Rubbish again OG..just put UK down at every possible opportunity. Why do you stay here if its so rubbish.
And as normal everything good about UK you attribute to EU ( which is ridiculous) and everything bad to our government. Its very sad really, to think you,ve spent your entire life unhappy with really need to live somewhere else for a while..
And BTW Mediterranean diet includes Piza,Falafel,feta cheese,baclava,salami,kebabs and plenty of fried creepy crawly things..That should keep your cholesterol up..( frying in olive oil is no better than frying in fat)
You have to be selective with any diet and not make sweeping statements like you tend to..
You really are great fun aren't you? instantly hostile describes you completely and utterly lacking in a sense of humour too.
This country is fine what it suffers from is a surfeit of self promoting greedy blighters who want to profit from other people and disadvantage them.
They lack any sort of social conscience and think it is their natural right to tell others the rat race is how the world works., and to hell with the poor, sick needy or lesser intelligent
Do you recognise anyone from that description?
of course not, you see yourself not as a drain on resources, but they very stuff of the entrepenerial spirit don't you.
Society is a much more catholic grouping that the sordid faction you admire and imagine to be worthy.
I have a happy and serence state of mind, not the judgemental one that has infected you, that imagines it understands me.
You aren't wise enough to do that and never will be.
Stick to what you know.