Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
From the Express this morning
Brexit ESPIONAGE: EU is ‘deploying COLD WAR spy tactics against UK’ as rooms are ‘BUGGED'
THE European Union has been “deploying cold war espionage tactics against Britain” as rooms are “bugged”, an intelligence source has claimed.

Fortunately for the Express it can rely on it's readers not to be bright enough to know that any liar, cheat or propagandist can claim anything at all.
The snag is that this propaganda comic purports to be a Newspaper, and does influence a section of public opinion
Those “Internet Giants” have been at it again. Another reason to bring them under closer government control.


Esteemed Pedelecer
A lot of people seem to have forgotten just how badly Theresa May performed her role as Home Secretary when she was over-promoted to that position by Ca-moron.

May was an abject failure and she has fared no better as PM, a job that few serious politicians wanted after the referendum. Much of the terrorist activity we have witnessed in the UK was a result of policies and decisions taken by her department while she was in charge. Here is one case in point:


Apart from the fact that she is now the most incompetent PM the country has ever had, other matters, affecting only a small number of people, continue to affect people's lives.

Obviously, in the world of business, circumstances can change and operational requirements have to be adjusted to suit the changing conditions. In the case of the Britvic workers in Norfolk, their news that hundreds of jobs are about to disappear couldn't have come at a more insensitive moment.

Surely this could have been handled better?


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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Those “Internet Giants” have been at it again. Another reason to bring them under closer government control.
I wonder what other Fake News they have in store for us, when they are willing to come out with such a corny conspiracy?
What would be the point of bugging rooms where clowns like Davis are present? you're not going to learn much of use there are you?

Reminds me of remarks Rommel made during the desert war, he is quoted as saying that he had curtailed reconaissance of British Army movements, as it was clear the British had no idea what they were doing, so how was he to make sense of it?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
I wonder what other Fake News they have in store for us, when they are willing to come out with such a corny conspiracy?
What would be the point of bugging rooms where clowns like Davis are present? you're not going to learn much of use there are you?

Reminds me of remarks Rommel made during the desert war, he is quoted as saying that he had curtailed reconaissance of British Army movements, as it was clear the British had no idea what they were doing, so how was he to make sense of it?
But Rommel lost the desert war , so actually British did know what they were doing.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
I thought that the move to 'Qualified Majority Voting' was adopted by the EU to prevent individual countries from vetoing proposed changes?
The media stated that the recent line up of the EU politicians and military personnel could not happen whilst the UK had a veto vote.
Having said that,the direction of Brexit seems to be so aligned with the EU and considering your point about Qualified Majority Voting ,the loss of our vote in the EU makes little difference.
I do remember that the EU blamed the UK for not allowing the 200% duty they wanted to put on Chinese steel,that was under Cameron maybe things have changed.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
But Rommel lost the desert war , so actually British did know what they were doing.
Indeed, by outnumbering, having much more material strength, and having ultra decrypts that he had no access to

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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
The ship 'Hard Brexit' is ready to sail,it's tethered by cotton threads that May is about to cut. There is only 1 lifeboat and Boris is ready to leave the sinking hulk,to join the luxury cruise ship 'Soft Brexit'.
Will 'Hard Brexit' sail off into oblivion or will it get beached,the survivors to fight another day?
Make a good cartoon....cue Old Tom.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Indeed, by outnumbering, having much more material strength, and having ultra decrypts that he had no access to

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Well yes, that's how War your original premis was wrong.( well Rommels was)


Oct 25, 2006
But Rommel lost the desert war , so actually British did know what they were doing.
Not really in any true sense. In 1942 the Allied forces surrendered to Rommel at Tobruk. After Allied reinforcement a series of back and forth battles ensued with nothing decisive until Rommel's surrender in November 1943 after the Allied forces had been built up to six times his by Operation Torch. That had brought the Americans into the campaign from May 1943 to give many of the extra numbers, so hardly a British win.

If we fielded 12 footballers against two to win a match, would we claim a victory to be an achievement?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Well yes, that's how War your original premis was wrong.( well Rommels was)
Not at all, as events proved, it would not have changed the result of such a one sided contest.
Would it really matter if you have a Thousand men and the entire Red Army comes over the hilltop at the charge?
And until fuel shortage and being hugely outnumbered turned the tables, Rommel made mincemeat out of our formations as they were as he had foreseen very badly organised and led.
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Oct 13, 2017
Oh! but they have changed! comes the cry from under the Bri
So the same should have applied to the press they gave Milibands father ?
On the occasions I dirty my hands with "The Spode", usually I'll find at least 5 contradiction's of their own contributors twisted opinions before page 4.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Lord Malloch-Brown an ex diplomat is coordinating a campaign to bring together all the small ant-Brexit movements into one major one.
The mood of the public is changing,the latest poll gives 53% remain,47% leave,consensus is that 60 to 40 would be the point at which our parliament will have the bravery to take notice.
If only the hardline Brexiters started to understand that they are being hi-jacked by a small number of Tory right wing fascists and Brexit will only achieve the opposite of what they want....perhaps if these people were to Google 'Rees-Mogg,Singaporean economy' they would start to understand what these Tories intend for them,Mother Theresa is the acceptable face,to be kicked aside when they achieve power....beware the guy with the cigarettes!
Ref....'modelling the British economy on Singapore after Brexit is a bad idea'....reading this article just shows what can be achieved if you can rid of the working directive'.....releasing this article would be much more effective than project fear,frightening for the low paid.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
On more than one occasion, I have made reference to the charitable status accorded to some really undeserving cases and believe it needs to be completely overhauled as it has been hugely abused for no other reason than tax avoidance by by people and organisations not in the least charitable, other than to themselves and their family interests.

Here is an excerpt from a piece by the 'Ad sinistram' website which describes one, just one, example of vastly rich people running a hugely selective school for the children of vastly rich people, being subsidised by the taxpayer:

Eton College is the principal fee paying school in Britain. Surprisingly, it’s also a charity. As a result, those who attend Eton are subsidised by the taxpayer. Charities in Britain have a number of finanacial advantages reflecting their charitable work: their contribution to the well- being of society. At first sight it appears odd that Eton qualifies but successive governments have let this anomaly stand. Fees are reduced by these special privileges to the benefit of those who will, to coin a phrase, ‘inherit the earth’.

Eton College is a very successful business. It has 1,300 pupils who pay fees amounting to circa £38.69 million p.a. ( 20% of their pupils pay less than the £33,270 annual fees.) VAT (UK transaction tax) exemption is worth circa £7.74 million to Eton. Additionally, Eton has property valued at £62 million and an investment portfolio of £213 million, both of which produce an income*. Each one of the the 1,010 pupils paying full fees are subsidised by £6,554 from VAT exemption. Full fees would be £39,924 if VAT exemption didn’t apply. An interesting comparison is with Harvard University (USA), which charges $67,844 (£39, 908) for its students. This is virtually identical to Eton- £33,270 + £6,654 (VAT exemption) = £39,924. The key difference is that Harvard is a private university. Harvard is also a world- renowned research university and Eton came 37th in the GCSE** league tables (2013) beneath many state schools.

To read more:…/a-very-unusual-charity-eton…/amp/


"Private schools are set to get tax rebates totalling £522m over the next five years as a result of their controversial status as charities, according to a study of local council records.

Charitable organisations in England and Wales are entitled to relief of 80% on the business rates payable on the buildings they use, and some of the country’s best-known private schools qualify under the rules.

To read more:…/private-schools-tax-charitable-s…

The article drew this wonderful tweet:


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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Independent
Brexit: Chief EU negotiator says 'no way' to a bespoke trade deal for the UK
Michel Barnier has said the UK cannot expect all the best bits of existing EU trading models
The European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator has said “no way” to Theresa May securing a bespoke trade deal with Brussels.

Michel Barnier said the EU is not prepared to come up with a makeshift trade deal for the UK that knits together all the best bits of existing models.

In an interview with Prospect magazine, conducted before EU leaders agreed to move on to the second stage of Brexit talks covering trade and transition, Mr Barnier warned the “most difficult” part of negotiations was now starting.

With that in mind you have to wonder what the EU is going to tell our idiots it is going to give them!
