Brexit, for once some facts.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
What a pity competence isn't a requirement of PC.
there seems to be a natural law: you can't lead if you are competent.
That seems to confirm another law: the more you are capable, the harder you'll be made to work.


Oct 25, 2006
there seems to be a natural law: you can't lead if you are competent.
The natural law is this.

If one does a good job, showing competence, one is promoted.

That process naturally continues until a function level is reached where one is not competent, and therefore is stuck at that level.

It follows that all management settles at incompetence level.


Esteemed Pedelecer
The Russians have been involved in a massive campaign of subversion via social media.
I wonder which propaganda rag fed you that piece of information. Perhaps you should care more about what is happening in the western world as a result of the rise in fascism than interference from the Russians.

The country with which we are alleged to have a 'special relationship' is currently presided over by a racist idiot and one of the most dangerous political leaders on the planet.

This is his America:


If you d8veh want to believe that the Russians are dangerous that's fine with me but I believe the biggest dangers to the UK lie much closer to home.



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
And here's the most senior police manager in the UK:

Many will remember the botched police operation that led to the killing of innocent electrician Jean-Charles Menezes. The officer running that operation was Chief Superintendent Clarissa Dicks, and the subsequent inquiry ruled that it was very badly run.

But when it came to a trial of the police officer who pumped seven bullets into the innocent man's brain while two other officers held him down, he was acquitted and the jury conveniently ruled that Clarissa Dicks was not in any way to blame! Either that jury was composed of those who think the police can do no wrong, or it was fixed.

Later in 2011 Clarissa Dicks was promoted to Assistant Commissioner and then somewhat mysteriously resigned from the Metropolitan Force and joined the Foreign Office in an unspecified Director General role. At the same time she was awarded a CBE.

Two years later she was brought back to the force as The Metropolitan Commissioner in sole charge, and shortly after revealed she was gay, her partner Helen also in the Met. She's a daughter of a senior tutor at Balliol College, Oxford, had a very privileged education and was fast tracked in her early police career, gaining a philosophy degree in criminology during her service.

She's obviously an establishment figure and fits well into today's PC environment, being both female and gay. What a pity competence isn't a requirement of PC.
Target: Female in the most senior policing role. TICK

Bonus: A gay officer in the most senior policing role. TICK

Let’s all have s party and celebrate diversity. Bollicks to whether she is competent and capable.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I wonder which propaganda rag fed you that piece of information. Perhaps you should care more about what is happening in the western world as a result of the rise in fascism than interference from the Russians.

The country with which we are alleged to have a 'special relationship' is currently presided over by a racist idiot and one of the most dangerous political leaders on the planet.

This is his America:

View attachment 24084

If you d8veh want to believe that the Russians are dangerous that's fine with me but I believe the biggest dangers to the UK lie much closer to home.

I am fascinated by the fact that the Right wing haven't got used to the idea that Russia isn't Communist any more.
Technically it is a Democracy.
Actually it is more right wing than our own brand of nut cases in the Conservative Party, and run by the Mafia fronted by Putin.
The result is a Capitalist country in the hands of a bunch of reprobates even worse than our own.

Now I ask you, why would someone of Socialist principles want to have any truck with a Government even more Fascist than our own?

Now let's look at what the Conservative actually do.

They cosy up to the Saudis and sell them the latest in killing machines, ignoring what they do with them, and to whom.
They pay vast sums of money to buy the DUP seats
A powerful subversive group among them invest in Social media Psychological warfare in an attempt to subvert the Referendum result
They are under the influence of Foreign interest groups.
They take large sums of Money from Russian Gangsters.
And finally they Pander to the Communist Chinese and beg money from them, ignoring the Fact that the Chairman is now morphing into Chairman Mao Mk 2

In future I shall quite properly consider than anyone supporting the Conservative party is of the Communist persuasion, and should properly be addressed as Comrade
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Deleted member 4366

I wonder which propaganda rag fed you that piece of information. Perhaps you should care more about what is happening in the western world as a result of the rise in fascism than interference from the Russians.

The country with which we are alleged to have a 'special relationship' is currently presided over by a racist idiot and one of the most dangerous political leaders on the planet.

This is his America:

View attachment 24084

If you d8veh want to believe that the Russians are dangerous that's fine with me but I believe the biggest dangers to the UK lie much closer to home.

It wasn't a rag that I read it in. A couple of Russians that are involved in it told me. They said you can win more in the media than you can in the battleground.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
It wasn't a rag that I read it in. A couple of Russians that are involved in it told me. They said you can win more in the media than you can in the battleground.
On that we can definitely agree, otherwise why was so much money invested by the Leave campaign in Cambridge Analytica, by the Conseratives, BeLeave and BritainFirst campaigners, plus of course who knows how many more parasitic hangers on?

The Burning question should be, why has the result not been nullified as "Doping" or at the very least an attempt at doping of the public attitude was employed?


Oct 25, 2006
I am fascinated by the fact that the Right wing haven't got used to the idea that Russia isn't Communist any more.
Indeed, Putin has made it very clear how opposed to a return of communism he is, both in statements and in coming down hard on the pro-communist groups who campaign for Russia to return to that system.

Apart from restrictions on who can stand for election, the voting part of their electoral system is entirely democratic.

From the earliest days of his 20 years in power he has tried to be a friend of the West, but always rebuffed by the right wing. In year 2000 he asked Bill Clinton about Russia joining NATO, and Clinton, a democrat of course, had no objections. But the US right wing were totally opposed, obviously prefering an enemy to a friend.

Putin also mentioned the possibility of the EU inviting him to join NATO, but received a discourteous reply. That in a rather superior way implied that a country had to apply to be considered. Putin understandably took that as an insult, being treated as a small country. He felt that Russia's size and importance entitled it to be invited to join as many others had been, not made to join a queue of little countries.

What fools our right wing Western politicians have been. Russia could now have been an established NATO member for nearly two decades, with open shared access to all their military machine and on its way to joining the EU. They might have been a valuable restraining hand at times, for example they said at the time of it being argued by Blair and Bush that their intelligence knew there were definitely no WMDs in Iraq.

Deleted member 4366

I was a quality control specialist for 20 years. I developed a system based on what I called "dynamic quality control. The idea is to plan for nothing to go wrong. If everything works out, you don't need to do anything more, other than a cursory glance over things to see that everything is running correctly. Inevitably, things do go wrong from time to time, so you have to do some intensive checking while you're sorting out the problem and after you have introduced your countermeasures until you're sure that the problem has gone away. When you have the confirmation, you can reduce the checking to occasional spot-checks, and then eventually to nothing.

I've mentioned that in relation to police spot-checks. They should do intensive checking until they know the pattern of defects, then more targeted checking in the problem areas until they have the confirmation that the problem has gone away. It's pretty simple, really, if you want to solve the problem.

Again, we have the problem of too much political correctness. A met PC told me that even when they did some, they had to do a balanced schedule. that meant that they had to check all ethnic groups in proportion to the number of inhabitants, so they were checking people, who they knew wouldn't be a problem and couldn't check all the people that they knew were likely offenders.

I've been stopped and checked by the police. It didn't bother me at all, and I found the experience quite interesting. I was stopped at a camp site whilst touring on my motorbike. They went through all my stuff looking for drugs.

I've also be boarded by Customs a few times while sailing my boat. That's even more fun, and to be honest, I was glad of the company. They always ask a lot of difficult questions and have a good look around the boat.

It wouldn't bother me one iota if the police stopped and searched me every time I went shopping. You can't board an aeroplane without an intensive search. Nobody bothers about that. And when you arrive at your destination, the Customs there can pull you out for a random (actually targeted) search. Why should the streets be any different?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Oh Dear the Sun is still plugging this one
Jews will FLEE Britain if Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister, warns chief rabbi

Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, president of the Conference of European Rabbis, even compared the Labour leader to the far-right French politician Marine Le Pen

He's entitled to his opinion, but he really should think before saying such things and delighting some of the low life at the bottom of the heap who want to see the back of Foreigners of all kinds.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
so they were checking people, who they knew wouldn't be a problem and couldn't check all the people that they knew were likely offenders.
they probably know most of the likely offenders - if only our prisons are not already so full.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
they probably know most of the likely offenders - if only our prisons are not already so full.
Perhaps what he said (in jest) we could do would be to conscript the new would be inmates as Cockle Pickers in Morecambe Bay, which would at least mean that they were gainfully employed, enjoyed fresh air and Stunning Sea views and a lifestyle guaranteed to improve physical fitness to the point where only the fit ones remained and reduced the strain on the NHS, and the Epiphany gained from this experience disinclined them to repeat offend after release.

Indeed it might even provide us with a source of Olympic Class runners and launch them on a highly successful career

Not just going Straight.............
But doing so at an Olympic Class rate of knots! :oops:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Remind me please......what is the topic here?:D

I offered a solution to Woosh for new offenders filling up overcrowded prisons..

They're more of guidelines 'Aint they?
Anyway Comrades (That's us allegedly) don't need them
Repeat after me
Up Putin!
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