Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
The site in that link can't be reached.
It must be part of the New World Order conspiracy then. It was fine when I last looked.

As well as presenting an entirely new system of physics, the site also had really useful tips on home made cures for cancer under the heading, 'The Trick Your Oncologist Hates For You To know About'. Those b as ta rd oncologists are just out to get your money and you can cure skin cancer with nettles and caustic soda. Who knew? The answer is very few. They really want to keep that from us.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

kill it bang :cool:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
I am a fan of renewable energy. If it is working - it's great. Free fuel... Who doesn't want that?

But here is the problem: This morning, 0939, 25th September, UK electricity demand is for 27.8 Gigawatts. Wind is only producing 1.36 Gigawatts. Solar is only producing 0.83 Gigawatts.

On the good days right now, wind can generate over 20 Gigawatts. It made 21 Gigawatts on 10th January, 2023. In 2023, it generated 32.3% of all the power we consumed in that year, but the variability problem is going to make it very difficult for Miliband to do as he is stupidly promising - to entirely remove carbon producing technology from UK power generation.

Enthusiasts talk about power storage to cover the flat periods, but how do we supply the nearly 18 gigawatts we are right now supplying from gas turbines. That level of power storage is way beyond any practical battery technology - especially when the flat period goes on for days at a time, which it will do when the weather is calm.

Where is power coming from right now?



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Enthusiasts talk about power storage to cover the flat periods, but how do we supply the nearly 18 gigawatts we are right now supplying from gas turbines. That level of power storage is way beyond any practical battery technology - especially when the flat period goes on for days at a time, which it will do when the weather is calm.
If all the cars were electric, you'd have on average 20 millions * 50kWH = 1,000GWH storage capacity available to put back to the grid.
If you look at the cost of griod level storage batteries, it's about $200/kwh or $200 millions per GWH.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Who's following the P Diddy diddler case? Did Diddy diddle or did 'e not? Apparently, Jay-Z has just been arrested in connection with it.

The plot thickens. You would never guess who his cell-mate is. I told you you wouldn't guess because it's too much of a coincidence. It's Sam Bankman-Fried. What's the chance of that? Compare that with the UK guys from the riots, who are on their own in jails overrun by Muslim gangs to be beaten up when they leave the safety of their cells (reportedly).

For those not familiar with the case, this is what people are saying. It seems that Diidy was running some sort of entrapment scheme to compromise influential people, similar to what Jeffry Epstein was doing. Information was starting to leak into the public domain, so his deep state handlers have moved in to seize all the evidence. Just like with Epstein, nothing will be done against those involved with the child trafficking, so, presumably, the deep state will continue to use the evidence to control them. It's possible that this case will blow wide open if Trump wins the election in 6 weeks. Maybe they're trying to seize and destroy all the evidence before that happens, like they did with Epstein.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
If all the cars were electric, you'd have on average 20 millions * 50kWH = 1,000GWH storage capacity available to put back to the grid.
If you look at the cost of griod level storage batteries, it's about $200/kwh or $200 millions per GWH.
Yeah and everyone is going to be really pleased to have the grid power cycling their VERY expensive battery, and shortening its useful life as a car battery, aren't they, just so Miliband can grin his stupid head off and claim he has abolished carbon emissions from the power grid. But the idea doesn't work anyway. High pressure systems can last for several days at a time paralysing wind generation, and under your crazy idea, flattening everyone's car battery so the country literally grinds to a halt. Great idea..... I can just imagine the government announcements - covid style with Miliband grinning, standing at that Covid lectern, and announcing, 'STAY AT HOME'. This would be happening several times each winter, and in other seasons too - like right now and yesterday.

Right now we have an installed wind farm capacity of 30 Gigawatts and the entire output is at this moment 1.1 Gigawatts..... We can't build our way out of this problem of intermittency by making wind farms. I'm not against wind - on the contrary, I think it is great in general times.

What we need is REALISM about use of gas for times like today. Miliband is a lunatic.



By the way - your numbers don't add up. That 1000 Ghwhrs of car battery capacity you conjecture, would if all the batteries were totally depleted, amount to 28 hours of winter grid use.

In practice, you could not drain them that far, so where does that leave us - even if people would allow the government to crash into their car batteries and leave them all stuck with a flat battery at home. Then - what would happen after the calm, when all those batteries were being simultaneously charged from flat? Grid demand would be absolutely massive.

People WON't TOLERATE that kind of government assault on their lives and neither should they.
I think they will just drive onto motorways and city centres and switch off and wait there until governments fall. A few half witted ar seholes setting fire to bins and throwing bits of wood is not the only kind of mass civil disobedience. This country is turning into a paradise for fools and overbearing government.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
It's possible that this case will blow wide open if Trump wins the election in 6 weeks. Maybe they're trying to seize and destroy all the evidence before that happens, like they did with Epstein.
rich people have forceful lawyers. Their lawyers go in with all the means to push back public prosecutors and buy whatever extra facilities they can get. I am pretty sure if Trump goes to jail some time in the future, he won't lose any of his creature comfort except perhaps his private jets.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Yeah and everyone is going to be really pleased to have the grid power cycling their VERY expensive battery, and shortening its useful life as a car battery, aren't they, just so Miliband can grin his stupid head off and claim he has abolished carbon emissions from the power grid. But the idea doesn't work anyway. High pressure systems can last for several days at a time paralysing wind generation, and under your crazy idea, flattening everyone's car battery so the country literally grinds to a halt. Great idea..... I can just imagine the government announcements - covid style with Miliband grinning and saying, 'STAY AT HOME'. This would be happening several times each winter.

EV's batteries are cheaper year after year. If the Chinese can make and sell a family car for $7,000 in China (medium sized family saloon, 500km range), how much do you think the car's battery costs?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
EV's batteries are cheaper year after year. If the Chinese can make and sell a family car for $7,000 in China (medium sized family saloon, 500km range), how much do you think the car's battery costs?
I edited that post. Maybe go and take another look...


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea

By the way - your numbers don't add up. That 1000 Ghwhrs of car battery capacity you conjecture, would if all the batteries were totally depleted, amount to 28 hours of winter grid use.

In practice, you could not drain them that far, so where does that leave us - even if people would allow the government to crash into their car batteries and leave them all stuck with a flat battery at home. Then - what would happen after the calm, when all those batteries were being simultaneously charged from flat? Grid demand would be absolutely massive.

People WON't TOLERATE that kind of government assault on their lives and neither should they.
I think they will just drive onto motorways and city centres and switch off and wait there until governments fall. A few half witted ar seholes setting fire to bins and throwing bits of wood is not the only kind of mass civil disobedience. This country is turning into a paradise for fools and overbearing government.
None of these things is going to happen for a decade or two. Renewables will replace gradually gas power stations like gas replaced coal in the past.
I watch what the Chinese are doing. They have already done more for renewables than any other country in the world, and not just by producing solar panels. They are going to deploy up to 7 molten salt reactors a week. China won't need to burn fossil fuels in about two decades.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
None of these things is going to happen for a decade or two. Renewables will replace gradually gas power stations like gas replaced coal in the past.
I watch what the Chinese are doing. They have already done more for renewables than any other country in the world, and not just by producing solar panels. They are going to deploy up to 7 molten salt reactors a week. China won't need to burn fossil fuels in about two decades.
Nothing there deals with what I wrote about.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Nothing there deals with what I wrote about.
You worry too much that our government is going to shut down gas power stations. Nobody is going to build new gas fired power stations. The old ones will close when their running costs becomes unprofitable and that will happen within a decade or two at most. At the moment, molten salt reactors are still too new but when the Chinese deploy them in volume, even third world countries will buy them.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
You worry too much that our government is going to shut down gas power stations. Nobody is going to build new gas fired power stations. The old ones will close when their running costs becomes unprofitable and that will happen within a decade or two at most. At the moment, molten salt reactors are still too new but when the Chinese deploy them in volume, even third world countries will buy them.
I'm pretty sure that whatever Milibrain thinks, we will be using gas powered power generation long into the future as a backup to the excellent wind farms and solar power. I would suggest that people should be offered free solar power installations on their roof if it is suitable - every little helps.


Methane gas is already low carbon - especially if used in the efficient combined cycle systems which use stream generation to deal with residual heat in the already quite efficient gas turbine systems. The efficiency in terms of heat to power is 60%. Given that even in a simple gas turbine the emissions are half that of a coal fired plant, this is why the UK has been able to show a massive fall in carbon emissions already of something around 50% of 1990 levels.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
In your dreams. Rasmusin, the most reliable poll has Trump ahead.
Rasmussen poll the same people, about 6% more republicans than Democrats. The vast majority of pollsters give Harris 4% lead over Trump who seems now more bizarre than ever before. He's claimed at his last rally that women have always loved him and he is now their protector.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Polsters said that the BREXIT vote would be won by remain.

Polsters were amazed when Boris Johnson won an 80 seat majority in 2019.

People who look at the results of pols, see which one predicts what they want to see, and then say that is the most reliable, are conning themselves. That was the reason why the BBC presenters looked so puzzled in 2016 and 2019.



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I remember professor John Curtis told bbc1 a few days before the brexit vote that brexit has edged ahead in the last week or two.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Rasmussen poll the same people, about 6% more republicans than Democrats. The vast majority of pollsters give Harris 4% lead over Trump who seems now more bizarre than ever before. He's claimed at his last rally that women have always loved him and he is now their protector.
The polls are biased in the hope that nobody will notice when they try to cheat again in the election. Real independent polls of actual people show trump 75% and Kamala 25%. This one's going to be a stormer. I've ordered a truck load of popcorn and invited all my friends round to watch it.