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  1. Sturmey

    Jorvick trike electrical problems (inrush?)

    I =E/R = 36/28 = 1.3 amps. Your load is less than 10% of normal maximum. You need more kettles . Incidentally, I have used an electric shower element at 5.5 ohms that draws about 7 amps (36v battery) to load test.
  2. Sturmey

    Which hub motor for 20inch rear wheel?

    About 25% extra rpm is often recommended as the power start to taper off at about 65-80% of rpm and very severely (due to back emf) as the motor approaches its final speed, and also to allow for normal battery voltage reduction under load and as it discharges. This then gives you about 250 rpm...
  3. Sturmey

    Kirby e bike kit

    No. Ireland is in euro zone.
  4. Sturmey

    Kirby e bike kit

    I bought the freewheel version XF15R earlier this year for that similar price and free delivery from Germany to Ireland in about 8 days. The kit has kt LCD5 and KT 36/48 20A controller and is working great at 36v at the moment. (288rpm on 26 wheel at 36v).
  5. Sturmey

    Disappointed with a Pendleton e-bike

    You have to cut a thin keyhole type slot on the hole (that immediately under the rimtape) thats above the damage to get the washer in but it does work.You can use this same hole to drop in other washers if other spoke holes are damaged.
  6. Sturmey

    Disappointed with a Pendleton e-bike

    Hold on! There are two different ways discussed to measure the spoke. The first way discussed was with measuring a spoke fitted to the wheel. In this case, the measurement is taken to the inside of the rim and and extra 2mm has to be allowed for the thickness of the rim and also an extra 1 mm...
  7. Sturmey

    Disappointed with a Pendleton e-bike

    In my particular case (2017 pedleton), the rear spokes were 272mm but it is easy to measure as even on the broken spokes some of the curved section was still present. It was very easy in my case to replace the spokes as there was no disk and the 32 tooth freewheel allowed just enough room to...
  8. Sturmey

    Celcapz - no spot weld battery kits

    Here is one problem. Lets say one cell fail to connect. Then during discharge, the remaining cell in the same parallel group will have to carry all the current and will discharge fully where as the other groups with 2 cells will be only half discharged. At this stage, there is even a risk of...
  9. Sturmey

    Battery charging puzzle

    Under normal circumstances and with good cells in balance etc, the BMS I think has more or less nothing to do except in a fault situation . The battery charger bring up the voltage and as it approaches 42 volts (36v battery) the current starts to reduce as the battery voltage equalized with the...
  10. Sturmey

    Battery charging puzzle

    Some/many chargers continue to trickle charge even though the green light is on, so I think its best to plug out when charging is complete.
  11. Sturmey

    Diagnose Pendleton not working

    By the way, I forget to mention to check the gap between the magnetic disk and the sensor, which I think should be about 2 or 3mm. My daughters pendleton had a really nasty habit (occasionally) of the chain falling off the inside of the front chainring and sticking to the magnets until I fitted...
  12. Sturmey

    Diagnose Pendleton not working

    I tested the pendleton pedal sensor by substitution.i.e. I plugged in a spare KT mini type sensor into the controller, stuck my finger into its center and turned the magnet, and the bike sprung into life. So I was fairly sure that the original sensor was faulty. I then removed the sensor from...
  13. Sturmey

    Tsdz2 assist level problem

    I think I can simulate the situation you describe by permanently holding down one of the '+' (plus) buttons, so I reckon you have a stuck '+' button either on the display or on the handlebars. In the first instance, I would plug out the extension cable under the display that connects the...
  14. Sturmey

    Pendleton Somerby - how to fix broken cables at rear hub

    I think you need a new motor. I would be inclined to buy a full replacement 36v 700c rear conversion kit for that bike and wire it in to existing battery. (I reposted your photo so others may give an opinion)
  15. Sturmey

    Pendleton Somerby - how to fix broken cables at rear hub

    The motor coils in photo are very badly burnt. (see photos above)
  16. Sturmey

    Diagnose Pendleton not working

    On my daughters 2017 pendleton, there is a small led fitted to the pedal sensor on the inside of the chainwheel. This (If I can remember) normally comes on at startup and flashes when you pedal. (It may be covered in dirt) This failed once due to water penetration. I removed its sealant and...
  17. Sturmey

    Brake mods on an old tourer.

    Works ok (over 9000Km so far and steep decents) but bracket needed a bit of modification. Would be easier if no rear rack. If I was doing it again, I would make up my own 'L' type bracket with two pieces of straight steel to provide the offset. But I was fitting it to a freewheel hub motor with...
  18. Sturmey

    Brake mods on an old tourer.

    Can you guess the year of my Odyssey above?
  19. Sturmey

    Brake mods on an old tourer.

    Re the above bracket, I had to modify the bracket to get it to work and so the wheel could be easily removed. The simple bracket needs a strong axle to keep it in place and I am not sure if it would work with a hollow axle/skewer, but changing to a solid axle may be an option.
  20. Sturmey

    Brake mods on an old tourer.

    I cant be certain as I bought the bike second hand about 10 years ago and dont know the history. The frame has 'Hand Built in England' wrote on left chainstay as shown in photo below. Also, the brake blocks are pushed down to the extreme end of the caliper which was often the case when fitting...