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  1. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Ha ha ha - my partner who was about ten or eleven at the time, went from her school in Leeds on a special trip. They came down and, as you describe, they queued for hours and she says they were hurried on faster than they wanted to be, in an effort to get the queues through. She does say it was...
  2. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    I was living in Twickenham when that exhibition was on and i did not go to see it. I have a sense of regret about that now, but I was short of money and pretty busy as a student.
  3. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Do I support anyone who burns cars, attacks people who don't look like them, or have somewhat different customs? No. They are in every case disorderly, stupid, riff raff - even if they have had a rough deal out of life. Is there two tier policing, driven by the fear of politicians trying to...
  4. G

    Argos Cheap Ebike £360

    I can't imagine why they are throwing bikes out of the front door at these kinds of prices. The suspicious and conspiracy minded among us, might imagine Argos know something dreadful about the bikes, but I am pretty sure that a company like this, would never dare sell anything they thought was...
  5. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Councillor arrested over counter-protest remarks Labour councillor advocates slitting the throats of 'far right' demonstrators.
  6. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge The main stories are: for the year ending (YE) December 2023 there were 1.1 million NINo...
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    Prices of the electricity we use to charge
  8. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge
  9. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge
  10. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    You debunk NOTHING sonny. As I said earlier, local authoritis KNOW the census data vastly underestimates their populations because they know how many people are accessing services. GP registrations show the same thing. Even a casual inquiry would show that the CENSUS does not catch those who...
  11. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge Maybe like your remark about Lenny's use of Mussolini and Hitler you want to change the goal posts by adding 'humour' and 'jest', and disallow water from the equation. Perhaps I should restate the UK...
  12. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    @ Naughty NigelB
  13. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Well Nigel, I already knew that precision and accuracy were not your strong suits, because previously you began ranting at me about my supposed mention of genetics regarding crime. I never mentioned genetics. Only you mentioned it. Then you accused me of Islamophobia. I had never mentioned...
  14. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    WRONG - the population density of the Netherlands is 424 people per sq km. Must do better. Nigel needs to take more care and to stop fussing. He is a good boy when he tries.
  15. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    What is the REAL UK population number? The official figure derived from census data is 66.97 million. (2022) This though is challenged by various serious interlocutors. The number of National Insurance registrations, GP registrations, or school enrolment figures. These discrepancies might...
  16. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Lenny likens Johnson to Mussolini...... Let's compare the two. I asked ChatGpt to briefly summarise Mussolini's policies. Here is what it said. There is virtually nothing the two men have in common, aside from Boris continuing the (in my view) disastrous HS2 policy, but even that was severely...
  17. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Not an unmanageable number? How many houses have been built? How many houses could have been built? I am sure a bright spark like you already knows that just last year we received a net inward migration of 750,000 people. That does not include the boat people, but at least those ones were...
  18. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Ha ha ha ha - who started the ad hominems then Nigel??? :) :) :) I just couldn't make it up. When I mentioned my Italian ancestry by way of pointing out that I was not unsympathetic to migration, but to the scale of it, I got this from Lenny ->
  19. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    By moving the focus of attention from real grievances about the impact of mass migration to the 'rioting' of a few dozens of stupid thugs, the media and political class can slide out of their responsibility to deal with the real problem and hide from hard questions about why little girls were...
  20. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Reading what Antifa Nigel has to say just reminds me of why two years ago i decided never to engage in discussion with people like him. The white working class are stupid, workshy and gullible. The BREXIT vote was not the largest ever democratic message ever sent to Parliament with 17.4...