Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Sweden now has the highest crime rate in Northern Europe, according to a new study that notes the country’s particular problems with gang violence and other crimes relating to gang activity, such as fraud, arms trafficking and drug trafficking.

The study, compiled and released by the NGO Global Initiative (GI), claims that Sweden had a 4.7 rating out of 10 on its Organised Crime Index, and is the highest of eight Northern European countries, which includes the Scandinavian region and the Baltic states.

According to the report:

Most organized crime groups and gangs in Sweden are dominated by non-ethnic Swedes from the Balkans and the Middle East, among others. According to reports, foreign-born individuals and their offspring are significantly overrepresented in crime, while foreign groups not based in Sweden – predominantly from eastern Europe – enter the country to conduct burglaries and theft. Organized Roma groups are also increasingly prevalent. However, domestic criminal networks continue to dominate areas in Swedish cities, adding to growing insecurity about their influence in Swedish society. Loose networks mainly operate in larger cities but also maintain a strong foothold in disadvantaged rural areas and smaller cities. The escalation in shootings and explosions in the last few years indicates these groups’ propensity towards violence, which has led to a heightened risk for security services.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Sweden Gang Violence.....

Last year 62 people were shot dead. That’s out of a population of just over 10m. In the capital, Stockholm, the gun-murder rate is roughly 30 times that of London on a per capita basis. The brutality of the violence is also increasing – including the shocking case of the wife of a gang member being shot dead in the street while holding her newborn child in her arms.



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
The only people who have the money and mechanism to pay are the taxpayers. The bankers and billionaires running the deep state should pay out of their own money.
I read your post yesterday and meant to reply sooner.

There is the Riot Compensation Act but is that fair or just that we all have to pay for the damages and not the rioters?

They're ordinary working class guys that like a pint and a ruck on a Friday night. They're fed up with being trodden on, then every time they complain, guys, like you, accuse them of being far right thugs and racists. They've had enough.

Tonight, there will be several more towns and cities full of people saying that they've had enough.
When you say 'every time they complain', most of us always have something to complain about but we don't resort to throwing bricks, fights or vandalism. 'guys, like you, accuse them of being far right thugs and racists' - What do you see when someone proudly shows his swastika tatoo? There is a big difference between patriotism that we all share and nationalism that put one country first.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
I read your post yesterday and meant to reply sooner.

There is the Riot Compensation Act but is that fair or just that we all have to pay for the damages and not the rioters?

When you say 'every time they complain', most of us always have something to complain about but we don't resort to throwing bricks, fights or vandalism. 'guys, like you, accuse them of being far right thugs and racists' - What do you see when someone proudly shows his swastika tatoo? There is a big difference between patriotism that we all share and nationalism that put one country first
They didn't riot before, so rioting isn't inherently in them any more than it's in me and you. They were pushed into a situation, where they felt that they needed to riot. Those that pushed them should pay, and the guys like you, who cheered on all the factors that put them in that situation. It goes right back to the Brexit vote, when people started telling them what to do. They didn't like it, so they voted against what they were told to do, then they figured out that their vote didn't matter because they didn't get what they voted for. Now they're being told what they can and can't say, and they don't like it.

Does it really matter that somebody has a swastika tattoo that looked pretty fake or photoshopped anyway? Did the guy do anything wrong or was he just standing there watching? When I was a teenager, many guys had swastika tattoos. Nobody cared. You're complaining about a picture (probably fake) on a guy's back that didn't harm anyone. Why aren't you complaining about the 3 kids getting killed, the rest that got stabbed and the grief caused to all their family and friends. What caused that? Why are you focusing on the people that are complaining about it? You've completely lost the plot as far as I'm concerned.

If you want to solve a problem, you have to find and fix the causes, not cover up the symptoms and hope it goes away.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
They didn't riot before, so rioting isn't inherently in them any more than it's in me and you. They were pushed into a situation, where they felt that they needed to riot. Those that pushed them should pay, and the guys like you, who cheered on all the factors that put them in that situation. It goes right back to the Brexit vote, when people started telling them what to do. They didn't like it, so they voted against what they were told to do, then they figured out that their vote didn't matter because they didn't get what they voted for. Now they're being told what they can and can't say, and they don't like it.

Does it really matter that somebody has a swastika tattoo that looked pretty fake or photoshopped anyway? Did the guy do anything wrong or was he just standing there watching? When I was a teenager, many guys had swastika tattoos. Nobody cared. You're complaining about a picture (probably fake) on a guy's back that didn't harm anyone. Why aren't you complaining about the 3 kids getting killed, the rest that got stabbed and the grief caused to all their family and friends. What caused that? Why are you focusing on the people that are complaining about it? You've completely lost the plot as far as I'm concerned.

If you want to solve a problem, you have to find and fix the causes, not cover up the symptoms and hope it goes away.
The entitled think ordinary people need to shut up and listen to their betters. The guy you are talking to complains about BREXIT at every opportunity.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
They didn't riot before, so rioting isn't inherently in them any more than it's in me and you. They were pushed into a situation, where they felt that they needed to riot. Those that pushed them should pay, and the guys like you, who cheered on all the factors that put them in that situation. It goes right back to the Brexit vote, when people started telling them what to do. They didn't like it, so they voted against what they were told to do, then they figured out that their vote didn't matter because they didn't get what they voted for. Now they're being told what they can and can't say, and they don't like it.
If I get your argument right, they were told to vote remain by both Labour and Conservative, so they rebelled and voted leave. They are against what they voted for, so they are remainers really. I don't buy this.
And now what are they being told that they don't like? That they should not destroy social cohesion?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2019
The last time there was widespread rioting was in 2012 ostensibly sparked by the police shooting of Mark Duggan. There was widespread looting & rioting over a number of days with several deaths directly caused by the rioting. Interestingly enough Keir Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions at the time & heavily involved in the response to the disorder e.g. 24 hour courts, charging looters with the more serious offence of burglary rather than theft etc etc


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
If I get your argument right, they were told to vote remain by both Labour and Conservative, so they rebelled and voted leave. They are against what they voted for, so they are remainers really. I don't buy this.
And now what are they being told that they don't like? That they should not destroy social cohesion?
No that's not what I said. They were told to vote remain by all the MSM and their lackeys, so they voted leave. Nothing happened for three years after that, and when it came, they only got half a brexit. They became leavers and have remained so, partly because they're unhappy that they didn't get what they voted for.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
This is why right wing thugs are rioting. The violence is being whipped up by bad actors cynically spreading disinformation on social media.

I spent quite a lot of time watching all three sides. They all seem to be doing the same thing - shouting, posturing and some violence. How do you know which ones are far right? Is it the Muslim's or the police?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024

Knowing this woman is in charge will chill the blood of the thugs who have caused disorder.

What they fear most is some woke hectoring from a middle aged has been like her.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Just to be completely clear -

I Have NEVER supported or been an apologist for thuggery and violence. I reject it.

What I have done is point out that while the political class is howling about the danger of a loss of social cohesion they have from all parties allowed large numbers of people from other societies to arrive here, largely uncontrolled, for decades. Millions of people have been imported without asking the populations affected by their arrival about the problems they experience in housing, wages, work availability. It is the POLITICIANS of all parties and the political and media class who have destroyed social cohesion in working class areas.

There is no motive towards social cohesion when you can't afford accommodation, can't get a job with decent pay and conditions, can't get your kids into the local primary school, and can't get to see a doctor because hundreds of people have arrived in your community.

There is no social cohesion where you have huge ghettos in our northern towns filled with people who do not share the same values as the native population.

Many of the people who live in these ghettos systematically reject normal British values like equality between the sexes, and freedom of expression. The right for homosexual people to live in peace. Teachers have been put in fear of their lives after certain topics were covered in classrooms.

I have pointed out that one of the hitherto most progressive, peaceful and open societies in Europe, took in very large numbers of migrants from the Middle East and has in a very few years, been transformed into a dangerous society with its capital, Stockholm, now seeing twenty times the gun violence rate of London. Sweden has seen a very large increase in organised crime, run and carried out by people from the ethnicities it has absorbed. This crime is not Swedish crime. It is Kurdish, Albanian and Balkans crime.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2019
It's easy. The far right started it. They have always been around. Their numbers are small with he numbers of anti-fascists are vastly larger.. They were seen off in the Seventies by the likes of the Anti-Nazi League, Rock against Racism etc We can see them off again.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
This week Anjem Choudray was sentenced to twenty eight years, after being found guilty of directing the banned group al-Muhajiroun following an international investigation involving Scotland Yard, MI5, the New York Police Department (NYPD) and Canadian police.


The leader of banned group Al-Muhajiroon is linked to numbers of Islamist terror outrages from the murder of Lee Rigby, to recruiting ISIS fighters to go to Syria and Iraq. As a lawyer, he spent years just on the very edge of breaking the law by his activities, but fell foul of the law in not realising that the security services had infiltrated an online group he ran which advocated terrorism.

As Dr Rakib Ehsan an expert in community relations from Luton said in an article in the Spectator:

As a Lutonian who remains proud of his British, Bangladeshi, and Muslim identity, I’m pleased that Choudary is now in prison for a long time. He will go down as one of the great enemies of national security and social cohesion in modern Britain. But parts of the media have questions to answer over why they handed Choudary – who appeared on programmes such as BBC Newsnight – a platform. Sometimes sunlight is the best disinfectant, of course. But the extent to which he featured on terrestrial TV risked providing him with the respectability of being a Muslim community leader at a time when social tensions were at fever pitch.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
There is a big difference between patriotism that we all share and nationalism that put one country first.
Isn't that exactly what patriotism does do?

This is maybe why you are writing from abroad, with no real idea of how it is for many of the less well off in the UK.

I am comfortably off after a lifetime of well paid work, but my activities before and after retirement, led me into close contact with many decent folk who were very far from comfortably off. Those people have become progressively very much poorer from having to compete with large numbers of newcomers, for work, accommodation and services.

Their opportunities have been systematically closed down and they have become more and more hopeless. This has happened under Labour, the coalition government and the Conservative one.

One aspect of mass migration like we have had which is almost never addressed by media is the impact of large numbers of new residents on the cost of housing and the kind of pay and conditions that are subsequently imposed on low skilled workers and even on trades people.

The effect is at once to put up the costs of housing and to depress wage rates and conditions. It doesn't matter whether these new people are black white or pink. The effect follows always.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
It's easy. The far right started it. They have always been around. Their numbers are small with he numbers of anti-fascists are vastly larger.. They were seen off in the Seventies by the likes of the Anti-Nazi League, Rock against Racism etc We can see them off again.
I think you are correct in saying that the far right has small numbers. This is probably why the Guardian, the BBC and many on the far left are so keen to exaggerate its influence and danger by branding anyone from centre right outwards as 'Far Right'.

According to the people I mentioned, half of Europe is now seeing 'Far Right' government or 'Far Right' parties almost in government.

Maybe there is a need for some re-calibration here.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
half of Europe is now seeing 'Far Right' government or 'Far Right' parties almost in government.
it's the rise of christian nationalists, like those who follow Trump until the end of the earth. They are here in Europe all over.
The distance between 'far right' and CN is fairly small.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 19, 2023
This is why right wing thugs are rioting. The violence is being whipped up by bad actors cynically spreading disinformation on social media.

I think the Guardian reporting has been pretty poor, but that is a thoughtful article

Social media algorithms pump the most provocative content into people's timelines, irrespective of truth or accuracy, often from people that had, until recently been banned. This then gets seized on by cynical actors and people end up with a completely warped view of things


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015