But his goodness doth shine out of his every orifice!’ cried the host, swarming anew into her mentions. ‘Behold his beard! Look upon this picture of him being led off by police when he was protesting racism in all its forms!’ And she did say, ‘I have looked upon his beard
.and also upon this picture. It is a good picture and I do like a beard, as I have oft declared. Yet must I protest, thou it breaketh my heart so to do, that this party of Labour, which I have so long loved, has become, under St Jeremy
‘Speak not of the Jews!’ cried the host. ‘Why must thou speak so oft of the Jews?’ ‘Yea, I must speak,’ said she, ‘for when Jews no longer feel safe in Labour then I too must leave.’ And one of the host did shout something about the Rothschilds
and he was hastily hushed by his brethren, who did declare, ‘he is not one of ours, thou he sports a #JC4PM halo.’ And another did speak and he said, ‘it is not antisemitic to criticise Israel,’ and she did put her face in her hands and want to weep.
But she did then look up and see many stars shining brightly in the sky and lo, they did arrange themselves before her eyes into a ‘who would make the best Prime Minister poll’ and she did cry, ‘Will ye not raise up your eyes to the Heavens? See there the People’s mind!’ And they did look up at the stars and read there that St Jeremy was, as for ages past, in third place after Pontus May and Don’t Know. And she spake further, ‘do ye not see that St Jeremy is hurting your party, yea, that his inability even to organise a vote of no confidence
doth embolden and strengthen this calamitous government, of which all despair?’ But they did close their eyes to the stars and some did answer, ‘you are a fool who doth not understand St Jeremy’s master plan’
and others still did beseech the woman to descend from the ivory tower in which, for the purposes of this story, they would wish her to dwell. And they besought her to descend into Bethlehem, and go to a certain allotment,
where she would find the Messiah busy with his marrows and she would be filled with the spirit of Momentum. But she did shake her head and declare that she was and would remain an unbeliever, yet full sorrowful she was, for Labour had been her home.
And the host did despise and condemn her, and many did tell her to **** off and join the Tories, and before they did depart one of their number cried unto her, ‘it’s because he’ll tax you more, isn’t it,’ and she did sigh and wished him a Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
Do I hear the tinkle of another penny dropping over the border..

Fine Gael source in Irish Daily Mail: “If there’s no deal it is because of the backstop, so we’re going to lose 150,000 jobs, the economy is going to be knocked down 5% - for some ideological thing about the North?”


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Do I hear the tinkle of another penny dropping over the border..

Fine Gael source in Irish Daily Mail: “If there’s no deal it is because of the backstop, so we’re going to lose 150,000 jobs, the economy is going to be knocked down 5% - for some ideological thing about the North?”
The Irish daily mail ,despite its name is not an Irish paper. And unnamed source is an unnamed source and putting a label on an unnamed source is so easy, even you could do it. .. Mind you I could see us losing 5% of growth ,since the UK has already been dropping down the growth table with its currency slide, our reduction would be linked to that.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The Express are getting into the Christmas spirit
Remainers fury over Brexit fuelled by CONTEMPT for working classes - report
ACADEMICS have argued that Remainers’ anti-Brexit fury is fuelled by a deep-seated contempt for Britain’s working class who they feel should NEVER have been allowed a say in the future of the nation."

Don't they ever tire of pushing this divisive and poisonous agenda?
"Brexiteer and historian Robert Tombs said his academic group called Briefings for Brexit has unearthed evidence that those protesting most vehemently over Britain’s EU referendum result have nothing but scorn for the nation’s largely white working class, and the fact their decision has so clearly shaped the future of the country. Mr Tombs says Remainers are motivated by “identity politics” and associate Brexit with the working class and are arrogantly taking their fury out on Leave campaigners because they simply cannot get over the fact those deemed insignificant by comparison have carved out the UK’s future without them. He contends this superiority complex is the real reason behind the “Remainer Revolt”, rather than any real love for Brussels. Mr Tombs told the Daily Telegraph: “Hard-line Remainers... have been and are willing to push their campaign beyond legitimate politics as previously understood. “First, they have encouraged foreign authorities to resist the policy of the UK, and have thereby done much to sabotage that policy.

He really need to make his mind up, as this was an earlier headline from him
"Historian Robert Tombs says Brexit means Britain's elite is revolting
And this pro EU earlier outburst in the Independent
"Asked whether the likes of Ukip leader Nigel Farage could learn from history, Professor Tombs replied: “I guess politicians don’t read books, especially not big books, but I hope they would learn to panic less and to a bit more serene about the future, and to realise that England, although it has its own distinct identity, for nearly all of its history has been part of some larger entity.”

Apparently he has become confused
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
The Express are getting into the Christmas spirit
Remainers fury over Brexit fuelled by CONTEMPT for working classes - report
ACADEMICS have argued that Remainers’ anti-Brexit fury is fuelled by a deep-seated contempt for Britain’s working class who they feel should NEVER have been allowed a say in the future of the nation."

Don't they ever tire of pushing this divisive and poisonous agenda?
"Brexiteer and historian Robert Tombs said his academic group called Briefings for Brexit has unearthed evidence that those protesting most vehemently over Britain’s EU referendum result have nothing but scorn for the nation’s largely white working class, and the fact their decision has so clearly shaped the future of the country. Mr Tombs says Remainers are motivated by “identity politics” and associate Brexit with the working class and are arrogantly taking their fury out on Leave campaigners because they simply cannot get over the fact those deemed insignificant by comparison have carved out the UK’s future without them. He contends this superiority complex is the real reason behind the “Remainer Revolt”, rather than any real love for Brussels. Mr Tombs told the Daily Telegraph: “Hard-line Remainers... have been and are willing to push their campaign beyond legitimate politics as previously understood. “First, they have encouraged foreign authorities to resist the policy of the UK, and have thereby done much to sabotage that policy.

He really need to make his mind up, as this was an earlier headline from him
"Historian Robert Tombs says Brexit means Britain's elite is revolting
And this pro EU earlier outburst in the Independent
"Asked whether the likes of Ukip leader Nigel Farage could learn from history, Professor Tombs replied: “I guess politicians don’t read books, especially not big books, but I hope they would learn to panic less and to a bit more serene about the future, and to realise that England, although it has its own distinct identity, for nearly all of its history has been part of some larger entity.”

Apparently he has become confused
I don't think it is the historian who is confused.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Happy Christmas to all - wherever you live and which ever way you voted.

No royalist, but...

Queen tells nation to put aside differences in Christmas message
With Britain divided by Brexit, monarch will say peace and goodwill needed ‘as much as ever’

Trouble is, just how do people do that when they are absolutely convinced that they are right, or (possibly) just that the others are wrong?
