Actually Soundwave, while that statement is correct, maybe you should have fleshed it out and given the whole story! which is:
These 'vaccines' have already caused more deaths and adverse reactions, than ALL other vaccinations COMBINED, since records began!!!
And in every other previous medical trial (and lets not forget - this is still a trial!), when the death toll gets up to around 50 people, the trial is immediately halted and the vaccines withdrawn. We are now ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE past this figure.
Yet nothing has changed, but worse, nobody in the mainstream seems to want to talk about it.
Why isn't this THE number 1 point of discussion ??? Short of a third world war, I'd have thought this would have been the biggest front page news since ... well ... WW2 !!
Its almost as if the whole of the MSM are being pressurised in some way to avoid talking about it. But is that possible ?