No, you’ve got it all arse about face. The complainant does not provide the evidence...We have been there before . Actually without even any evidence it is a simply a witchhunt.
Get a complaint, identify a complainer ,let him write down the evidence. Then investigate that complaint bring the evidence to court ..that is the best antidote . The counting centres have already claimed they are fine. We have had 5 years of innuendo of deep state BS . And Zero evidence. The honour of tens of thousands of civil servants is being impugned ..
On the suspicion that a known lier and cheat did not get re-elected. Barry ,I understand the role of devils advocate, but you are overegging it.
Here is an example of how the process works; Say that a person is the victim of a robbery. The victim does not collect evidence and then take it to the police, which is what you are suggesting. The victim makes a complaint of robbery, it’s the authorities job to investigate that complaint and uncover evidence to 1) prove that the offence has actually taken place, 2) identify the suspect 3) prove that the suspect is guilty.
Likening the above to the suspected electoral fraud in the USA. Trump is at the stage of walking into the police station and saying I’ve been robbed. The authorities can’t ignore that. The complaint may be malicious, it may be a diversionary tactic, or it might have credibility.
Is there grounds for suspicion? Yes. The actions taken at some polling counts seems suspicious.
Is there any evidence? I’d say no.
Is there any reason to investigate? Yes, suspicion exists, so an investigation is essential to explain away the suspicions activity as either innocent or part of a larger crime.
This is basic stuff. Why don’t you understand it?