err no as from the start no one round here took any notice what so ever and to date i dont know anyone that has had it bar a positive test and no symptoms.Only because millions have had jab for you and endowed you with some protection.
and no one i know has had the vaccine either same as the 3 staff that work in the local shop that serves 1000s of ppl a week not 1 day of sick.
and at the end of the day you can have as many booster jabs as you want it will not stop you getting it transmitting it or it killing you no matter what mutated strain it is as been doing the same thing for thousands of years.
this will only end when the testing centers are gone if there going to do this for every different strain discovered that has mutated it will never end and nor will the jabs.
just think if a real deadly virus came about with a 70% mortality rate buy the time this government thought about doing something about it we would already be dead.