So much for posting on topic. I was pointing out that on the internet anyone can claim to be anywhere they fancy, and posting images isn't actually proof, just proves you can use a search engine, or have images from previous holidays on file.OG has had his argument tincture.. And he has started referring to himself in third person. Losing touch with reality I think. Ahwell,merry christmas OG..
Can you imagine what its like living with somebody as cantankerous as OG... Jesus wept.
And his random babble is erupting. Much of the diatribe against 50hz was senseless, even by his own exacting standards in senselessness.
Calling me a liar over my whereabouts was despicable OG.Jealousy I think... Cant blame you for that mind. Hull in January aint brilliant is it..
Whereas we have a spotless reputation and really we were joking when we invented Concentration Camps in the Boer war, and we have invaded just about every country on EarthHistory tells us what happens when Germany gets an army. They invade countries and put people in gas chambers.
Yup. Like I say if you dig deep enough and go back far enough you can find dirt on anybody.Whereas we have a spotless reputation and really we were joking when we invented Concentration Camps in the Boer war, and we have invaded just about every country on Earth
Here you are for yor amusement as you clearly won't believe this truth
Courtesy of the Telegraph
View attachment 28687
A new study has found that at various times the British have invaded almost 90 per cent of the countries around the globe. The analysis of the histories of the almost 200 countries in the world found only 22 which have never experienced an invasion by the British.
And here is another snippet
We are still a nation locked in denial. If you point out basic facts about the British Empire - that the British deliberately adopted policies that caused as many as 29 million Indians to starve to death in the late 19th century, say - you smack into a wall of incomprehension and rage.
And then there was our deplorable failure to save the Irish during the potato famine when milllions died.
I should leave off your hate campaign for the Germans,on that score it doesn't pay to draw attention to ourselves.
Greetings!So much for posting on topic. I was pointing out that on the internet anyone can claim to be anywhere they fancy, and posting images isn't actually proof, just proves you can use a search engine, or have images from previous holidays on file.
You do have form on giving misleading location information after all.
I simply observed you Could be in Rotherham to see if you would rise to the bait and defend your reputation, since you were the Forum member who put down his location as"The North Pole" establishing a reputation as a liar as to your actual location.
Are we going to see photo's of you at the North Pole now?
Ah well Trolls will be trolls
The full article stated clearly that Sony were moving its HQ to Holland but staff and business function would not be moved and there would be no job losses. You stopped writing at moving to Holland which is disingenuous of you, you should have put the story in full context.The statement about Sony is what was published , so how do you equate that with me "lying"?
And it means the money goes out of this country, doesn't it?
I realise that for some absurd reason you still assume Brexit is somehow "patriotic" and ignore the so obvious damage it is causing.
Why do you conflate the disgust I show for the malicious damage the Brexi Vote is causing the country into my hating it?
Are you off your head? what has oppostion to a mad idea got to do with Hating this country?
The Brexit vote has been disastrous for this country and I regard you and others that voted for it as working in the interest of our national enemies .
You are in fact a menace to future generation with this thoughtless pursuit of what?
You don't even know, do you?
Not one of the leave voters has ever been able to advance a single logical and provable reason for voting for Brexit.
And yet here you are telling me I hate this country because I object to idiots trying to wreck it?
Why do you persist in posing as a a Patriot while supporting the most stupidly damaging decision made in the last generation?
That is the act of a traitor, not a patriot, so stop posing as something you are obviously not.
let's simplify matters
You voted on a whim without knowing a damn thing about what the result would be, and have closed your mind to the possibility that this was a wrong decision.
Despite all the evidence that this was a mistake you can't face the idea it was wrong, can you?
Why do you hate this country? would be far more accurately asked of you than me, as I want to save it not destroy it as you are apparent intent on.
Here is a question for you, is your conscience clear if Brexit goes wrong , the people suffer and there is trouble in the streets?
Mine is, as I tried to warn people of the consequences of this madness, but you won't have that , will you?
Think again while you can.
there is cautious optimism since TM's deal got voted down. The Pound has regained slowly some lost ground because the threat of no deal is receding.More Good news:
A survey of UK CEOs has found that companies are in the mood to hire as the UK prepares to leave the European Union. Business reality is a stark contrast to Project Fear conspiracy.
This year a clear majority (61%) of business leaders expect to increase headcount in 2019, up from 54% the year before. It is also higher than the global average (53%), according to PwC’s worldwide survey of CEOs.
82% of UK CEOs are optimistic about their organisation’s growth over next 12 months. The sky hasn’t fallen in as the establishment said would happen if the UK voted to Leave in 2016, business leaders are getting on with the job.
CEOs in the UK are more pessimistic about global growth though: the number expecting a decline over the next year has tripled in a year to 34%.
Chairman of PwC, Kevin Ellis, has said “Uncertainty is at the forefront of UK CEOs minds, but they know regardless of market conditions, there are always opportunities for growth. By investing in talent, technology and developing new business models, companies can adapt and innovate to thrive. CEO confidence on hiring is a very positive sign.”
If it's not on the side of a bus it doesn't count.Leavers during the campaign: The EU will create its own army.
Nick Clegg: "An EU Army is a dangerous fantasy. It will not happen."
News January 2019: Macron and Merkel now fully back a European army.
My earlier post addresses all but the final paragraph, which I shall answer now.I realise you don't think things through, but where do you think the money will go ?
You can't be dense enough to think nothing will change can you?
Every single post I have made on here is as far as am able to check truthful, and I don't require lectures from you as to how I present it, or your rather juvenile associating me with vermin like Johnson and Gove, and how on earth do you come up with a line like "Your posting typifies all that is wrong with the referendum situation. "
This is your own advice
"Start posting truthfully or FO and stop doing unnecessary damage."
Do us all a favour and take it, I don't take kindly being addressed by an ignorant smart Ass in such as fashion as you just did
For the record, just what is your "side" in this debate? you seem to change it on a daily basis, do you even know any more?
Interesting post. Clearly you are able to review your decisions objectively even if mainly on financial grounds. I have an opposite journey, I voted remain, as much because I think its culturally beneficial for the UK to remain open and not become as self obsessed as say trump incarnation of America. But friends and colleagues have emerged as leave voters, and more than that strident xenophobic, worryingly often even blatantly racist ones. And we're still friends (we all have demons). But I cannot see them changing meaningfully without a very thorough experience of the kind of dystopia those kind of views create. So I'm hoping for a very hard cliff edge wto brexit. Financially I'll survive either way so that doesn't really matter and may be a small price to pay in the long run for a more meaningful opening up to the eu.My earlier post addresses all but the final paragraph, which I shall answer now.
I think this country should remain in the EU and not leave it.
I worry about people’s jobs.
I voted to leave the EU because from the information I had at the time of the referendum I thought it would be the best way forward. There seemed to be wide discontent with the EU, I thought the billions we send to the EU would be better spent here in the U.K. and I thought that the trade balance would remain fairly even between the EU and U.K. because we spend many billions there.
I don’t mind admitting that I have been lied to by the Leave camp and I placed my trust in their information and they have betrayed that trust. So well done Leave, if congratulations are appropriate in those circumstances. Remain also lied, so now I don’t believe anyone. I won’t be done over again I can assure you of that. You get one chance.
So, having fallen for Leave’s lies, I have reconsidered and looked at what has happened since the referendum and made my decision.
It doesn’t make much difference, but remaining in the EU has always likely to have been a marginally better option for me in financial terms. I’m pretty much insulted from both outcomes as far as money is concerned.
Quite a lot of my background is in finance and I am retired now in my early fifties. However, since retirement I have been buying derelict buildings and plots of land to regenerate as housing. In February 2018 we had just finished 9 houses on the site of a disused pub. They were all up for sale at the usual initial asking price of slightly more than we estimated the value to be. A social housing scheme, pockets bulging with grant money, bought the lot, didn’t negotiate on the price and were desperate to get rid of their money before April.
The town where we built those houses is poor and has seen a high influx of migrants, typically from Poland. There is a chronic housing shortage and it is getting worse, so if we remain in the EU, I think it can only deteriorate further and improve returns for my retirement hobby business.
However, for the good of the country, I think remaining in the EU is the best of two bad choices. You just have to make whichever situation comes about, work for you.
What?You are a severe critic of the U.K. allowing big business to get away with paying unfairly small amounts of tax. The
as Daveboy said:And now you no longer know which way you want Brexit to go do you?
If it's not on the side of a bus it doesn't count.
Pretty much me feelings as I have posted all along, this is a time for "Grasping the Nettle"Interesting post. Clearly you are able to review your decisions objectively even if mainly on financial grounds. I have an opposite journey, I voted remain, as much because I think its culturally beneficial for the UK to remain open and not become as self obsessed as say trump incarnation of America. But friends and colleagues have emerged as leave voters, and more than that strident xenophobic, worryingly often even blatantly racist ones. And we're still friends (we all have demons). But I cannot see them changing meaningfully without a very thorough experience of the kind of dystopia those kind of views create. So I'm hoping for a very hard cliff edge wto brexit. Financially I'll survive either way so that doesn't really matter and may be a small price to pay in the long run for a more meaningful opening up to the eu.
OJ,.. fine what you wanted was clear, what were you prepared to give up to achieve it was not.The thing that gets me about the situation at the moment is this:
When I voted I voted to leave. Which was very clear to me - it was to leave the customs union and the single market and to get out of the jurisdiction of the ECJ. That was basically it. That was what 'leave' meant. Take back control. Plain and simple. Every politician from every side said that's what it meant. Countless numbers of them said that's what it meant.
The closest 'deal' we have to that is leaving 'with no deal' (ie WTO terms).
And that is the ONE thing parliament seems set on blocking.
I swear there will be blood on the streets if they don't wake up and see what they are doing.
The sense of betrayal - the anger. These idiots have no f*****g clue.