I have checked behind the rivets and there isn’t anything but can see the wires now when I shine a torch behind inside case. So will case come off then if I replace freewheel then use gear puller to get case offRe attach the freewheel leaving enough room for the legs of the puller to go under it. You can't put the puller legs on the outside of the casing, it will either bend or break. TBH, I can't see how it's gonna help removing the cover as the cable exits behind that rivetted steel plate.
Looking again at photo, I'm not sure you can strip this down any further. I think maybe the outer casing and the steel inner plate are held together by those rivets. Have a peek through the cut outs in the plate and see whats behind the rivets.
EDIT: Well I’ve attached the freewheel and now using gear puller and it does seem to be coming off well slowly as I can see it’s moved so will try a bit more tomoz but slowly
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