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  1. Lancslass

    Off topic battery

    I have a Nexus 7 as well and I'd hate to be without it, use it probably 2-3 hours a day, every day. I'm on my second Nexus now (Hubby still uses my first one) so I've used one daily for about 4 years. You can still get new Nexus 7 or refurbished with 12 months warranty on EBay UK for around £90...
  2. Lancslass

    Leaving the EU

    And who, pray, would replace them?
  3. Lancslass

    Recommended Seller for 36V Freego vertical type battery pack

    I agree with you about the forum - it has helped me loads.:) Let us know how you get on with the battery and good luck with it.
  4. Lancslass

    Recommended Seller for 36V Freego vertical type battery pack

    Good that you are sorted and thanks for getting back to the forum - it helps us all. I use Google Drive and have pasted your information under my 'Electric Bikes' folder for when I need a new battery, so thanks again.
  5. Lancslass


    That'll be 25 years down the line for me then!:rolleyes: In fact I won't ever have to lube my bike cos I probably won't be around anymore:( We have one of those little oiling machines as well, don't know why I bothered!:oops:
  6. Lancslass

    One for the geriatrics...

    I passed a lycra clad guy on a mountain bike a few weeks back. I was on my sit up and beg Juicy bike and I felt so bad for him that as I said "hello" I almost added "sorry, electric bike"! Just a few miles up the road another lycra clad guy with gynormous thighs passed me before I even knew he...
  7. Lancslass


    Apologies, I'm thinking of another Alan - with a Big Bear.:oops::rolleyes: Silly me!
  8. Lancslass


    I got my bike about the same time as Alan but I don't doubt I have done nothing like the mileage that he has done! I found this an interesting point in the Sheldon Brown article: "New chains come pre-lubricated with a grease-type lubricant which has been installed at the factory. This is an...
  9. Lancslass


    You could test ride a Juicy Bike whilst your there Kevin (I have no connection to them either, 'cept I have got one and it's rather nice!:D)
  10. Lancslass

    Charging in situ ?

    Individual circumstances Eddie.:) We are fair weather riders and water rarely gets near our bikes (unlike you who rides most of the time through mud!). Our bikes are in a locked garage in a decent location and exit is barred by a locked car as well. I guess you have to weigh these things up and...
  11. Lancslass

    Charging in situ ?

    We charge our bikes in situ. Clever Hubby has made a 'charging trolley' which sits beside the bikes. Much easier than removing the two batteries.
  12. Lancslass


    Hi Kevin, welcome to the forum. E-Bikes Direct seem to have knocked a few quid off the Whisper (I have no connection with them). I noticed as I was doing a Google search to see what your bike looked like.
  13. Lancslass

    Has anyone tried phoning their car rescue service for an electric bike breakdown?

    If I use it just for the breakdown cover, by stating the bike value at the cheapest (£200), it comes to £22 for the year. Good for peace of mind. Hubby has a lighter bike than mine and would be able to ride home without electrics, but mine would be too heavy for me. I think it may be worth...
  14. Lancslass


    A surprise? Hope she doesn't get to read this forum before you get chance to do the deed!
  15. Lancslass

    Has anyone tried phoning their car rescue service for an electric bike breakdown?

    Their breakdown covers irreparable damage to the bike so I don't think they'd recover you for a flat battery or some sort of electrical problem say. looks like they are covering accident damage rather than break downs (might have read it wrong but that's how I interpret it.) Just for...
  16. Lancslass

    Has anyone tried phoning their car rescue service for an electric bike breakdown?

    Blimey, they closed that loophole quickly didn't they? I'll have to take a look at Brittania Rescue's T&Cs. They tend to be a bit more relaxed about things than the AA and RAC so you never know.
  17. Lancslass

    New member needing ebike advice please

    Rob, you are really close to Juicy Bikes (your side of Manchester in fact) and Bob will give you a lot of advice, moderately good coffee and test rides on his bikes. Juicy Bikes are good on after sales support and they have lots of hills near the shop where you can try out those dodgy knees of...
  18. Lancslass

    hi names dave from coventry england

    Well he did say 'thanks in advance', so maybe he thinks that covers it!:rolleyes: He seems to have a strange problem with gaps after commas. Maybe he talks without pausing for breath!:oops:
  19. Lancslass

    Has anyone tried phoning their car rescue service for an electric bike breakdown?

    Just a thought. In the event of a leccy bike break down, I wonder if the vehicle rescue services would come to your assistance? We used to ride motorbikes and Brittania Rescue had no problems with taking us home in the event of a puncture. We are covered for any vehicle that we ride/drive so...
  20. Lancslass


    Hubby's mum was Austrian and we used to get chocolates sent from Vienna. Every one of them was full of some kinds of truffle stuff, horrible soft gooey and sweet. They never managed to put nuts or fruit inside them. Nowadays, sad to say, most chocolate, wherever it's origin is full of truffle...