The tories seem intent on taking the country back to the days of the 'Poor Law', the 'Corn Law' and the 'Speenhamland' system when we had riots on the streets of places like Ely and Littleport. Some rioters were hanged for their part in the protests, even though many people affected by food shortages and high prices were soldiers, just returned from the Napoleonic wars.Will the inevitable disintegrating Brexit economy be the cause of riots like when in Soviet Russia cigarette / alcohol / consumer shortages set off civil unrest.
Just as in the case of the 1980s miners' strike, the Brixton riot, the Wapping dispute and the Broadwater Farm riots, the tory government's agents acted like an invading army to protect not the interests of ordinary citizens but those of rich businessmen and indeed, the very government itself.
For those unaware who today's tory Party represents or how the landed gentry deal with discontented, ordinary citizens, there is much to be learned from those terrible times in 19th and 20th century British history. Make no mistake; the rich, the landed and their political representatives and judicial appointees have not changed one bit!....and history has a habit of repeating itself.
'Brexit' was delivered upon the people by liars from the very class of people which has brought hardship upon British people repeatedly throughout our history.