I disagree.OJ,.. fine what you wanted was clear, what were you prepared to give up to achieve it was not.
The most blatant lie was the mantra "take back control" .. . It was is as meaningless or meaningful as " Make America great Again".
Even the fact that the EU did not stop,or attempt to stop ,or is even interfering in the UKs referendum and debates remains proof of that. What the EU has done however is ensure that the UK would not "take back "control of other countries,. The continued attempts to bully Ireland over the last year by senior politicans,will not be viewed as your finest hour.
Now your sentence about blood on the streets ,would in any court be viewed not as a prediction,but as an obvious threat.
taking back control is the most achievable.
Just handover brexit to parliament.
The rest is a lot trickier.
Control of our money: that's clear, brexit is expensive for the many (not the few billionaires who bankrolled the campaign)
Control of our border: that's also clear, we can't police NI border nor put up more coastguards
Have our own trade policy: that's also clear, we will have a huge backlog to rollover before any new deal, and that's only half of the story: virtually every country on the opposite side wants new concessions before any rollover.