Am I forgiven your grace?I agree many should be sacked and even prosecuted, but hung from nearest lamp post? No.
Strange isn't it. We all think world should be cleaner, less violent and more caring but all of us see it as somebody else's responsibility to change. Yes, we want less plastic waste, less air pollution, less violence but also insist on our foreign holidays, food wrapped in plastic, big cars and to just carry on insulting and name calling. Always, somebody else must change. Not me.
Got rid of big car and caravan
No more Foreign Holidays.
I reckon such sacrifice entitles me me to call Torys Fascists scum, in fact after yesterdays debacle and Boris indicating the man of the moment had been volunteered as a Human Sacrifice to save his ample backside, I'm going with Cowardly back stabbing scum. (respectfully of course)