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  1. Lancslass

    Throttles - eScooters v eBikes

    Whilst i might agree with you about throttles (i have one on mine and it is useful for setting off on hills and at lights), i don't think that using E scooters as a reason to bring them back is at all a good idea. They have had very bad press and some known fatalities so i doubt that throttles...
  2. Lancslass

    Commuting e-bike, most power assist

    Mine has a throttle and I'm pretty sure the new ones at Juicy do as well. Useful for starting off at lights or on a hill i find but you would find you use a lot of battery when you apply it. However for a short ride to work, especially if you can recharge there, you will certainly find it useful...
  3. Lancslass

    Commuting e-bike, most power assist

    Just to go back to my Juicy bike Sharon, it has a central battery which i like. The weight is in the centre of the bike that way and i carry stuff on the rear pannier with no problems. They are located in Derbyshire and i believe they use agents nationally. I am only 55kg so a lightweight like...
  4. Lancslass

    Commuting e-bike, most power assist

    I've always been amazed at the amount of assist i get on even steep hills with my Juicy step through bike. It's got a great riding position for me with a bad back, very upright and comfortable. I am 5ft 2in and have had the bike for 5 years. It's been tremendously reliable although i am a fair...
  5. Lancslass

    a question about insurance

    If you have to pay another £20 for additional insurance, which isn't clear about what is insured, and you also have to pay a goodly amount for a new lock when you have one already that you are happy with, you should probably look around for other insurance. When you are comparing insurances you...
  6. Lancslass

    Help! Stepthrough bike for someone of small stature?

    I have a Juicy Classic which i have been pleased with for the past 5 years. The same company do a couple of step throughs for smaller people. One is a Facelia with 24in wheels and the other is a Poco. Either may be suitable for your wife.
  7. Lancslass

    Moving Off at Traffic Lights

    If anyone beeps at me and i know they are in the wrong i give them my well practised bad ass stare. It's not dissimilar to the glower that has maintained a happy marriage for 45 years! All you married guys know where i am at with this.
  8. Lancslass

    Help! Freego Hawk no power

    I had a recent similar problem to yours and we found it to be a bad connection in the on/off battery switch which is incorporated in the battery key unit. To check it, unscrew the battery cap and wiggle the wires around to see if you can get the power to come back on. You'll see a more...
  9. Lancslass

    Riese and Muller Bikes

    Sorry, wrong thread.
  10. Lancslass

    Riese and Muller Bikes

    Interesting. Is it ok to slot in a larger battery like this with the same controller?
  11. Lancslass

    Help needed with Juicy bike - Battery connection

    Just letting people know that we have been for an afternoon ride and the battery performed perfectly so it looks like we have corrected the fault. I now turn off the battery with the handlebar LCD controller instead of using the key but that is no problem at all so we will probably leave things...
  12. Lancslass

    looking for electric step through

    I don't know how petite you are but I am 5ft 3in and 57kg with a 29in inner leg length. If that describes you at all then please look at the thread "Pendleton Sommersby 2018" where I have described my current bike. There is no point in my repeating the thread but it may be of help to you since I...
  13. Lancslass

    Pendleton Sommersby 2018

    I am 5ft 3in and 57kg. Although I'm 66 now and I have a kidney transplant, I'm reasonably fit for a woman of my age. I have had a juicy Click step through for 5 years now and I personally wouldn't change it for anything else with the amount of fun it's given me. I uprated to a a 36v 12.5AH...
  14. Lancslass

    Help needed with Juicy bike - Battery connection

    Thanks for that idea VFR. Gives us something else to pursue if everything remains stable. I was heartbroken last night with the thought that my bike may be off the road for awhile. So glad that we were pointed in the right direction as to where the fault might lie by you helpful guys.
  15. Lancslass

    Help needed with Juicy bike - Battery connection

    We have connected the two wires on the switch and everything now appears to be working once more with stable power output. Hubby is possibly going to either fit an on/off switch or fully replace the switch unit so that we don't have to use the handlebar LCD control to power on and off but we...
  16. Lancslass

    Help needed with Juicy bike - Battery connection

    I have read back over other threads with the same problem and this morning we took the head off the battery and tested the connections with a multi metre. Definitely faulty intermittently as we move them around. We confirmed this by re seating the battery with the head off and the switch out and...
  17. Lancslass

    Help needed with Juicy bike - Battery connection

    Assuming that the battery switch is the ignition switch Bob, is this video going to be roughly what we see when we exchange locks?
  18. Lancslass

    Help needed with Juicy bike - Battery connection

    Hi Bob, nice to hear from you. Where is the battery switch exactly? Do you mean where the key goes into the battery? We can't solder but we know someone who can so if it doesn't cost much it's worth a try. I have sent an email asking for help from Juicy as well so hope to get something from them...
  19. Lancslass

    Help needed with Juicy bike - Battery connection

    Sorry. I'll try to get it to come back on again tomorrow and get back to you. I do know that the LCD had been showing full charged on the display whenever the battery has been charged fully. The charge display seems to gradually go down as it should do on a ride. And that the display cuts out...