Why Britain has stagnated
Why Britain has stagnated
That is probably the best explanation of our nation's moribund, and poverty stricken state that I have ever read, and as it happens, the writers blame principally my great hates - the 1947, Town and Country Planning Act and the power to halt development handed to nimby idiots, and the over regulation and gold plated safety nonsense that we see everywhere stopping anything being done.
Why does a power station require a third of a million pages of guff about its safety and decades of delay?
How is it that South Korea can build nuclear power plant at a small fraction of the cost than we can, and in a fraction of the time? The Planning process. How is it that we have wind farms NOT producing power and being paid to stay that way? The Planning process, which prevents us building pylons. Motorway Car charging parks are told they can't be connected to the grid at the capacity they need for ten years. Why? The planning process. Solar farms - the same. Our housing costs are vast, mostly because we can't build more - guess why? Not forgetting that while our house building levels are catastrophically low, we also constantly import migrants at unsustainable levels - about ten million since 1995. Where do we all live? Increasingly in rabbit hutch sized properties that take up at least three times the amount of our annual income to procure that they did fifty years ago.
This essay has it all. The government needs to have it put i front of them and they should not be allowed to leave the room until they have read and accepted all of it.