Brexit, for once some facts.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I don’t understand why she seems determined to placate the minority of the ERG ,rather than reaching out to the majority of the Tory party who clearly favour a softer Brexit and staying in the customs union,will find favour with a lot of Labour MPs at the same time.
she does not have much choice.
her duty and instinct are to keep the tories together.
She needs the ERG and DUP to support government bills when they go to the HoC.
Her government cannot survive if one of these two factions vote against her bills.

In the past, the threat of losing power to Labour was enough to keep the Eurosceptics in check. Until now, that threat hasn't worked for TM because JC is not seen as a credible threat.
TM needs Labour to lead conservatives by at least 10% to get her deal through. They are still level pegging at the moment.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
Mine are all Asian,all voted Leave and going nowhere. I, ll pass on address if you wish.
Besides only folk who dont clean their teeth need dental hygienist.... to show them how to.
Job opportunities around you Kudos.. A new career?
Agreed. Only ever needed one filling when I was 13, so 40 years now without a need for treatment.

I just don’t believe that Brexit can be blamed for this reported delay. Its more likely to be over population which is the cause. The number of service users has been allowed to expand unnaturally without investment in support services such as healthcare.

Go for private healthcare it’s the only option nowadays. No delays then, money well spent.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Did you see something you didn't like? this man gave his personal opinion,and it didn't suit you, so it shouldn't be reported on?
Where was there any suggestion that "All leavers" were racist?
That was entirely your suggestion,or are we to understand that this mans lack of understanding that we have actually control over the number of immigrants makes him racist?
Who was the person hopping up and down that people using the word "racist" inadvisedly were the cause of all the trouble,it's a remainer plot?
I posted simply because I found it interesting that someone seems willing to suffer in order to reduce, or eliminate, immigration.

Wanting no immigration is not necessarily racist and I absolutely did not say that he is a racist.

It is, perhaps, worth reading through the whole article? Which includes this:

“It’s the people who are already on the breadline who are going to be the ones hurt most. People in government who want no deal don’t know that side of life … I understand respecting the referendum, but if it is detrimental to the people who haven’t got much, how can that be right?”


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Will Theresa May let us crash out without a deal.?
After all she said that no deal is better than a bad deal and 230 votes says that her deal is a very bad deal.
she may have to.
the ERG has always maintained that the EU has 'form' to blink at the 11th hour.
That claim needs to be tested to prove them right or wrong.
If the EU blinks first, the problem is solved, the ERG will replace TM with their man (JRM or BJ) by Christmas. The UK will be heading for a Canada style FTA and we'll sell the NHS to the Americans.
If the EU does not blink, parliament would propose a national unity government to continue with negotiation, JC becomes deputy PM, and we'll head to EFTA membership.

pure speculation of course.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
Will Theresa May let us crash out without a deal.?
After all she said that no deal is better than a bad deal and 230 votes says that her deal is a very bad deal.

Kudos Dave

I think we will leave on wto terms as her deal is a joke. I hope we remain or leave on these terms.

Kudos Dave
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
she may have to.
the ERG has always maintained that the EU has 'form' to blink at the 11th hour.
That claim needs to be tested to prove them right or wrong.
If the EU blinks first, the problem is solved, the ERG will replace TM with their man (JRM or BJ) by Christmas. The UK will be heading for a Canada style FTA and we'll sell the NHS to the Americans.
If the EU does not blink, parliament would propose a national unity government to continue with negotiation, JC becomes deputy PM, and we'll head to EFTA membership.

pure speculation of course.

But Whoosh I genuinely think the Irish have been played as the patsies.

They will yield at 2355. She will gulp it up as a victory when in essence it truly is worse than staying in.

She is a fool and incompetent.

A tory.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
Spurs could win the league if levy invested 80 million in the team. Cement them as a player for 5years.

Seems a small amount comparing.

But it’s like the opposite what May is doing. She is spending fortunes to make us Crystal Palace..

So sad. So inept. I hate her. And her husband who pulls the strings


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
I’m sorry, this isn’t Brexit related, but I had to post it as an example of this government’s utter incompetence, desperation and generally not having a clue.

As a fight back against the rising tide of knife crime, the government is proposing to ban knife wielding violent thugs from using social media. Excuse me? Did I hear correctly?

This is the best bit:
If a court is convinced the police's intelligence is probably right, it can impose sanctions including a ban from using social media. (Probably right :) ) I’m not even going to waste the energy wondering how this is going to be enforceable.

Why should we be worried about Brexit? The government has clearly got our backs covered.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Telegraph
Putin's spokesman speaks
British fury at the arrogant, high-handed behavior of the EU could unite the country to back a WTO deal

Nigel Farage

Let's see now why is it high handed that the EU expect us to honour a deal we spent two years negotiating and signed up to?
Who are the "British Fury" group he is going on about? a busload of his mad supporters?

And since when did the House of Commons give a damn what the country wants? if they did they would be arranging a referendum not carrying on like Monty Python's flying Circus as they are, pandering to the ERG, a squalid gang of Tax evaders.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I’m sorry, this isn’t Brexit related, but I had to post it as an example of this government’s utter incompetence, desperation and generally not having a clue.

As a fight back against the ride of rising knife crime, the government is proposing to ban knife wielding violent thugs from using social media. Excuse me? Did I hear correctly?

This is the best bit:
If a court is convinced the police's intelligence is probably right, it can impose sanctions including a ban from using social media. (Probably right :) ) I’m not even going to waste the energy wondering how this is going to be enforceable.

Why should we be worried about Brexit? The government have clearly got our backs covered.
Here you are a suitable answer (in jest)

Captain, said Baldrick , I have a cunning plan to stop knife wielding maniacs using social media.
Handcuff 'em behind their backs!
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
From the Telegraph
Putin's spokesman speaks
British fury at the arrogant, high-handed behavior of the EU could unite the country to back a WTO deal

Nigel Farage

Let's see now why is it high handed that the EU expect us to honour a deal we spent two years negotiating and signed up to?
Who are the "British Fury" group he is going on about? a busload of his mad supporters?

And since when did the House of Commons give a damn what the country wants? if they did they would be arranging a referendum not carrying on like Monty Python's flying Circus as they are, pandering to the ERG, a squalid gang of Tax evaders.
Nothing new, Farage's approach has always been whipping up hatred for the EU.
He did manage to get about 27% of the votes in the last EP, so his is a tried and tested strategy.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
But Whoosh I genuinely think the Irish have been played as the patsies.

They will yield at 2355. She will gulp it up as a victory when in essence it truly is worse than staying in.

She is a fool and incompetent.

A tory.
10 DUP MPs against Labour's 14 MPs who have made personal pledges to their constituencies and will vote for May's deal, TM can forget the DUP for a minute.
As for the merit of May's deal, there is no surprise, she will take a loss against betting the farm (the tory party retaining power).
The no deal faction inside the ERG is less than half their headcount, about 20-30. She still needs to have them on her side unless an equal number of her ministers resign before end of March.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
You really believe that will happen?
Forget the self sufficiency , during the war years the UK population was 47 million and it is 67 Million now , a far bigger problem than we had back then.
As to doing it yourself,
Who is going to wait for months after digging over their garden to plant food and wait for it to grow?

Supermarkets have driven prices down so far that many farmers have gone out of business.
Who is going to tell the Farmers what to plant and guarantee prices that make them viable?
Food prices will have to go sky high to justify them going back into that area of business,and people will not take kindly to that, will they.
So who will force the farmers back into a business they have abandoned?
Are we going to resurrect the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and control the farmers as was done during the war years?
Where are the New jobs going to be? doing what?
They won't be needed for consumer goods as there will be no fewer imports, dumping of cheap tat from China will replace quality goods, and dodgy food from the USA will decimate Farming here.

Sorry but what you suggest is not practical
Not practical nor based on sound economic theory.

This idea that 'self-sufficiency' is good - something the Greens are continually trying to brainwash us with - is economic pap. What generates wealth is trade. Trade. You do what you do best - I'll do what I do best - and we trade. THAT is the economically literate way to do things.

Plus this idea that the balance of payments being negative is bad - more economic pap. The balance of payments I have - for example - with my local shop is all one way too (ie negative) - I buy things from them and they never buy things from me. So what? Its a total red herring encouraged by the likes of Trump who think having a negative balance of payments with China means the US is poorer. The man is an idiot. It means the US CAN AFFORD to buy things from outside. Doh. A negative balance of payments is just fine.

The next on 50Hertz list of nonsense is the idea that 'more jobs' is a good thing. No. Jobs are an economic cost to us. Being efficiency-driven animals (ie lazy) what we want is the most stuff for the least effort. Jobs - in economic terms are therefore a cost to the system.

We want more stuff from less effort - jobs are an effort.

Again its the Greens lobby who have gotten to people here. They say things like a green economy would create so many jobs - which in fact means it would take MORE EFFORT to get the same amount of energy. Instead of freeing those people up to work on a cure for cancer or a new 4D holographic computer interface - they have to work generating energy. Doh.

Mind you - most people don't get this. Somebody calculated that you could generate enough energy for your house if you spent 20 hours a day on a treadmill with a generator attached - creates a lot of jobs right? Jobs are not the goal.

There was something else he said that showed a lack of understanding when it comes to economics 101 but heck it's time to walk the dog.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
We want more stuff from less effort - jobs are an effort.

Here is the UK trade balance for the last 10 years.
We've been constantly in the red. The last time we were in the black was in the early years of Tony Blair PMship.
Can't pay won't pay?
How are we paying for it if we don't get foreign direct investment?
The threat of no deal, albeit less than 15% probable, kills already half the FDI in 2018.
That's the problem we get when people who do not understand macro economics vote on the future of national economy.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
Not practical nor based on sound economic theory.

This idea that 'self-sufficiency' is good - something the Greens are continually trying to brainwash us with - is economic pap. What generates wealth is trade. Trade. You do what you do best - I'll do what I do best - and we trade. THAT is the economically literate way to do things.

Plus this idea that the balance of payments being negative is bad - more economic pap. The balance of payments I have - for example - with my local shop is all one way too (ie negative) - I buy things from them and they never buy things from me. So what? Its a total red herring encouraged by the likes of Trump who think having a negative balance of payments with China means the US is poorer. The man is an idiot. It means the US CAN AFFORD to buy things from outside. Doh. A negative balance of payments is just fine.

The next on 50Hertz list of nonsense is the idea that 'more jobs' is a good thing. No. Jobs are an economic cost to us. Being efficiency-driven animals (ie lazy) what we want is the most stuff for the least effort. Jobs - in economic terms are therefore a cost to the system.

We want more stuff from less effort - jobs are an effort.

Again its the Greens lobby who have gotten to people here. They say things like a green economy would create so many jobs - which in fact means it would take MORE EFFORT to get the same amount of energy. Instead of freeing those people up to work on a cure for cancer or a new 4D holographic computer interface - they have to work generating energy. Doh.

Mind you - most people don't get this. Somebody calculated that you could generate enough energy for your house if you spent 20 hours a day on a treadmill with a generator attached - creates a lot of jobs right? Jobs are not the goal.

There was something else he said that showed a lack of understanding when it comes to economics 101 but heck it's time to walk the dog.
If I spend £1.01 for every £1.00 that I earn, I go bust.
