Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Actually you stated on here that you didn't vote either way, but then who can trust anything you say
Your arguments are always specious, and this latest post is no different

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When I first came on here the arguments were already raging, I said I hadn't voted to take up neutral stance, in hope of nit antagonising either side. This proved impossible and got insulted by yourself and Tom for being neutral..( I explained all this, as you well know)
I,ll say again . I voted leave, but in reality it makes no difference, you would argue black was white to argue against would Tom and Robdon would agree with you both.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
So why does it have policies that drive people to suicide, sell armaments to regimee with terrible human rights records and murder people with drones?
Come off it

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You need to get a grip OG...our Givernment is passive at side of those it faces.
You are an idiot and need to have a look what's going on outside your little cocoon in Hull.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You, OG, and oldtom cannot bring yourselves to having a proper debate, still
resort to insults to make your arguments.
Do think of giving up the insults. It does not suit your education does it?
BTW, who is/are really 'the simply' here?
Perhaps you need to read our comments instead of deciding because we disagree with you that is insulting?
Please stop this obvious attempt at "one upmanship" and for a change put forward a practical point of view not wishful thinking.
Here's what an insult looks like
"You are an idiot and need to have a look what's going on outside your little cocoon in Hull."
And interestingly it is from the same person that brands everyone else "insulting"
When I start having to resort to insults I will give up, and sooner than that if I have to brand others with that title because I can't come up with a rational argument.
Try to understand the subtle difference between labelling an expressed attitude as stupid and labelling the actual person in the same way.
And for your information for possibly the millionth time I have expressed the opinion that Brexit voters were Misled.
No one on this Earth can reasonably deny the truth of that, as everything they were told, promised or alluded too has proven to be false.
For goodness sake look it up!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
When I first came on here the arguments were already raging, I said I hadn't voted to take up neutral stance, in hope of nit antagonising either side. This proved impossible and got insulted by yourself and Tom for being neutral..( I explained all this, as you well know)
I,ll say again . I voted leave, but in reality it makes no difference, you would argue black was white to argue against would Tom and Robdon would agree with you both.
Sorry but I will have to wait for a little while to get over a fit of helpless laughter.
This is classic!
"I said I hadn't voted to take up neutral stance, in hope of nit antagonising either side"
I doubt if you could convince anyone with an IQ higher than that of the average Gnat, but by george well done indeed!
You have confirmed three things.
  1. You lied, (but we knew that already) about how you voted
  2. Does anyone in the entire Human Race believe you could do ANYTHING in the hope of NOT ANTAGONISING ANYONE. (EVER?) Please look up Oxmoron.
  3. I stated earlier that you provide a much needed Comedy element to this debate.And by George you have proved that with an OUTSTANDING POST.
What a Tour De Force, well done indeed, you have made my day!:D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You need to get a grip OG...our Givernment is passive at side of those it faces.
Hopefully I have translated this into one of the Human Languages correctly to mean
Our Government will not listen to it's Conscience or give a Tinkers Cuss how many innocents are maimed, killed and made homeless for Thirty pieces of Silver (or Equivalent)
For once I agree with you.
Utterly despicable in fact.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Sorry but I will have to wait for a little while to get over a fit of helpless laughter.
This is classic!
"I said I hadn't voted to take up neutral stance, in hope of nit antagonising either side"
I doubt if you could convince anyone with an IQ higher than that of the average Gnat, but by george well done indeed!
You have confirmed three things.
  1. You lied, (but we knew that already) about how you voted
  2. Does anyone in the entire Human Race believe you could do ANYTHING in the hope of NOT ANTAGONISING ANYONE. (EVER?) Please look up Oxmoron.
  3. I stated earlier that you provide a much needed Comedy element to this debate.And by George you have proved that with an OUTSTANDING POST.
What a Tour De Force, well done indeed, you have made my day!:D
Yep, thought so..this is your sole entertainment..and we,ve had this very same series of posts about 6 weeks ago. But yes I bow to your superior wit,intelligence and command of Englush language.....pity you haven't put your gifts into achieving anything apart from whinging on here for past year !!! Just look at the time you,ve spent on here OG, great use of your capabilities..
If you feel so strongly against leaving get your backside out of co op window and do something useful..but you won't. You,ll just argue ob here relentlessly, against anyone that happens to disagree..It is quite sad really..
Good luck OG, raging against everything wont get you anywhere,especially when you are stuck on your keyboard...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Yep, thought so..this is your sole entertainment..and we,ve had this very same series of posts about 6 weeks ago. But yes I bow to your superior wit,intelligence and command of Englush language.....pity you haven't put your gifts into achieving anything apart from whinging on here for past year !!! Just look at the time you,ve spent on here OG, great use of your capabilities..
If you feel so strongly against leaving get your backside out of co op window and do something useful..but you won't. You,ll just argue ob here relentlessly, against anyone that happens to disagree..It is quite sad really..
Good luck OG, raging against everything wont get you anywhere,especially when you are stuck on your keyboard...
Actually I am enoying a peaceful Caravanning Holiday in the lake District, and this will last another week and shortly thereafter we will be down on the South Coast in Devon and Cornwall, hardly something to be sad about is it?
By the way your posts are "Breaking up" here and there, perhaps a little patience is called for?
As to using "my capabilities" I am waiting to see how the mess you have helped make pans out, I shall be 73 on the 29th of this month, so clearing up your mess isn't at the top of my list of priorities at the moment, in fact is unlikely to ever be.
Brexit is of interest, that is all, the problem is one the young will have to contend with.
If you belong to that group, may I commend that you do something useful rather than providing Monty Python like comedy comment on here?
You Broke it, You fix it!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
So you win!ck.
And Caravans should be banned; especially when driven by folk who haven't passed a test to drive them.They are menace, dangerous and have no place on modern roads.
And were it not for your despised government EU would have introduced MOT style testing for caravans and HGV test for the idiots that want to hold up traffic with the useless things...( Trailers in France even have to be registered !!)
Yet another area you don't even realise what our government has done for defiance of your EU...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
And the pricks will be gloating...if it happens. Notice how this reputable none political newspaper reports on an issue that " may" happen.

Kim Jong may blow us all to pieces.
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May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I just can't believe you would go so low.
Rather than considering Tom's height,
.. surely the questions to be answered is whether the fears being articulated by these EU citizens and UK pensioners in Spain are valid and are they being addressed. Who should address them ?, is it the country where they are currently resident or the country where they spent their working life building up a pension?. Bearing in mind that Spain as an EU member does not want them or any UK citizen to leave and be denied benefits, is the onus not on the UK, the country which either wants to disown them or repatriate them to make the running.?
In the case of EU citizens now residing in the UK, and in this I must express a vested interest, whose responsibility is it to determine whether they are forceably deported or get permanent residency status, the UK or their original country.?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
And the pricks will be gloating...if it happens. Notice how this reputable none political newspaper reports on an issue that " may" happen.

Kim Jong may blow us all to pieces.
.... We are living in worrying times , . This is what happens when sentiment clouds judgement. As I say previously all opinions are not equally valid.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
let me ask you a personal question: do you get up in the morning to go to work? Do you have to provide for someone? If I had the same view of the country as you do, I'd stay in bed and wait for my time to leave this world because there is nothing worth to get up for is there?
... An article I read, by a well regarded clinical psychologist in Ireland divided people into optimists and pessimists. In it she accepted that the pessimists were actually more realistic and saw the world more as it is than hope. Optimists have conversely an unrealistic worldview, however it is this which allows them to hope.
In the long run, her view was, that optimists suceeded, even though they are unreasonable and unrealistic, because hope allows them to engage with uncertainity.

How that relates to the EU and Brexit is unclear, but in my optimistic mindframe, I believe that the EU is one of the better ideas of mankind, that Brexit is a train wreak in slow motion and a national incident of self harm.
Woosh obviously also an optimist, but has formed a different belief.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Rather than considering Tom's height,
.. surely the questions to be answered is whether the fears being articulated by these EU citizens and UK pensioners in Spain are valid and are they being addressed. Who should address them ?, is it the country where they are currently resident or the country where they spent their working life building up a pension?. Bearing in mind that Spain as an EU member does not want them or any UK citizen to leave and be denied benefits, is the onus not on the UK, the country which either wants to disown them or repatriate them to make the running.?
In the case of EU citizens now residing in the UK, and in this I must express a vested interest, whose responsibility is it to determine whether they are forceably deported or get permanent residency status, the UK or their original country.?
the UK has triggered A50 and is ready to deal with the issue of EU and UK citizens living abroad for months now.

The EU has been slow to start negotiation, keeping some 5 millions people in a worrying situation for what? would you like to explain to me?

Blaming the UK government for creating or prolonging this uncomfortable situation is shortsighted, I think. The real culprits are those in Brussels that make a bad situation worse.
