Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
He is working for McDonell at moment. Open secret is he got job because of his name.
"Seb Corbyn was given the plum role of chief of staff to Mr McDonnell where he is thought to earn up to £48,000 a year, paid for from the public purse. Seb, a graduate of politics, political economy and international studies at ultra-elite Cambridge University, initially worked for his dad during Corbyn senior's leadership campaign in September 2015."

Seems he got the job through being ideally qualified. A Cambridge degree no less in three highly relevant subjects, previous experience as a political assistant and holding the same political views.

It would be difficult to find someone better suited, and £48,000 is not an unusual salary for a Cambridge post graduate. It's very normal and if he used student grants he'll be paying back now from that salary.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
"Seb Corbyn was given the plum role of chief of staff to Mr McDonnell where he is thought to earn up to £48,000 a year, paid for from the public purse. Seb, a graduate of politics, political economy and international studies at ultra-elite Cambridge University, initially worked for his dad during Corbyn senior's leadership campaign in September 2015."

Seems he got the job through being ideally qualified. A Cambridge degree no less in three highly relevant subjects, previous experience as a political assistant and holding the same political views.

It would be difficult to find someone better suited, and £48,000 is not an unusual salary for a Cambridge post graduate. It's very normal and if he used student grants he'll be paying back now from that salary.
You obviously missed McDonell 's comments about his appointment.


Now even if this is propaganda and nothing of kind was said Corbyn yet again walks straight into it being able to be said. That same department is arguing for face less, nameless appointments.????
That and other issues are as far removed from managing the correct image as is possible to get. It's you and OG with the blinkers this time flecc. Imagine what you, d be saying if May had done same. Dual standards by all around.
And absent Rob den hit the dislike button before he d even read it... Sort of normal..
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
No, I did see them, but as usual, I prefer the facts (about the man's qualifications) to the personal opinion.
You do, even I might, but the propaganda machine jumps on it. No matter how you measure it, rightly or wrongly, it affects voters opinions. He makes himself an easy target and IMO many of the accusations levelled at him are justifiable.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
It would be difficult to find someone better suited, and £48,000 is not an unusual salary for a Cambridge post graduate.
that's starting salary in the commercial sector. In the public sector, he would have to go through the same Fast Stream (civil service) like other graduates, starting salary is £28k for 4 years, irrespective of his Cambridge SPS degree. He therefore has benefited from the political appointment.
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Oct 25, 2006
You do, even I might, but the propaganda machine jumps on it. No matter how you measure it, rightly or wrongly, it affects voters opinions.
Not half as much as what the Tories are doing to peoples finance, housing, NHS and public transport, plus the mess they've made of the Brexit negotiations.

They remember what hurts, not idle innuendo.
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Oct 25, 2006
that's starting salary in the commercial sector. In the public sector, he would have to go through the same fast track scheme like other graduates, starting salary is £25k for 4 years, irrespective of his Cambridge SPS degree. He therefore has benefited from the political appointment.
We don't know that, the article was clearly biased to give the worst impression. It stated his salary was "up to £48,000" so we have no idea what it actually is.

If he is getting £48k, the £25 k you quote can only be a guideline, leaving freedom to pay more.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Some people would justify bubonic plague in name of socialism.
Come on flecc. Of course its nepotism. Out of all the possible candidates the best just happened to be called Corbyn.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
If he is getting £48k, the £25 k you quote can only be a guideline, leaving freedom to pay more.
I quoted from memory, the £25k was a few years ago, it's now £28k which is just about living wage in London. After 4 years, they get revised to about £50k. It's still very low compared to jobs in the banking and legal sectors.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Some people would justify bubonic plague in name of socialism.
Come on flecc. Of course its nepotism. Out of all the possible candidates the best just happened to be called Corbyn.
Similarly to an earlier question, should he be debarred from this role because his name is Corbyn? That would appear wrong and unfair - both to Corbyn and to the party and public who might be getting the best work from the best qualified person. Would it really be better to go to the job centre and pick someone?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I think Thatcher came to power before 82....Believe it was 79...
There is no way on earth Thatcher would have tolerated a family member losing votes in her campaign... Besides even if she did are you still trying to say Corbyn has not lost millions of votes over things such as this (,his associations etc) It just makes you think Corbyn lives in some idealistic world where things don't detract from your suitability as a PM... You are wrong, he is wrong. Campbell's main job was to steer and influence public perception of Blair. This would never have happened with Campbell running Corbyn 's campaign/image.
Labour are a set of idealistic foolish naive politicians. Folk suggesting these type of things have no affect are the same.
Besides, having a stupid son who gets lost in some dessert trying to be a rally driver hardly compares to a socialist (almost Marxist) having a son who starts a company selling drug tools,hoping to profit from either the needy, drug takers or NHS..Its not a positive image for a future socialist pm. It has lost him votes. Fact. That's exactly why DM ran it.
There must have been a lot of custard floating around to get lost in the dessert!.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Similarly to an earlier question, should he be debarred from this role because his name is Corbyn? That would appear wrong and unfair - both to Corbyn and to the party and public who might be getting the best work from the best qualified person. Would it really be better to go to the job centre and pick someone?
It all depends why he was picked.
Was it because was best candidate or because he, s a Corbyn. I suppose you could also ask why Corbyn's immediate helpers have just received 26% pay rises. Is it because they deserve them or because they work for Corbyn. Depends how cynical you are.

Some more socialist ideals from JC.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
There must have been a lot of custard floating around to get lost in the dessert!.
And Zlatan has conveniently forgotten what Thatchers son had also been getting up to!
Margaret Thatcher 'gave her approval' to her son Mark's failed coup attempt in Equatorial Guinea

And this

The Cape Town high court ordered the son of the former prime minister to pay a 3m rand (£265,000) fine and gave him a four-year suspended prison sentence. Judge Abe Motala warned Thatcher that if he does not pay the fine he will face a five-year prison sentence with a further four years suspended for five years.

If only Zlatan had been there to give him a stiff talking to and set him on the straight and narrow.......
And he worries about Corbyn's image?

Sorry, but i'm having another hysterical laughter attack...

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Similarly to an earlier question, should he be debarred from this role because his name is Corbyn? That would appear wrong and unfair - both to Corbyn and to the party and public who might be getting the best work from the best qualified person. Would it really be better to go to the job centre and pick someone?
Not without Zlatans approval......
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
It all depends why he was picked.
Was it because was best candidate or because he, s a Corbyn. I suppose you could also ask why Corbyn's immediate helpers have just received 26% pay rises. Is it because they deserve them or because they work for Corbyn. Depends how cynical you are.

Some more socialist ideals from JC.
That must be a hard decision for you to wrestle with...:rolleyes:


Oct 25, 2006
Some people would justify bubonic plague in name of socialism.
Come on flecc. Of course its nepotism. Out of all the possible candidates the best just happened to be called Corbyn.
See Oyster's reply.

Even if nepotism came into play, it doesn't matter if he's ideally qualified, which he clearly is.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
It all depends why he was picked.
Was it because was best candidate or because he, s a Corbyn. I suppose you could also ask why Corbyn's immediate helpers have just received 26% pay rises. Is it because they deserve them or because they work for Corbyn. Depends how cynical you are.

Some more socialist ideals from JC.
Terrible and shocking indeed! but then again the Conservatives Brexit Fiasco has incurred this cost.
Brexit: Government employing up to 8,000 extra civil servants to cope with EU departure
And it barely gets a mention!
