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  1. G

    Review of Argos £245 E-move folder

    I have some 99% isopropyl alcohol here, but I am a bit reluctant to use it, because it will melt certain plastics. I had a cheap Chinese pocket torch which had a push switch that wasn't working and I dripped some of the isopropyl stuff in. This freed up the switch which worked, but it melted the...
  2. G

    Review of Argos £245 E-move folder

    That isn't the original photo. I can never upload the full quality pictures and I downloaded a photo compressor that shrinks them to a much smaller size. I think this phone camera is pretty good, but the pedelecs site won't accept the full quality pictures. I am convinced that there is plenty...
  3. G

    Review of Argos £245 E-move folder

    I added to that remark you are commenting on and you may not have seen it. I think the led is powered by a super capacitor which is slowly charged from a highish value resistor. See edited remark if you want to see how I came to that conclusion.
  4. G

    Review of Argos £245 E-move folder

    Aditional info on weird little led on battery case at the back. It is related to the brake light. It was out, and I switched on the controller and looked at the lights at the back. None were lit. I momentarily pressed the brake levers and the brake light came on brightly, and the little weird...
  5. G

    Review of Argos £245 E-move folder

    The cable is clipped very firmly to the frame and then disappears inside the frame, and probably then goes to a knot of tightly tied cables on the other side of that hole behind the battery and controller. I have not yet ironed out what is going on there, but I suspect I can unravel a bit of the...
  6. G

    Review of Argos £245 E-move folder

    Thanks for the information Saneagle. Yes I was listening for the crackle when I fed the battery back into its dock. I suppose the time out of the dock had been brief so whatever capacitors in the controller might have pulled big current, were still charged up. Heard nothing that time, but point...
  7. G

    Review of Argos £245 E-move folder

    OK . I had it out on a 7 mile ride to see how she rides. It isn't the most sophisticated ebike for sure, but it does seem to do what you would expect. I rode it mostly in the middle of the three PAS settings which corresponds to the speed controller pushing me along at about 11 miles an hour...
  8. G

    Review of Argos £245 E-move folder

    I may need to think about increasing the downward curve of the motor power cable where it enters the hub. It probably ought to have a slightly less sharp bend where it goes into the hub, but the motor has been put into the frame the right way up. The assembly, or packing date on the paperwork...
  9. G

    Review of Argos £245 E-move folder

    My e-move folder was delivered efficiently this morning after a number of messages from the delivery people at Argos, informing me of when to expect them. 10/10 for communication and an efficient service. The large cardboard box in my hallway at Newcastle. Very securely packed and well...
  10. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Excerpt from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Milligan on April 6th 1816. It is about taxation, and handing free money out to others: "To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or...
  11. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    I KNOW people who are stealing from the benefits system. I could tell you their name and address. Most of my life I have been aware of individuals who claim and work on the sly. If you are properly awake, I bet most of you could also name some like that. I know even more people who are part of...
  12. G

    Mapdec trading standards visit

    Our species has existed for about 200,000 years, the vast majority of that totally left to fend for ourselves without nanny state regulations. We have spread from Sub-Saharan Africa to every corner of the world, enduring risks and hazards of every description and high degrees of lethality. We...
  13. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Tomorrow night is the best chance of the year to see many shooting stars. Also the weather might be good.
  14. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Please show where we are to build them. England has a population density of 433 people per sq Km. France has one of 118 people per sq km and Spain 98.
  15. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Never mind 'fart tax'; there are people here who think it's ok to take people's second homes. That is REALLY draconian.
  16. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Only a repressive state would think it right to either, confiscate, or badger, and tax people out of their own property, that they paid for out of taxed income and long term savings. Of course some people are fascistic in nature and inclination. Many of them don't know what the term fascist...
  17. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    I have no idea why right wing thugs targeted mosques. Was it mosques plural or mosques singular? I am not connected with these people, and I don't know anything about why they do things. I will say that people who get involved in riots are in my opinion very stupid people, and ignorant too, so...
  18. G

    Mapdec trading standards visit

    But the fraction of ebikes in circulation and ebike fires does not convey the relative risk of very ordinary activities which we accept and take entirely for granted. My real risk of being affected by a fire and harmed in any way is far more likely to be affected by other things. If you want...