OK I hear that Dave. And I still don't believe you. I think your only actual interest in the contra view is to attempt to discredit it. You have made your mind up. As many others here have. So this is just really a pissing competition now. None of the people here is going to change their minds - surely you know that.
The argument for me was simple - taking back control. To me that made sense and still does. But for others here thats nonsense - and some may even be bothered to point out why. But to me it was great. That treaty Major signed back in 1993 - to me that was the start of the trouble. Up till then it had just been a trade deal - from that point on it changed - we basically started to move towards real integration - it was no longer about trade - it was about merging our laws - becoming a part of a federal Europe. How could we have let that happen!? Madness. Utter madness. We lost control over so so many things that I personally hold dear. But. To others for whatever reason that didn't matter. OK. Fair enough we're all entitled to an opinion. To me that was the main thing. I know for some it was about immigration - and I hear that too - the rate of immigration in some parts of the country has been WAY above what the local area can effectively integrate - way way WAY too high. And those localities feel it. So I get that. But that was not it for me. It was simply I remember so well back in 1993 and how terrible I felt back then. I was depressed for ages. How could he have signed that deal? From that moment on I was hoping one day we would be able to get out of that. And it looks - fingers crossed - like we will be able to. And sure there may be a cost - sure - it may cost something - we may have to take a hit. But. Personally I think it will be worth it.
A pretty Parochial view of longing for the past
Using that logic I should feel whistful for the Kingdom of Nothumbria, but then my eyes are in the front of my head and look to the future.
That future does not contain petty kingdoms and fear of change, as they srve only the Elites that can exploit them.
Where did you get this notion of loss of control? did you seriously imagine You personally had any? or that the local Politicians didn't control your lives for their personal advantage?
Despite their efforts while we were in the EU more sensible ideas seemed to be making headway, and now that is to go out of the window and a bunch of crooks who make the Mafia look akin to the Salvation Army are about to make the old saying "Never give a sucker an even Break" into Government Policy.
Congratulations, you are about to get the Government you deserve.
Pity the rest of us have to as well, let us hope this is only a fleeting affliction.