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  1. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    You would need to prove that there was an intention to promote violence. I suppose that many of us might fall foul of a false story seen on line and comment on it, imagining what might occur. All I know about this is what is in the Metro article. It seems to me that there is no urging to...
  2. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    I am very much against fake news, but I am puzzled about how exactly a woman taken in by a posting online who shares it on her account (maybe twitter) and adds the comment: "If this is true, all hell is going to break loose". can be arrested. No way can that be legal. IF and I stress IF the...
  3. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    But you are the one who has been for days arguing that more migration is a good thing. Why do you think the ridiculous inflation in house prices and rents has been happening if not from adding about 11 million people to the UK population since 1995 when we did not build anything like enough...
  4. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    This is the greatest problem we have in the UK and it is one which causes huge amounts of concern and misery to many.I have often asked myself why no politician seems to notice that the problem is housing supply restriction and rapid population growth fed deliberately by political policy. The...
  5. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    That really made me laugh - especially the end bit - though I have heard that joke before - about fifty years ago. :) Still the old ones are often the best. I was brought up as a Catholic, so I was well versed in all the arguments and ideas surrounding that culture. It was when I got into...
  6. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Incompetent dogmatism more like. Your remark deliberately ignores the fact that the problem predates the period of their time in government. I first started writing about this in the early 2000s when house prices began galloping away from the easy reach of ordinary people. When I bought my first...
  7. G

    Review of £360 Argos E-Plus bike

    It is a great shame the motor cable was routed wrongly.As you pointed out, had this been handed over to a beginner in this game, which most of them will be, the machine would have failed in a few weeks because of water ingress or cable failure. When you re-routed it, I suppose you must have had...
  8. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    I'm not in the least interested in dissecting definitions. Neither am I interested in arguing about where I fit within the boundaries of your semantic games. What I am concerned about is the conditions of life, the opportunities and the environment of our people who live here now. I am...
  9. G

    Review of £360 Argos E-Plus bike

    Nice. The pedals look better than I would have thought for the price point.
  10. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    There is something you can do about being young and stupid. You can grow up. The most pathetic jibe you can make James is to dismiss someone for being old. Old just means you have lived a life and learned a lot in the process. YOU have a lot of growing up to do young fella. One day you will...
  11. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    He didn't know any. Judging by what he writes he is about twenty and has been propagandised by hard left teachers and lecturers. When we were young we thought to be brainwashed you had to be captured by the Vietcong and kept in a stinking hole with bamboo bars over the top and needed to be...
  12. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    You and me were born not long after WW2. Our father and uncles and mothers were in the forces or making armaments. Nationalism was pretty much the same thing as patriotism. Both are seen as highly suspect these days and not just by the very young. These days we are supposed to be ashamed of...
  13. G

    My bafang bbso1 build
  14. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Desperate pap - any possibility will be explored by the Chatterarti, other than the idea that a lot of people in the UK feel like they have been let down. Elves and goblins may have been putting bad ideas into people's heads while they slept,or bad fairies. Either way, it was bad idea to...
  15. G

    Battery Fires

    The motors are relatively simple and sturdy, so as long as the Chinese keep selling bits, we should be able to keep them running. Now that I dumped the full power throttle and am working harder on the pedals, mine has an easy life. If I can avoid water ingress, and maybe do some re-greasing now...
  16. G

    Argos Cheap Ebike £360

    Maybe they just over bought and have not sold them as fast as they hoped. Cash flow is important to a business like that and I suppose it is better for the accountants if they just dump surplus stock at cost. I am wondering how Saneagle is liking his bike. He was supposed to be getting it...
  17. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Nice house. Rather posher than where I grew up. It was OK but not like that. I have seen blurred out property on Street View many times. I think people have the right to ask Google to remove their property. I don't think they can show anyone's house in Germany. Not certain of that, but it is my...
  18. G

    Battery Fires

    You be careful with that Brompton branding Guerney. The Brompton CEO Will Butler Adams is a rottweiler where it comes to trademark infringement. I remember when I bought my fake Brompton (before I got the real one) from a lady on Ebay called Anita. She had a container load of these Merc...
  19. G

    Looking for a folding bike good for hills.

    And to think of it - In 1967, I was allowed to go to the garage with a pop bottle and a few pennies, fill it with volatile petrol, bring it back home and put it in my moped with an egg cup or two of oil and drive around on a noisy, smoking contraption to my heart's content. Vastly more fire...
  20. G

    Battery Fires

    The Conservatives were pretty much useless (even though I voted for them) but one thing you could usually rely on was that they avoided useless legislation of the nanny state sort. Not always, but much more so than the alternatives. We will see what comes, but I am not that optimistic. The...