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  1. R

    Helmets in Aldi

    Lidl still had some last week , I don`t think there are many Snowboarders in Barry !
  2. R

    Eco credentials

    My R/C helicopters have arrived , not so exciting as they came from Peterborough and no doubt left China months ago . The Chinese aren`t the only ones to possibly put EN numbers on when they shouldn`t . The Indians used to do that with the cast iron manhole covers years ago and put our Foundries...
  3. R

    Eco credentials

    Jeremy have you heard the sound of footsteps coming up the path to your front door ? No not the Taxman , the man from FedEx . I`m awaiting a similar knock from the Hermes man delivering my Helicopters . Sadly I don`t know how they got here from China , unlike your motor !
  4. R

    To those Holidaying in Spain

    For your Christmas reading buy Scooterlife issue No 3 which used to be called Scootermania . This issue has a comparison of all pedaling assistance systems that are on the Market , obviously the Spanish Market .Bicis electricas desde 1600 Euros especially for Lynda .
  5. R

    Eco credentials

    That`s a pretty quick exit from the plane , faster than people from a passenger jet . Lucky little motor to be spending it`s time driving around the roads of Wiltshire .
  6. R

    Eco credentials

    The Tongxin Eagle has landed . Put N857FD on the nameplate of the bike , that will fox the nosey parkers .
  7. R

    Eco credentials

    Yes it won`t be doing 500 mph again either !
  8. R

    Eco credentials

    Heard it go over but the clouds did not part soon enough to see it . A bit wild and windy standing looking up for it , back in now watching on radar . Good omen though !
  9. R

    Eco credentials

    Heading for the Gower and probably will fly right over me at Barry . Glad you are following it , shame the sky is not clear otherwise I would see the flashing strobes .
  10. R

    Eco credentials

    Jeremy just come onto my laptop Radar , a few miles off the tip of Southern Ireland . Go to and look for the plane , click and it`s FDX2 . Expand the map by clicking +or- in the top LH side of the map . You can then follow it all the way until 300 ft above the Stansted runway...
  11. R

    Eco credentials

    FedEx 2 has now entered the part of the Atlantic that is sparse on Tracking coverage . In about an hour or so when it nears the Irish Coast it will reappear . It comes up the Bristol Channel and over Barry in late afternoon usually .Until recently it was the 3 engined Douglas MD 11 , but the...
  12. R

    Eco credentials

    Jeremy if your motor is coming across today direct from Memphis to Stansted , it`s on FedEx 2 a Boeing 777 that`s about 600 miles past Newfoundland and landing at Stansted at 5.48 pm if you want to be there to welcome it ! I can even tell you that the 777 today is N857FD . You can go to `Flight...
  13. R

    Cost of winter/ice tyres killed it for me & why don't people help you when you fall?!

    Sorry to hear of your falls . I was knocked off my Honda 90 in 1973 , the car driver overtook me at the entrance to a roundabout and cut across me and brought me down . I knew straight away by the ache I had broken my collarbone and he was driving off into the distance . He thought better of it...
  14. R

    Why don't we make bikes in the UK any more.

    Is it because lots of British Companies can see bigger profits getting things made abroad cheaply and still charging the same prices for their goods ? The prime example is Dyson , always whining about no help for Engineers , he closes his production here and transfers to Malaysia , but still...
  15. R

    Woosh Sirocco 2 review - who?

    It`s not Eddieo is it ?
  16. R

    pedelecs are cheating

    I hope that these people don`t have too much clout in shaping future cycling policies . They have made some unhelpful comments concerning the experiment with Motorcycles in Bus Lanes in the past . Let them continue to keep their heads in the sand .
  17. R

    Cycle and walking 'must be norm' for short journeys

    It makes sense but do we really need NICE to tell us , shouldn`t they be concentrating on getting lifesaving drugs/medicines through testing ? I`m getting a bit fed up with all the nannying by the government and that includes financial penalties because some people drink too much . I don`t drink...
  18. R

    waterproof boots.

    Lidl had 2 designs of waterproof boots on sale last Thursday at £16.99 . Look at their site , possibly all gone by now though .
  19. R

    Reached the limit of my brompton..

    Yes Mike, I must admit that when I used one the damn thing sheared off in the snapped bolt in the hole . My last drilling job was on the manifold stud on my Classic Suzuki Roadie .I drilled slightly off centre and opened up the hole with gradually increasing drill sizes and picked out some of...
  20. R

    Weather woes

    Lynda if that 2nd attempt had failed she would have landed in the next Country ie Wales . That crosswind at Bristol caused the Dublin flight to divert over here to Cardiff today . Sometimes it works the other way around , ours divert over there . Two attempts and a divert !