Brexit, for once some facts.

Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
The timing of the vaccine announcement was no accident either. There has been a very widespread move against Trump.

In brighter news, it looks like Biden is going to fingerfuck Facebook guy now he’s served his purpose. :D:D:D:D:D:D Once the rot sets in and the true nature and agenda of this administration is clear, Twitter will be next. Shut down, gag, smear and silence is the only way these people know.
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Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
I predict that the vaccine roll out will be a clusterfuck because they will not have understood and made provisions for the -70 deg C storage. They will be thinking they just need some fridges and maybe increase the supply voltage a bit to make them work harder, which the army can do.

It should be fairly straightforward with a liquid nitrogen, dry ice or something similar, but they won’t be thinking about this at the scale required.
  • :D
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I predict that the vaccine roll out will be a clusterfuck because they will not have understood and made provisions for the -70 deg C storage. They will be thinking they just need some fridges and maybe increase the supply voltage a bit, which the army can do.
the Pzifer/BioNTech vaccine needs -70C freezer for storage.
It can be kept in normal freezer for up to 5 days before use.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
So they don’t know then because they haven’t asked, they’ve just made assumptions to fit an agenda.
it's just one poll and they did ask which party they voted for.
The margin of confidence is usually 5% for this type of polls.

Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
The biggest embarrassment for the USA right now is that they have a decrepit old fart claiming to have beaten the sitting president in a suspicious election.

Get the investigation underway. This won’t fit under the carpet


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
But didn’t all voters, so it’s guesswork.
it's still more accurate than complete guesswork.
I was not surprised that 79% believe Biden won but a bit surprised that so few of those who don't believe Biden has won actually think that Trump won. It goes to show that at least 17/20 of those who voted for Trump are not his followers, they just vote for their party.
Trump gave the impression that half of the US follow him.
I reckon the proof is how much Trump raises for his post election fighting fund. I extrapolate from this poll that he would only reach 6% of the amount he raised before the election (about $50 millions).
That would be an indirect proof of this poll.
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Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
it's still more accurate than complete guesswork.
I was not surprised that 79% believe Biden won but a bit surprised that so few of those who don't believe Biden has won actually think that Trump won. It goes to show that at least 17/20 of those who voted for Trump are not his followers, they just vote for their party.
Trump gave the impression that half of the US follow him.
I reckon the proof is how much Trump raises for his post election fighting fund. I extrapolate from this poll that he would only reach 6% of the amount he raised before the election (about $50 millions).
That would be an indirect proof of this poll.
Still think the celebrations in Take a Knee Plaza were a little premature. Time will tell.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea

Given that more than a dozen investigations and civil suits involving Trump are currently under way, he could be looking at an endgame even more perilous than the one confronted by Nixon. The Presidential historian Michael Beschloss said of Trump, “If he loses, you have a situation that’s not dissimilar to that of Nixon when he resigned. Nixon spoke of the cell door clanging shut.” Trump has famously survived one impeachment, two divorces, six bankruptcies, twenty-six accusations of sexual misconduct, and an estimated four thousand lawsuits. Few people have evaded consequences more cunningly. That run of good luck may well end, perhaps brutally, if he loses to Joe Biden. Even if Trump wins, grave legal and financial threats will loom over his second term.
Two of the investigations into Trump are being led by powerful state and city law-enforcement officials in New York. Cyrus Vance, Jr., the Manhattan District Attorney, and Letitia James, New York’s attorney general, are independently pursuing potential criminal charges related to Trump’s business practices before he became President. Because their jurisdictions lie outside the federal realm, any indictments or convictions resulting from their actions would be beyond the reach of a Presidential pardon. Trump’s legal expenses alone are likely to be daunting. (By the time Bill Clinton left the White House, he’d racked up more than ten million dollars in legal fees.) And Trump’s finances are already under growing strain. During the next four years, according to a stunning recent Times report, Trump—whether reëlected or not—must meet payment deadlines for more than three hundred million dollars in loans that he has personally guaranteed; much of this debt is owed to such foreign creditors as Deutsche Bank. Unless he can refinance with the lenders, he will be on the hook.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
79% of Americans say Biden won.
Only 3% say Trump won.
13% say the election has not been decided and 5% don't want to say.

They obviously need to run a vote on whether the population accepts the vote. When that comes in, there will be claims of election fraud, so they can run another vote...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2014
Colchester, Essex
You still have it all arse about face. Don’t worry though, we are used to dealing with it.

Let’s stitch to tour analogy above:

1) Man has money in pocket (Trump leading the count)

2) Man discovers money missing later in the day. (Biden overtakes Trump in count)

3) Man believes money was stolen. (Trump believes electoral fraud has taken place)

4) Man says he thinks a staff member in a cafe stole his money because he spilt coffee on him and made a big fuss, drying him, patting him down etc. He then disappeared for several minutes, which looked suspicious. (Trump says he believes the counting & voting process stole his votes because observers were moved out of range, windows were covered up and it’s been suggested that dead people have voted and other people have voted twice. This looks suspicious)

5) It’s now the police / authority‘s job to sort this out. In the case of the Man, they interview him and get the full details of the allegations down on paper in the form of a statement. They then start an investigation to see if there is evidence of the statement being bollicks. If not, they move the investigation to the cafe to see if there is evidence to support the allegation. (With Trump, the same process should follow. Get the allegations down on paper, start an investigation, first to see if there is evidence of them being unfounded, if no evidence of that exists, move on to investigate the counting process to see if evidence of fraud exists.

What you and the media are saying is that Trump / The Man must provide evidence to convict the guilty before anyone will look at the allegations. That’s untrue and that itself looks suspicious, like there is something to hide.

Trump has made an allegation and drawn attention to suspicious activity. Now an investigation should follow to see if there is anything in it.

In court, a Pennsylvania judge asked a lawyer for Trump point-blank whether he was alleging fraud.
(Full transcript here…)

  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
The term Transition is specific to a change of administration not a continuation.

That is why there is a Presidential Transition Act.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
You still have it all arse about face. Don’t worry though, we are used to dealing with it.

Let’s stitch to tour analogy above:

1) Man has money in pocket (Trump leading the count)

2) Man discovers money missing later in the day. (Biden overtakes Trump in count)

3) Man believes money was stolen. (Trump believes electoral fraud has taken place)

4) Man says he thinks a staff member in a cafe stole his money because he spilt coffee on him and made a big fuss, drying him, patting him down etc. He then disappeared for several minutes, which looked suspicious. (Trump says he believes the counting & voting process stole his votes because observers were moved out of range, windows were covered up and it’s been suggested that dead people have voted and other people have voted twice. This looks suspicious)

5) It’s now the police / authority‘s job to sort this out. In the case of the Man, they interview him and get the full details of the allegations down on paper in the form of a statement. They then start an investigation to see if there is evidence of the statement being bollicks. If not, they move the investigation to the cafe to see if there is evidence to support the allegation. (With Trump, the same process should follow. Get the allegations down on paper, start an investigation, first to see if there is evidence of them being unfounded, if no evidence of that exists, move on to investigate the counting process to see if evidence of fraud exists.

What you and the media are saying is that Trump / The Man must provide evidence to convict the guilty before anyone will look at the allegations. That’s untrue and that itself looks suspicious, like there is something to hide.

Trump has made an allegation and drawn attention to suspicious activity. Now an investigation should follow to see if there is anything in it.
Except that Trump has done none of those things. ..well maybe up to point #3 . Trump are widely looking around for anything which might possibly indicate it was potentially suspicious.
The point is that the allegation must be at least plausible.
Remember this GoP Presidential Candidate sought to STOP the COUNT ..without any reason ,other than his margins were dropping. No reason ..let that sink in.

Everyone of these allegations has not held up. .. Or there are obvious reasons for the actions eg squads of armed vigilantes lurking in carparks outside of counting centres. The police were required to escort civil servants to and from their cars for fear of violence.
The only potentially viable challenge was the executive decision of the SC in Pennsylvania to extend the period by which mail in ballots might be received after the election..and guess what?. They are currently being kept in a separate room, have not be counted and not currently included in the votes counted. So if these break as anticipated, the Biden majority INCREASEs. Nobody is even suggesting that these are any thing other than full bono fide votes from legitimate voters , but that they arrived late. Incidentally who decided to spancil the US Postal Service?.
The Portal Worker story of yesterday is typical of what is happening. ..and should happen. The guy WRITEs in a this case sworn statement. The competent authority this case the Post Office Security staff, investigate and the guy recants. But not before very senior GoP Senators have held press conferences . Were I that postal workers boss the person accused, , I would now be sueing those Senators for defamation of character
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  • Informative
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Meanwhile, tories do what tories do...

Two Tory MPs take gambling jobs before review of betting laws

Philip Davies and Laurence Robertson paid tens of thousands for advising sector
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I predict that the vaccine roll out will be a clusterfuck because they will not have understood and made provisions for the -70 deg C storage. They will be thinking they just need some fridges and maybe increase the supply voltage a bit to make them work harder, which the army can do.

It should be fairly straightforward with a liquid nitrogen, dry ice or something similar, but they won’t be thinking about this at the scale required.
As Woosh indicates in a separate post, obviously your knowledge of pharmaceutical industry is on a par with your other expertise. The industry is well versed in in manufacturing of products and in their distribution. This will include time critical preparations eg radioactive potassium salts and temperature unstable preparations. On a personal level ,I have been dealing with a preparation for my son for 30 years which must be maintained at 4 degrees Celsius until inhaled , and have managed this even in ambient temperature of 38 Celsius. Below freezing ,it is destroyed, above 4 its lifetime is reduced. Hospital Pharmacies have the deep freezes , District Health centres the same .and the local centre will be able to get daily or weekly deliveries as required.

Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
As Woosh indicates in a separate post, obviously your knowledge of pharmaceutical industry is on a par with your other expertise. The industry is well versed in in manufacturing of products and in their distribution. This will include time critical preparations eg radioactive potassium salts and temperature unstable preparations. On a personal level ,I have been dealing with a preparation for my son for 30 years which must be maintained at 4 degrees Celsius until inhaled , and have managed this even in ambient temperature of 38 Celsius. Below freezing ,it is destroyed, above 4 its lifetime is reduced. Hospital Pharmacies have the deep freezes , District Health centres the same .and the local centre will be able to get daily or weekly deliveries as required.
Clearly the perception you have of yourself falls far short of reality, as you have proven on numerous occasions previously.

I can guarantee you that the bunch of clowns in charge over here will not have the infrastructure in place to store the quantities of vaccine required at a local level, and quite possibly at a national level too.

Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
Except that Trump has done none of those things. ..well maybe up to point #3 . Trump are widely looking around for anything which might possibly indicate it was potentially suspicious.
The point is that the allegation must be at least plausible.
Remember this GoP Presidential Candidate sought to STOP the COUNT ..without any reason ,other than his margins were dropping. No reason ..let that sink in.

Everyone of these allegations has not held up. .. Or there are obvious reasons for the actions eg squads of armed vigilantes lurking in carparks outside of counting centres. The police were required to escort civil servants to and from their cars for fear of violence.
The only potentially viable challenge was the executive decision of the SC in Pennsylvania to extend the period by which mail in ballots might be received after the election..and guess what?. They are currently being kept in a separate room, have not be counted and not currently included in the votes counted. So if these break as anticipated, the Biden majority INCREASEs. Nobody is even suggesting that these are any thing other than full bono fide votes from legitimate voters , but that they arrived late. Incidentally who decided to spancil the US Postal Service?.
The Portal Worker story of yesterday is typical of what is happening. ..and should happen. The guy WRITEs in a this case sworn statement. The competent authority this case the Post Office Security staff, investigate and the guy recants. But not before very senior GoP Senators have held press conferences . Were I that postal workers boss the person accused, , I would now be sueing those Senators for defamation of character
You don't know any of this. You are guessing. You are not an investigator.
