Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
But when you, ve gone for it... and gone for it.... and gone for it... Then what?? Phone a hitman?
I, m not suggesting either party admitt they are wrong... Agree to differ. Move on. Tommie hadnt really insulted anyone. They had differing interpretations of prices and reasons behind prices.. Time to forget it.. Have a beer, go sailing, watch football. Ww cant alter anything on here anyhow. We, ve all proved that, again and again. Not even opinions..
OG more or less called me a liar.. Cant alter his opinion... Just forget it.
Darn though I like watching a good fight.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
Latest spam from the Conservative Party

Dear 50Hertz

I hope you got my email on Sunday.

Since then Jeremy Corbyn has put forward an amendment in Parliament that paves the way for a second EU referendum.

Are Corbyn and Labour now trying to block Brexit?

One thing is for sure – they simply can’t be trusted to keep any promise they make to respect the result of the referendum.

Don’t agree with Labour? Then we need your help.

Donate to our campaigns today:
If you do then we can warn more people about Corbyn’s shift towards a second referendum.


The Rt Hon Brandon Lewis MP
Chairman of the Conservative Party & Colossal Bell-End

P.S. Make sure we can take the fight to Corbyn and Labour – donate today.
If you don't want to receive any more messages from Theresa May and the Conservatives, click here to unsubscribe. Promoted by Alan Mabbutt on behalf of the Conservative Party, both at 4 Matthew Parker Street, London, SW1H 9HQ
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 4, 2016
Latest spam from the Conservative Party

Dear 50Hertz

I hope you got my email on Sunday.

Since then Jeremy Corbyn has put forward an amendment in Parliament that paves the way for a second EU referendum.

Are Corbyn and Labour now trying to block Brexit?

One thing is for sure – they simply can’t be trusted to keep any promise they make to respect the result of the referendum.

Don’t agree with Labour? Then we need your help.

Donate to our campaigns today:
If you do then we can warn more people about Corbyn’s shift towards a second referendum.


The Rt Hon Brandon Lewis MP
Chairman of the Conservative Party & Colossal Bell-End

P.S. Make sure we can take the fight to Corbyn and Labour – donate today.
If you don't want to receive any more messages from Theresa May and the Conservatives, click here to unsubscribe. Promoted by Alan Mabbutt on behalf of the Conservative Party, both at 4 Matthew Parker Street, London, SW1H 9HQ
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Is that a cut and paste job?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I don’t mind facts, but what I don’t like is when you edit the full story to make it read more bleakly than it actually is. Your post regarding Sony is a typical example. You are lying by posting the information totally out of context. You do hate this country because you never pass up an opportunity to attack it, even if that requires lying.
The statement about Sony is what was published , so how do you equate that with me "lying"?
And it means the money goes out of this country, doesn't it?

I realise that for some absurd reason you still assume Brexit is somehow "patriotic" and ignore the so obvious damage it is causing.
Why do you conflate the disgust I show for the malicious damage the Brexi Vote is causing the country into my hating it?
Are you off your head? what has oppostion to a mad idea got to do with Hating this country?

The Brexit vote has been disastrous for this country and I regard you and others that voted for it as working in the interest of our national enemies .
You are in fact a menace to future generation with this thoughtless pursuit of what?
You don't even know, do you?

Not one of the leave voters has ever been able to advance a single logical and provable reason for voting for Brexit.
And yet here you are telling me I hate this country because I object to idiots trying to wreck it?

Why do you persist in posing as a a Patriot while supporting the most stupidly damaging decision made in the last generation?
That is the act of a traitor, not a patriot, so stop posing as something you are obviously not.
let's simplify matters
You voted on a whim without knowing a damn thing about what the result would be, and have closed your mind to the possibility that this was a wrong decision.
Despite all the evidence that this was a mistake you can't face the idea it was wrong, can you?
Why do you hate this country? would be far more accurately asked of you than me, as I want to save it not destroy it as you are apparent intent on.

Here is a question for you, is your conscience clear if Brexit goes wrong , the people suffer and there is trouble in the streets?
Mine is, as I tried to warn people of the consequences of this madness, but you won't have that , will you?
Think again while you can.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Oh! we never saw that one coming!
10,000 bookings with Brittany Ferries between 29 March and mid-May have been cancelled. Company says "this is to create additional ferry capacity for the transportation of critical goods (such as medicines) across the Channel”. Still Project Fear?

We'll just send the passengers and Vehicles by Air!........oh...

Brexit; the disaster that never stops surprising leavers, and disappointing remainers

Go on laugh, you leavers , after all if you can't take a joke what made you vote for Brexit?
You knew what you were voting for.
Beautifully timed for Easter.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
But when you, ve gone for it... and gone for it.... and gone for it... Then what?? Phone a hitman?
I, m not suggesting either party admitt they are wrong... Agree to differ. Move on. Tommie hadnt really insulted anyone. They had differing interpretations of prices and reasons behind prices.. Time to forget it.. Have a beer, go sailing, watch football. Ww cant alter anything on here anyhow. We, ve all proved that, again and again. Not even opinions..
OG more or less called me a liar.. Cant alter his opinion... Just forget it.
OG actually proved you were a liar as you recall, but I forgive you as you can't help it.
Your original appearance on here was much more critial of what constitutes insults while you were in "Thought police mode" but seems to have got lost somewhere along the way since then.
And you seem to have a different set of standards for what constitutes insults between leavers and remainers too.

So now we are going through a "Messiah " phase and scattering forgiveness and Blessings in all directions are we?
I must say it's all great fun and puts a new and intersting twist on Traditional Trolling
I shall personally recommend you for the "Attilla the Hun " award for Empathy and reconciliation.
Cary on old chap, you are much more fun than our usuall coterie of trolls that mess on the carpet now and again.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Of course we want peace says Juncker. As car bombs are going off he says there will be a hard border in N. I.

What a scumbag.

I truly despise the EU. More and more I want out and away from these profiteering arch capitalists that value money above human life.
It took me 7 minutes to work out what the implications of a no deal Brexit would be as the BBC were posting the results of referendum, I then went back to bed, depressed,and woke up some 4 hours later. Very little that has happened since has unfortunately surprised me. Except for two things. I was not expecting ... The decision of the ECJ to recognise a right to withdraw Article 50, and the total abdication of the opposition in UK parliament..

What does perplex me, is the total denial by youself and others of responsibility for your actions. It was the decision of yourself and 17 million others and your subsequent actions which have led to the situation today. Since you wanted a no deal Brexit ,how come you are not rejoicing?.

It is not Mr Junckers or Mr Barnier who has engineered your leaving.. it is yourselves,so any consequences are on your heads and only on your heads. No one else is responsible. Not the Irish, not the Germans, not the EU . Make no mistake, if the UK crashes out, it is a solely UK decision.

Now , I await the results of the interrogations of the suspects already arrested in Derry by the PSNI , and anticipate that the reasons are not Brexit related,..there are at least two or three other plausible reasons including the power vacuum in NI and the" romancing" of the" Troubles".
However I do remain concerned that a hard BREXIT with a hard border,(which I foresaw within those 7 minutes) ,will facilitate violence.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
It makes sense. What is the problem with this?

Most ships are registered with a tin pot economy for convenience.

Its still a British company. Though why someone who hates the UK as much as you would care is a mystery.

Oh yes. Of course its a misery story. At least for you anyway....
Fingers... That logic escapes me. Companies with global or international dimensions, will put their corporate headquarters in locations with a more favourable tax regime not for convenience. P&O could have selected Bermuda , they did not, They choose an EU country.. conincidence?.
If you move headquarters, you move tax liability, admin staff, insurance levies etc. That should be of concern to you as it affects the tax receipts in the longer term.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Why didn’t you say that the move is administrative and will not lead to job losses, staff or business function movement? You didn’t because you wanted to paint the picture as bleakly as possible, even if that involved lying by omission. Your posting typifies all that is wrong with the referendum situation. You are as bad, if not worse than Johnson, Gove and all the other twats who have led us into this situation. Start posting truthfully or FO and stop doing unnecessary damage.
I realise you don't think things through, but where do you think the money will go ?
You can't be dense enough to think nothing will change can you?

Every single post I have made on here is as far as am able to check truthful, and I don't require lectures from you as to how I present it, or your rather juvenile associating me with vermin like Johnson and Gove, and how on earth do you come up with a line like "Your posting typifies all that is wrong with the referendum situation. "
This is your own advice
"Start posting truthfully or FO and stop doing unnecessary damage."

Do us all a favour and take it, I don't take kindly being addressed by an ignorant smart Ass in such as fashion as you just did

For the record, just what is your "side" in this debate? you seem to change it on a daily basis, do you even know any more?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
OG has had his argument tincture.. And he has started referring to himself in third person. Losing touch with reality I think. Ahwell,merry christmas OG..
Can you imagine what its like living with somebody as cantankerous as OG... Jesus wept.
And his random babble is erupting. Much of the diatribe against 50hz was senseless, even by his own exacting standards in senselessness.
Calling me a liar over my whereabouts was despicable OG.Jealousy I think... Cant blame you for that mind. Hull in January aint brilliant is it..
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
I am amazed that Theresa May has decided to side with the hard Brexit of the ERG rather than looking towards Hammond/Grieve/Rudd who favour a softer Brexit.
May seems to be accepting that to satisfy the ERG she will let us crash out with no deal even though that means a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. The recent car bomb in Derry is a warning of what the latest version of the IRA are capable of, if there is any attempt to put barriers back in Ireland.
May and Rees-Mogg seem to put the Tory party in front of our country’s interest ,they and Cameron will be responsible for resurgence of violence in Ireland,as sure as if they ignited the bomb.
No deal should be deleted immediately,it’s dangerous.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
OG actually proved you were a liar as you recall, but I forgive you as you can't help it.
Your original appearance on here was much more critial of what constitutes insults while you were in "Thought police mode" but seems to have got lost somewhere along the way since then.
And you seem to have a different set of standards for what constitutes insults between leavers and remainers too.

So now we are going through a "Messiah " phase and scattering forgiveness and Blessings in all directions are we?
I must say it's all great fun and puts a new and intersting twist on Traditional Trolling
I shall personally recommend you for the "Attilla the Hun " award for Empathy and reconciliation.
Cary on old chap, you are much more fun than our usuall coterie of trolls that mess on the carpet now and again.


Lol. Too funny.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
I am amazed that Theresa May has decided to side with the hard Brexit of the ERG rather than looking towards Hammond/Grieve/Rudd who favour a softer Brexit.
May seems to be accepting that to satisfy the ERG she will let us crash out with no deal even though that means a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. The recent car bomb in Derry is a warning of what the latest version of the IRA are capable of, if there is any attempt to put barriers back in Ireland.
May and Rees-Mogg seem to put the Tory party in front of our country’s interest ,they and Cameron will be responsible for resurgence of violence in Ireland,as sure as if they ignited the bomb.
No deal should be deleted immediately,it’s dangerous.

There is no such thing as no deal.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Give cats the vote then run second referendum:

The boss of Pets at Home, the nation’s biggest pet supplier, said his company had started stockpiling essentials – including cat food – as “we don’t want families to run out of food for their pets” after Brexit day on 29 March.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I am amazed that Theresa May has decided to side with the hard Brexit of the ERG rather than looking towards Hammond/Grieve/Rudd who favour a softer Brexit.
May seems to be accepting that to satisfy the ERG she will let us crash out with no deal even though that means a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. The recent car bomb in Derry is a warning of what the latest version of the IRA are capable of, if there is any attempt to put barriers back in Ireland.
May and Rees-Mogg seem to put the Tory party in front of our country’s interest ,they and Cameron will be responsible for resurgence of violence in Ireland,as sure as if they ignited the bomb.
No deal should be deleted immediately,it’s dangerous.
she is pretty good at keeping the conservatives together until now, but what goes up must come down at some time, and that time is before the end of March.
DC would have been pretty smug when he nicked UKIP's votes for his party in 2015. Now it's time for the conservatives to pay for those votes. Kippers are not going to vote for the conservatives next time and that will put Labour back on top.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2014
Colchester, Essex
What prompted that? Germay has an army - Bundeswehr and an air force, and a navy. It's part of NATO and due in the main part to its history doesn't want to go all militristic. Heck it was one of the countries that Trump railed at for not contributing 2% GDP of its budget towards defence - so is quite operationally underfunded.
