Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
.....and when they do, the fight tends to consist of telling those who voted to leave the EU that they lack the awareness to know what they voted for. This type of approach will never win anyone over.
I think you need to explain that!
Who cares what the leave Voters think now? perhaps no one, and that includes the two different Governments too, and the EU.

In fact no one really cares about them, except the people who voted for remain!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Hard border, no agriculture north south, no financial services, no energy market, no money from London to keep NI services going, no european flights from Ryan air , no enterprise express to dublin, 27 versus 1
RoI badly hurt, rest of Europe slightly hurt, UK severely hurt, NI extremely hurt.
That may not be exactly the way things pan out but I'm certain it's a reasonable approximation of the effects of serious border controls on the island of Ireland.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
Tommie, I hope you are not that simple!
Hard border, no agriculture north south, no financial services, no energy market, no money from London to keep NI services going, no european flights from Ryan air , no enterprise express to dublin, 27 versus 1
RoI badly hurt, rest of Europe slightly hurt, UK severely hurt, NI extremely hurt.
Trade with the rest of GB much more important.
with the exception of agriculture there's nothing in that list that will impinge greatly up here,
Block Grant year on year will still continue plus new markets now to trade with.

Seriously though your ministers are being used again, if they hadn`t allowed themselves to become mouthpieces for the bureaucrats at Brussels and subsequently inflame unionists here the whole issue could have been hammered out in no time at all, don`t you remember Leo and Arlene agreeing to a `sensible` Border?

PS. curious we haven`t heard from your TD, he`s been unusually quiet, maybe he sees `business opportunities` for his mates on the border if this doesn`t go through.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Trade with the rest of GB much more important.
with the exception of agriculture there's nothing in that list that will impinge greatly up here,
Block Grant year on year will still continue plus new markets now to trade with.

Seriously though your ministers are being used again, if they hadn`t allowed themselves to become mouthpieces for the bureaucrats at Brussels and subsequently inflame unionists here the whole issue could have been hammered out in no time at all, don`t you remember Leo and Arlene agreeing to a `sensible` Border?

PS. curious we haven`t heard from your TD, he`s been unusually quiet, maybe he sees `business opportunities` for his mates on the border if this doesn`t go through.
Tommie, I think you maybe seriously misunderstooding the relationship between the RoI and the rest of the EU. The Irish government is not a stalking horse for the EU . Rather the irish government went on a offensive when Brexit referendum was passed and impressed on its 26 colleagues the importance of a non hard border . As recently as today max weber, chair of the largest grouping in the eu parliament, made the point .. the solidarity of the EU remains with the 440million remaining and as ireland is remaining with them...they have our back.
The three points for satisfactory conclusion of the phase 1 have the Irish border listed as the second priority, below that of a satisfactory arrangement for EU citizens including the current UK nationals (eg the likes of you). Money was listed only as the third.

The sensible border discussion was from when there actually was an NI executive, now that Ms Foster is not responsible for anything, the comments are more extreme. Are Messrs. Wilson and Paisley deliberately scuppering things? And are they doing it under orders?

In respect of a certain TD, for whom I have never voted, . Thank God for proportional representation, and your reference to the potential opportunities for business... Yes I do fear that, and I fear to what end the profits will accrue. Ex Chief constable Hugh Orde referred to that recently in a letter..
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Esteemed Pedelecer
The government intent on ruining the lives of ordinary people by their pursuit of a shangri-la paradise only the wealthiest will benefit from is the same government responsible for these despicable matters:


Other issues British taxpayers should be concerned about include this:


In Ireland, the leader of the party representing the Orange Order and the various protestant terrorist groups unionist voters had this to say about the recent thrilling news from the royal media office:


This infographic depicts the reality of BBC news delivery:


Soon, some pigeons will be coming home to roost!

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Oct 13, 2017
Soon, some pigeons will be coming home to roost!

Hopefully they will. To use a term I hate, the current "mood music" within government, is that the UK will wake a blustering/blistering return to prosperity via "high tech" and finance ? Anyone heard the latest report on Government borrowing ? The "special" relationship is in tatters (if there ever was such a thing post Thatcher/Reagan) . The great "Orange Hope" will destroy all by tweet ,and as long as its safe for container ships to travel from China, that's where most of "our" goods will come from. Driverless cars and robots are our saviour, not having consumables such as clothing, manufactured "at home" . Why not have a solid efficient manufacturing base for consumables that we need, like clothes, the list is endless. The Daily Spode printed a picture of the inhabitants of St Kilda, saying that this is what Scotland would be like if there was a winning Yes vote at the referendum, maybe they got it right, but just forgot to add England, Ireland and Wales.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I do and I also care about what remain voters think too.
You could have quoted my entire post!
Who cares what the leave Voters think now? perhaps no one, and that includes the two different Governments too, and the EU.

In fact no one really cares about them, except the people who voted for remain!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2017
Hopefully they will. To use a term I hate, the current "mood music" within government, is that the UK will wake a blustering/blistering return to prosperity via "high tech" and finance ? Anyone heard the latest report on Government borrowing ? The "special" relationship is in tatters (if there ever was such a thing post Thatcher/Reagan) . The great "Orange Hope" will destroy all by tweet ,and as long as its safe for container ships to travel from China, that's where most of "our" goods will come from. Driverless cars and robots are our saviour, not having consumables such as clothing, manufactured "at home" . Why not have a solid efficient manufacturing base for consumables that we need, like clothes, the list is endless. The Daily Spode printed a picture of the inhabitants of St Kilda, saying that this is what Scotland would be like if there was a winning Yes vote at the referendum, maybe they got it right, but just forgot to add England, Ireland and Wales.
On an entirely different subject, I note everyone is online (shan, og), what possible reason do you have for being up at the crack of dawn on a December morning? At least I have the excuse of work.
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Oct 13, 2017
On an entirely different subject, I note everyone is online (shan, og), what possible reason do you have for being up at the crack of dawn on a December morning? At least I have the excuse of work.
5am rise for me each morning. Stove to stoke, generator to fire up, then off for a walk through the hills to collect the post. Sometimes I think living in a town with public transport might be good, but with the ice cold air firing up your nostrils, and the sun rising above the snow capped mountains, maybe not.:)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
On an entirely different subject, I note everyone is online (shan, og), what possible reason do you have for being up at the crack of dawn on a December morning? At least I have the excuse of work.
As a night worker I have often asked myself the same question when browsing the forum at 3 or 4 a.m.:)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
From this morning’s BBC News I see that Wankgate continues to haunt one of this countries most senior figures, Damian Green. It is now alleged that the sessions of masturbation took place whilst the computer was logged into Green’s account and the wanks are punctuated by Green’s replies to emails and the opening of official parliamentary documents sent to Green’s computer account.

The evidence may seem compelling but Green is no tosser. He has the Tory Party’s most respectable member backing him, that man of impeccable character Andrew Mitchell. Mitchell has raced to Green’s aid with a watertight defence which amounts to accusing the copper of lying. Sounds like a vaguely familiar MO to me. Green has also mounted a strong defence of his own which amounts to, “some big boys did it and ran away, it wasn’t me sir, honest”. It is also rumoured that Green has a certificate from Specsavers stating that he has good eyesight. Parliament are also blanking the copper who actually examined Green’s computer and refusing to take evidence from him. If he can now produce an expenses account for the period in question which indicates no significant rise in Kleenex purchases, I reckon he’s safe and free to get on with the important job of running the country.

What must the rest of the world who are watching this be thinking?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2017
5am rise for me each morning. Stove to stoke, generator to fire up, then off for a walk through the hills to collect the post. Sometimes I think living in a town with public transport might be good, but with the ice cold air firing up your nostrils, and the sun rising above the snow capped mountains, maybe not.:)
As a night worker I have often asked myself the same question when browsing the forum at 3 or 4 a.m.:)
that sounds very healthy (my numbed straggle to the café at 630 is about deliberately trying to wake up, so public transport wont be a substitute, but living somewhere tropical wouldn't be bad..)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2017
From this morning’s BBC News I see that Wankgate continues to haunt one of this countries most senior figures, Damian Green. It is now alleged that the sessions of masturbation took place whilst the computer was logged into Green’s account and the wanks are punctuated by Green’s replies to emails and the opening of official parliamentary documents sent to Green’s computer account.

The evidence may seem compelling but Green is no tosser. He has the Tory Party’s most respectable member backing him, that man of impeccable character Andrew Mitchell. Mitchell has raced to Green’s aid with a watertight defence which amounts to accusing the copper of lying. Sounds like a vaguely familiar MO to me. Green has also mounted a strong defence of his own which amounts to, “some big boys did it and ran away, it wasn’t me sir, honest”. It is also rumoured that Green has a certificate from Specsavers stating that he has good eyesight. Parliament are also blanking the copper who actually examined Green’s computer and refusing to take evidence from him. If he can now produce an expenses account for the period in question which indicates no significant rise in Kleenex purchases, I reckon he’s safe and free to get on with the important job of running the country.

What must the rest of the world who are watching this be thinking?
as they said on the today programme this am, it's about lying, not wanking - the thing that grinds my gears is the double standards, benign legal porn it may have been, but most outside the wesminster bubble would have lost their jobs for it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
as they said on the today programme this am, it's about lying, not wanking - the thing that grinds my gears is the double standards, benign legal porn it may have been, but most outside the wesminster bubble would have lost their jobs for it.
You are absolutely correct. Based on even less evidence, a regular employee of any company would have received a lecture stuffed full of synthetic moral outrage from someone of Green’s ilk, followed very quickly by dismissal. The hypocrisy is sickening.


Oct 13, 2017
You are absolutely correct. Based on even less evidence, a regular employee of any company would have received a lecture stuffed full of synthetic moral outrage from someone of Green’s ilk, followed very quickly by dismissal. The hypocrisy is sickening.
What I cannot understand in cases as such, these people are supposedly highly intelligent, why do they not realise that in today's climate, they will get caught. Or are they so arrogant, that they think they are above the law. Lord Dracula seems to have had a convenient memory lapse as to who was driving a speeding car. Wonder if he'll get a spell in chokey like Vicky Pryce. These b@$tards have always been corrupt, regardless of party, and probably more so in days gone by, only now its difficult to hide, unless you are as smart as the Russians who realised, pen, paper and good old fashioned typewriters still have their value.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
What I cannot understand in cases as such, these people are supposedly highly intelligent, why do they not realise that in today's climate, they will get caught. Or are they so arrogant, that they think they are above the law. Lord Dracula seems to have had a convenient memory lapse as to who was driving a speeding car. Wonder if he'll get a spell in chokey like Vicky Pryce. These b@$tards have always been corrupt, regardless of party, and probably more so in days gone by, only now its difficult to hide, unless you are as smart as the Russians who realised, pen, paper and good old fashioned typewriters still have their value.
They aren’t stupid. They project an ugly conceited confidence that they are above the law and punishment. Probably with good reason because this turd is going to get away with it and the police will be vilified for finding his wankbank.


Oct 13, 2017
They aren’t stupid. They project an ugly conceited confidence that they are above the law and punishment. Probably with good reason because this turd is going to get away with it and the police will be vilified for finding his wankbank.
This is going completely off topic, but in the light of what came out post Savile, Thorpe and Fatty Smith, regarding who knew what and when, and the known cover ups (not the conspiracies) someone within all the parties would / should have been wielding a big stick and broom. As commented already, anyone in a normal job, even viewing Amazon or eBay would get warned. The speed at which "pests" are being removed from the media and entertainment industries should follow on through government. But then who would be left ?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
This is going completely off topic, but in the light of what came out post Savile, Thorpe and Fatty Smith, regarding who knew what and when, and the known cover ups (not the conspiracies) someone within all the parties would / should have been wielding a big stick and broom. As commented already, anyone in a normal job, even viewing Amazon or eBay would get warned. The speed at which "pests" are being removed from the media and entertainment industries should follow on through government. But then who would be left ?
They just delay and cover their tracks. What's happening with the enquiry into child abuse by establishment figurers? The one that has been chaired by numerous "tame" puppets? Kicked down the road until everyone except the victims have forgotten about it.
