"The left use bigger words that someone else taught them to say"To be fair... moronic and crass stupid it might be, but, not that far different from the opposite end of the spectrum who are equally able and willing to throw stones and the like when things don't go their way. Such people aren't really anything other than anti- just about anything and everything. The left use bigger words that someone taught them to say - this lot don't appear to have had the advantage of a 'free' education.
Actually you are demonstrating with that statement a pretty bad case of Bias.
Quite frankly there is little to choose with extremists of whatever stripe.
The "Right" as you refer to the present Government can not be said to be have any of the virtues needed to run this country.
They have instigated this breakdown of the illusion we refer to as parliamentary democracy caused by internal dissent within the party and set in train nothing short of an uprising of the disenchanted that they thought they had under the thumb, allowing their own lunatic fringe element to "strut the stage" pretending that their propaganda has achieved a massive expression of "The will of the people" which is after all only a 4% difference, and the chief idiot behind Brexit in his own words said "A 52% to 48% win for remain would be "Work in Progress" only a a 2 to 1 vote for remain would kill it.
And it was only an advisory Referendum too!
All that and despite being an apparently uneducated Leftie, I hardly used any words someone had taught me to say, ironically only those from the Arch Fool Nigel Farage.
The truth is Trouble is inevitable now. the Genie is out of the bottle where the rabble with extreme views imagine themselves somehow "Guardians of the Right"
Too many Broken Promises, too many lies, and it gets worse every day with fools like Davis posturing for the Press, and an invisible Prime Minister.
And still no evidence whatsoever that Brexit is any more than a Lead Airship.