Well I will disagree with your scenario. Certainly the GoPs narrative is that ballot papers were not controlled. But there will be thousands of counting centre supervisors who will dispute that. The GoP need credible evidence. .. None of which has been generated. If anything, they scored an own goal where a postman in West Virginia has admitted in court in opening and modifying 5 votes . So at present the ONLY conviction has been of votr tampering by the GoP.That's not correct at all.
The candidate who receives an absolute majority of electoral votes (at least 270 out of 538, since the Twenty-Third Amendment granted voting rights to citizens of D.C.) is then elected to that office. If no candidate receives an absolute majority of the votes for president, the House of Representatives elects the president; likewise if no one receives an absolute majority of the votes for vice president, then the Senate elects the vice president.
One of the scenarios that could play out with a fair degree of probability is that the courts decide that the ballot papers weren't controlled properly during the counting and that procedures, like allowing independent observers, weren't followed, so no point in a recount because it won't show that ballots were destroyed, adjusted or added in, so they nullify the vote in that state. Without anyone getting elected, neither Trump nor Biden gets past 270, so the 30 vs 19 Electoral College has to decide.
Indeed the NYT polled a large number of poll supervisors yesterday and they dispute ANY irregularities . So the more likely scenario is the recount in Georgia, the inclusion of the delayed ballots in Pennsylvania and all States certifying their results. Then the court of Electors votes in December, and Pence is (reluctantly) required to communicate this Nationally. Then Russia and China and México sebd their congratulations