When I was a schoolteacher teaching IT. That was in the syllabus then - back in 2008. I taught them to use trusted sources, like the BBC. If only I could go back in time!British Schoolchildren To Be Trained In Spotting Fake News After Widespread Riots
British Schoolchildren To Be Trained In Spotting Fake News After Widespread Riots - News18
UK Education Secretary told ‘The Daily Telegraph’ on Sunday that she is launching a review of the curriculum in both primary and secondary schoolswww.news18.com
Please don't attach the ravings of a lunatic fringe to the four million people who voted for that party Peter. By the way - I wasn't one of those who voted for them, but I know that you know the people who set fire to things and make outrageous remarks about burning hotels and possibly people in them are no more typical of a significant mass of voters than the remarks of that Labour councillor who spoke about cutting the throats of people who he disagreed with are typical of the voters of the Labour Party.The freedom of expression guaranteed by the European Convention in Human Rights ? (that Reform want to leave)
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I can't remember the episode of Mr Bean where he calls for hotels full of asylum seekers to be burned to the ground but my memory might be failing me
The prospect that some farm land could be converted to building land (widely practiced in France) will force large housebuilders to build much sooner on land that they have previously banked before the land loses its value.