Yes, very much so.So in a worst case scenario someone could end up spending up to 2 years in jail and getting a criminal record (using a motorised vehicle while serving a driving ban ) . Which is why this question is important ?
yes I accept not likely but certainly possible
One can argue that the chances of getting caught whilst riding or driving an uninsured, unregistered, motor vehicle, that's displaying no current VED disc and being ridden by a possibly unlicensed rider who may not be wearing an approved crash helmet is low. I would tend to agree, it probably is very low if the motor vehicle in question looks and performs very much like an approved ebike.
The issue here is that, should such a vehicle be involved in an accident, and should someone incur damage, injury, or even death, as a result of that accident, then there is no material difference in law between an unapproved ebike and any other illegal motor vehicle. Quite reasonably, the victims of any such accident would expect that the law should be brought to bear heavily on the offender.