Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
It’s usually the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) who investigate any infringement of The Air Navigation Order. They also usually instigate the prosecution if that is appropriate.

There are two potential offences which the microlight driver may have commented. The first is the 500’ Rule. The aircraft must not fly within 500’ of any vessel, vehicle or structure except in an emergency or in the process of take-off and landing. So there is a potential defence there.

The second is that the aircraft must not fly within 1000’ of the highest structure within a 2 mile radius of a congested area or a gathering of people. He could fall foul of that one.

The pilot sounds like a bit of a twat, so I wouldn’t worry too much about him being prosecuted. He will probably fly into a tree, the ground or another aircraft whilst showboating before the CAA catch up with him.
Are you sure the CAA rules apply to this type of device?. One does not, it appears requier a licence...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
The area in which the pilot flew will be within a temporary restricted aviation area. There is no doubt about that. These areas are activated for security reasons and for the safety of other official aircraft operating in that area. These will include the police, security personnel, news and possibly medical staff. These areas get busy and with that comes heightened danger. I know because I’ve flown in these sorts of situations numerous times. The last thing you want is a fool bumbling through unannounced towing a childish banner. Anyone who transgresses these areas in such a manner is a twat, they tick all the twat boxes.
Well certainly Mr Trump was well announced..other than that he might fit the other criteria. Apparently the Scottish police were given a 15 minute advisory that an over flight was happening.
My question actually was who prosecutes and for what crime and for how much. I have no doubt that it was in some fashion illegal, as would shooting him down have been also.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Are you sure the CAA rules apply to this type of device?. One does not, it appears requier a licence...
The Air Navigation Order applies to everything from a kite to an airliner. In some instances and for certain types of aircraft, the CAA devolve licensing to a national club. Gliding and microlight aircraft being such cases. Hot-air balloon pilot licensing on the other hand is administered through the CAA.

If the aircraft towing the banner was a para-motor, the pilot may not require a licence. That was certainly the case a few years ago. You could just buy one and fly / crash it. Regardless of whether a licence is required, you can still commit an offence contrary to The Air Navigation Order and be prosecuted. Just the same as you can for flying a kite in breach of the order and that doesn’t require a licence.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Well certainly Mr Trump was well announced..other than that he might fit the other criteria. Apparently the Scottish police were given a 15 minute advisory that an over flight was happening.
My question actually was who prosecutes and for what crime and for how much. I have no doubt that it was in some fashion illegal, as would shooting him down have been also.
The CAA prosecute. Off the top of my head, if a prosecution was to happen, it would most likely be under Rule 5 (I think), flying within 500’ of vessel, vehicle or structure.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Maybe it was in twat world, but it’s only the real world which counts.
The twat was lucky, Trump's guards could have interpreted flight as a breach of security and fired on him. You can guarantee there will be a weapon somewhere in boot of security vehicle for disabling microlights/drones. Amazed it got within miles of Trump. They must have looked on it in amusement rather than threat.
Next time all recreational fliers in area will be well pissed off as they are all grounded because some fool wanted to make a dumb point.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
The twat was lucky, Trump's guards could have interpreted flight as a breach of security and fired on him. You can guarantee there will be a weapon somewhere in boot of security vehicle for disabling microlights/drones. Amazed it got within miles of Trump. They must have looked on it in amusement rather than threat.
Next time all recreational fliers in area will be well pissed off as they are all grounded because some fool wanted to make a dumb point.
True, it’s always General Aviation which suffers as a result of the actions of the clowns.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I’m just watching a recording of the ladie’s Wimbledon singles final. The umpire sounds like Barry White and I can’t tell what he’s saying. The commentary is all in Scottish, so I have absolutely no idea what’s happening.

If only everyone spoke like Jacob Rees-Mogg, life would be so much easier.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
The twat was lucky, Trump's guards could have interpreted flight as a breach of security and fired on him. You can guarantee there will be a weapon somewhere in boot of security vehicle for disabling microlights/drones. Amazed it got within miles of Trump. They must have looked on it in amusement rather than threat.
Next time all recreational fliers in area will be well pissed off as they are all grounded because some fool wanted to make a dumb point.
. Exactly that is why it was brave. .. . There are millions who would disagree with you in whether the point was dumb. Now would US agents be subject to UK law when firing on an unarmed civilian?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I’m just watching a recording of the ladie’s Wimbledon singles final. The umpire sounds like Barry White and I can’t tell what he’s saying. The commentary is all in Scottish, so I have absolutely no idea what’s happening.

If only everyone spoke like Jacob Rees-Mogg, life would be so much easier.
.. would it would certainly progress at a slower pace .
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
. Exactly that is why it was brave. .. . There are millions who would disagree with you in whether the point was dumb. Now would US agents be subject to UK law when firing on an unarmed civilian?
No, it was stupid and selfish. If enough fools broke law in same way activity would be stopped for everyone. It was reckless. Recreational flying is restrictive enough already, and restrictions are there to prevent such silly childish stunts. If current restrictions don't prevent this kind of behaviour it justifies making restrictions stronger for us all.
And, to do what exactly ? Tell Trump he is not popular ? He actually thrives on the attention . He loves it.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Now would US agents be subject to UK law when firing on an unarmed civilian?
A question that has buzzed around my head quite a few times over the years.

There have been several stories of US forces personnel suddenly disappearing from the UK after allegations of various offences. I suspect that regardless their being subject to UK law, the chances of them being prosecuted would be tiny.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Too many contributors here seem to be full of admiration for Donald Trump. Be aware that Benito Mussolini and a certain Herr Hitler also enjoyed years of being patronised by nasty people who have nothing but contempt for democracy, for their fellow man, not to mention a pathological hatred of foreigners or those of dark pigmentation.

The rise of the neo-nazi movement needs to be excised from wherever it raises its ugly head, now, before history repeats itself. Make no mistake, the warning signs are all around if you care to look but don't rely on the British media to report on the evil being perpetrated by the violent scum with whom all 'Brexidiots' stand shoulder to shoulder against the decent people in society.


When the Manic Street Preachers said "if you tolerated this, then your children will be next", THIS is what they meant.

Today the assistant secretary of the RMT Union, Steven Haley, was attacked by right wing thugs at the anti fascism demo.

Our union leaders are being attacked. This is not acceptable. At all.

We cannot allow those who advocate for our rights as workers to be attacked like this, because if they do this to our leaders, what will they do to the rest of us?

This cannot stand. This is as far as we on the Left can allow this to go.

The first thing the fascists did in Germany and Italy in the 1920s and 1930s? Smash the left wing Union leaders.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Trump reminds me of the Mule in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series.

An unpredicted and unpredictable aberration. One that can seriously threaten the existing order.

Unlike the Mule, who was sterile, Trump does appear to have descendants.

Unlike the Mule, who was a mentalic, Trump does not appear to have managed to conscript quite so many individuals to his cause.

Is there a Second Foundation anywhere?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Trump reminds me of the Mule in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series.

An unpredicted and unpredictable aberration. One that can seriously threaten the existing order.

Unlike the Mule, who was sterile, Trump does appear to have descendants.

Unlike the Mule, who was a mentalic, Trump does not appear to have managed to conscript quite so many individuals to his cause.

Is there a Second Foundation anywhere?
I googled much of this... gave up on psionic ,chasing meaning of mentalic, with its reference to supernatural and electronics..sorry but WTF... Is there a Ladybird book to explain it..
Not sure how anyone could hit agree when nobody can actually explain what a mentalic is..
But yes Mules are sterile. Must have agreed with that.
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