Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
DWP launching 'crackdown' despite suicide of woman who was having Universal Credit claim 'reviewed'

"It goes on to claim that the legal update “would force banks to spy on the 23 million individuals in the welfare system, including those who are disabled, sick, caregivers, jobseekers and pensioners, as well as on the private banking data of people related to them including partners, parents, landlords and other associates”."


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
"Kendall has also failed to express any concern about a Prime Minister’s Implementation Unit report that ministers kept hidden for four years and which revealed significant flaws at the heart of universal credit and how DWP supported “vulnerable” claimants.

Her refusal to speak out came as disabled activists prepared to travel to Geneva to try to hold the UK government – and particularly DWP – to account over its lack of progress since being found guilty of grave and systematic violations of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2016."



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
I KNOW people who are stealing from the benefits system. I could tell you their name and address. Most of my life I have been aware of individuals who claim and work on the sly. If you are properly awake, I bet most of you could also name some like that. I know even more people who are part of the 'unable to work' group and they are going about having a pretty jolly life in my opinion.*1

If the banks are being asked to look into hidden finances - so much the better.
Free money ought to come with scrutiny. There is no FREE money. It is money handed out from taxes taken under threat from other people.

*1 If you want case histories of people I know who are 'unable to work' but are able bodied, just ask me.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
Middle-aged radicalisation: why are so many of Britain’s rioters in their 40s and 50s?

"The middle-aged were introduced to the internet as adults and their understanding of the online sphere is largely self-taught and self-regulated. As a result, they can be poor decision makers when it comes to what to consume and what to believe. This exposure may lead people to make significant decisions, such as heading out to take part in violent unrest or attacking a mosque or a hotel housing asylum seekers, based on flawed or dishonest information that they have gathered on the internet."



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Excerpt from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Milligan on April 6th 1816.

It is about taxation, and handing free money out to others:

"To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, “the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it.""



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
Far-right violence focused on areas that suffer from high levels of deprivation

More than 700 people have been arrested and dozens of police officers were injured in the riots

DWP's benefits crackdown could lead to Post Office type scandal, campaigners warn
Disability Rights UK has said extending fraud detection to bank accounts could lead to a situation comparable to the Horizon IT debacle.

Dad left suicidal after DWP decide to prosecute him over 'mistake' on form

George Henderson, 64, from Leyland in Lancashire, wrongly received benefits that cost the taxpayer less than £110

'I was wrongly told to pay back £13,000 in benefits'



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Excerpt from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Milligan on April 6th 1816.

It is about taxation, and handing free money out to others:

"To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, “the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it.""

Think about greedy corporations which steal from all of us. The rich people own these corporations. It's not as if they laboured for their dividends.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
DWP sparks protests by disability activists over benefit sanctions and 'inhumane deaths'

Protestors blocked roads outside Parliament and demonstrated in cities around the UK in warning work capability assessment changes could lead to more deaths of disabled people on benefits



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Riotous summers seem to occur in Britain with about the same frequency as sunny ones: roughly every decade. Sometimes it’s Afro-Caribbeans protesting (Brixton in 1981), sometimes Asians (Oldham in 2001). The white working classes rioted over the poll tax in 1990 and in Southport this year. The riot in Harehills, Leeds, last month was precipitated by social services removing children from a Roma couple.

Whatever sparks the unrest, what all riots have in common is that they involve mindless destruction. Rioters smash and burn their own communities and opportunists descend, trying to exploit the situation for political ends. Fake news and misinformation abound.

The term ‘far right’ has become seriously debased in recent years. If you opposed illegal migration or the Covid lockdowns or the imposition of low traffic neighbourhoods you might be called ‘far right’. But for once some of these rioters really do seem to deserve the label. At least some of them seem to be motivated by racial ideology, waving banners that say things like ‘There ain’t no black in the Union Jack’.
Even so, to call them ‘far-right riots’ is to over-estimate the level of organisation involved. It didn’t take long for Labour to say it was ‘looking at’ banning the English Defence League, though the EDL no longer really exists, and hasn’t for years. In contrast to many European countries, Britain doesn’t have a far-right political party, or even a far-right movement of any significance. What has happened over the past week is a spontaneous eruption of violence. Opportunistic rabble-rousers of all types have been galvanised by social media. As with most riots, the thuggery has spread.

Keir Starmer has not yet made any huge and obvious mistakes such as jetting off on holiday in the middle of the crisis. But in singling out the far right as the principal threat facing Britain, and in describing them as violent louts, he has played into the hands of those who claim that the white working classes are discriminated against.
When the Black Lives Matter movement started rioting in the US in 2020 – the most expensive bout of social unrest in US history, to measure by the damage caused – Starmer behaved very differently. He called in the cameras and was photographed taking the knee alongside his deputy, Angela Rayner. He wasn’t condemning rioters then.
Why has Farage found it so difficult to condemn the rioters? He has since tried to excuse himself by blaming Andrew Tate for spreading the misinformation, but it doesn’t seem enough. If any public figure has influence over the rioters, it is surely Farage. So why doesn’t he tell people that there is nothing to be gained by damaging their own communities, and that it is idiotic to claim you are standing up for law and order when you’re smashing shop windows?
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Oct 25, 2006
"To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, “the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it.""
Flawed, there is no such guarantee.

What about those:

"who, or whose fathers have not been able to exercise equal industry and skill by misfortune of birth, ill health or disability"

Do we just abandon them to suffering and possibly death?

In your world it seems to be an obsession with taking, with no regard to the fact that many of us are both willing and happy to give to those who need support, in effect sharing our good fortune with the less fortunate.
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Reactions: robert44 and Woosh


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
We’re Entering an AI Price-Fixing Dystopia

Algorithmic collusion appears to be spreading to more and more industries. And existing laws may not be equipped to stop it.

"If you rent your home, there’s a good chance your landlord uses RealPage to set your monthly payment. The company describes itself as merely helping landlords set the most profitable price. But a series of lawsuits says it’s something else: an AI-enabled price-fixing conspiracy. "

  • Informative
Reactions: flecc


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
DARPA wants to bypass the thermal middleman in nuclear power systems

"Exploring radiovoltaics: The RFI points to research in direct energy conversion based on radiation, or radiovoltaics, which includes semiconductor-based neutron, gamma, beta, and alpha voltaics. In radiovoltaics, radiation indirectly excites electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor lattice—a process that resembles but is distinct from how photons accomplish energy conversion in photovoltaics. "

  • :D
Reactions: POLLY


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2019
Please show where we are to build them. England has a population density of 433 people per sq Km. France has one of 118 people per sq km and Spain 98.

View attachment 59310
You found plenty of room round Keswick for building houses. It's odd that you appear to have forgotten

The area is a massive and valuable environmental wilderness, but these fields were just wasted. I would force the planning department to develop suitable spaces like that for low cost housing

Developing these fields would have no impact on the amenity of the area and would have made available thousands of homes.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
'Abandon universal credit roll-out or face chaos of poll tax riots', Gordon Brown warns government

Former Labour leader says new system could leave millions worse off

Wednesday 10 October 2018

"Britain could face turmoil not seen since the poll tax riots if the government pushes ahead with a national roll-out of the universal credit scheme, Gordon Brown has warned.

The former prime minister described the welfare reforms as a “cruel and vindictive” experiment that will exacerbate the “convulsions” of Brexit and risk public disorder."

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
UK riots: 'Fill a water cannon with an indelible dye'

"DUE to the police being unable to use water cannon in this country (allowed in Northern Ireland) they are denied a cheap and simple way of identifying rioters: fill the cannon with an indelible dye and spray everyone then at a later, safer time, arrest anyone covered in the dye; they would not be able (as now) to deny being at the scene. "

Fill it with pretty Rainbow paint, that will really tick em off.. or calm them down? (humour) :)